Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Hebron Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 12:49 pm Hebron. The above named church was organized on July 2, 1842. The first building was erected this same year some two and a half miles southeast of the present site on the land now belonging to the J. G. Loveless estate, near the Davenport place. It remained there until 1844, when John Wood gave the church three acres of land where the church now stands. Services were held in this building until 1881, when the new building was constructed, the same being used at the present time, and which is valued at $1,000. At the organization of the church, John Hendrix and William Wright constituted the presbytery. The charter members were: John Wood, A. J. Wood, L. A. Wood Sr., H. M. Wood, Wm. Richardson, Sanford Goodwin, Mrs. Sanford Goodwin, Elizabeth Wood, Suanna Wood, Elizabeth H. Wood, Emily H. Moore, Nancy Reed, Mary B. Sammon, Polly A. Green and Marcouri Richardson, a colored slave. During the 69 years of the church's history, it has had eighteen pastors. The present pastor, Rev. H. N. Rainey, has served 30 years, or nearly one-half of the time. The names of pastors and term of service follow: William Wright, 1842-'44; A. Hadaway, 1844-'45; S. B. Churchill, 1845-'47; Joseph I. Laudermilk, 1847-'48; D. H. Moncrief, 1848-'59; W. C. Smith, 1859-'62; J. M. Davis, 1862-'63; Cowen, 1863-'64; W. H. Strickland, 1864-'67; J. M. Davis, 1867-'68; A. K. Tribble and H. Jackson, 1868-'70; T. E. Kennerly, 1870-'72; G. T. Robinson, 1872-'74; J. L. B. Barrett, 1874-'76; H. N. Rainey, 1876-'91; A. H. Holland, 1891-'92; N. H. Rainey, 1892-1901; J. P. McConnell, 1901-'05; H. N. Rainey, 1905 to present time. The church has had eleven clerks, as follows: John Wood, 1841-'57; B. A. Blakey, 1857-'67; J. T. Hadaway, 1867-'73; R. F. Watkins, 1873-'74; W. H. Wood, 1874-'86; B. S. Ambrose, 1886-'89; A. J. Green, 1889-'92; I. G. Hood, 1892-1903; A. A. Loveless, 1903-'09; Lee Freeman, 1909-'11; A. A. Loveless, 1911. The members of the church who have served as deacons are: John Wood, Wm. Richardson, Lesley A. Wood, 1842-'57; B. A. Blakey, 1857-'67; J. T. Hadaway, Stephen Moncrief, A. J. Wood, B. A. Blakey, E. S. Hogan, B. T. Harbin, J. M. Wilson, W. H. Wood, J. G. Hood. The church has given to the ministry A. L. Moncrief, W. H. Strickland, J. T. Robinson and J. H. Barber. The church has a Sunday school with an enrollment of 65. J. M. Wilson and J. D. Self are superintendents, with Ruth Hood, Essie Jones and May Freeman as teachers. The church is a liberal contributor to all the denominational institutions. It has a membership of 94 females and 77 males, a total of 171, to-wit: W. H. Wood, Alex L. Freeman, Cecil M. Green, James M. Wilson, John S. Hood, J. Robert Hood, W. H. Freeman, S. H. Freeman, Melvin Tullis, J. A. Barber, B. V. Wilson, Jas. W. Green, J. B. Downs, G. L. Knight, Alden M. Wilson, John Hayes, Calvin Green, Arthur Hogan, C. F. Rainey, A. L. Sammon, Alva A. Loveless, John M. Loveless, Walter G. Mahaffey, Ralph Freeman, J. W. Hamilton, Samuel Rainey, Samuel Harris, G. B. Wright, T. L. Ambrose, Daniel Clayborn, Frank Green, J. H. Mahaffey, J. W. Skelton, Esben Skelton, Leonard Hinton, T. J. Sammon, Ethel Pharr, Clive King, Lee Freeman, M. T. King, Z. T. King, D. C. Simpson, Henry Hayes, John E. McMillan, Carl Stanley, Henry Stanley, Marcus Stanley, Samuel Freeman, Thomas Freeman, Bart Freeman, Chalmers Ethridge, Preston Skelton, Charlie Davenport, Bonnie Hill, A. L. Givens, J. C. Ray, Sherman Jones, Alvin Roebuck, John Simpson, Vincent P. Smith, George Donlad, Earnest McElreath, S. J. Freeman, Leander Day, H. H. Deaton, James Wilson, James Jones, Radford Ethridge, Other Pharr, Otis Pharr, Hugh Hood, James Victor Hood, James C. Pool, William Edwards, Euler Self, J. W. Pound, J. D. Self, R. J. Davis. Margaret Sims, Elizabeth H. Freeman, Susie E. Brown, Flora Stanley, Georgia A. Freeman, Nancy A. Green, Lucy W. Green, Laura H. Wright, Mary E. Williams, Carrie F. Blakey, Mary Barnett, Sallie C. Sims, Linna A. King, Mattie Loveless Hood, Mattie Wilson Hood, Amanda McMillan, Mattie A. Ray, Mattie Wood, Elizabeth Tuck, Samantha C. Barber, Annie F. Sammon, Birdie Wood Hamilton, Memphis Freeman, Alma Pierce, Essie Sammon, Clara Edmond, Pearl Freeman, Isabella J. Knight, S. W. Wood, Alice Wilson, Alice Wood, Callie Pharr Wilson, J. D. R. Mitchell, Sallie Hinton, Maud Stanley, Mattie Hamilton, Catherine Rainey, Mattie Hill, Kate Mahaffey, Alma Loveless, Josie Skelton, Estelle Shelton, Laura King, Callie D. Wilson, Ruth Hood, Annie Wilson, Mattie Hill, Snowie Stanley, Clara Pharr, Lana McMillan, Essie Jones, Oneal Mooney, Ava Smith, Bonnie Sims, Beuna Jones, C. J. Simpson, Minnie A. Griswell, Francis Tullis, Francis Hayes, May Freeman, Ruby Freeman, Annie Lee Sims, Carrie Stanley, Elzie Davenport, Luella Mooney, Annie Hill, Sarah Jones, Lovie M. Adams, Alice Roebuck, Etta Hinton, Melvina Truelove, Addie Day, Leila Pool, Mary E. Smith, Mamie Freeman, Margaret Knight, Jessie Hill, Maud Evelyn Stanley, Linnie McElreath, Eula Givins, Annie May Hinton, Hassie Day, Lola Deaton, Flora Givens, Clummie Deaton, Dora Deaton, Lizzie Green, Effie Sikes, Bessie Freeman, Ruby Wood, Snowdell Wood, Annie Deaton, Mrs. J. W. Pound, Mrs. C. J. Lane, Luna Davis. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.2 Kb