Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Antioch Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 1:37 pm Antioch. This church was organized August 11, 1888. Following is a list of those who were present at that time, and composed the Council of Recognition: W. A. Cain, W. K. Hadaway, W. T. Wallace, E. V. Pool, J. M. Pool, P. Williams, W. W. Simpson, A. H. Holland, moderator. Those who were members at the organization are as follows: Brethren-R. H. Duncan, C. B. Pool, E. A. Wood, A. J. Pool, M. L. McHugh, W. S. Hannah, J. T. Hannah, E. M. Stancil, George Manning, E. W. Hannah, Sisters-N. A. Duncan, L. A. Pool, Josephine Duncan, Celia Wood, Meliea McHugh, M. T. Hannah, Georgia Stancil, Lou Manning, Arminda Manning, Elizabeth Mauldin, S. E. Cain, L. Hannah, Anna Hannah. Soon after the organization plans were inaugurated, which terminated in the completion of the present building as it now stands. Among those who contributed largely of their means and time in building the church was Caleb B. Pool, and it was through his efforts that a church was planted at this place. Mr. Pool not only contributed largely of his means in building the church, but whatever of time and labor and service were necessary to the success and growth of the church were given freely and willingly. For 27 years he has missed only one service. The building was completed soon after the organization, except ceiling, which was finished later. Rev. W. W. Simpson was the first pastor, and perhaps it is worthy of note that the present pastor, Rev. J. R. Burel, was brought under conviction during the time he was pastor, and later united with the church during a revival that was being conducted by Rev. J. Frank Jackson, during the summer of 1896. Since its organization, this church has not .failed to keep a Sunday school going. Of course, at times during the winter season, the school would discontinue for a month or two, but at all times, with but one or two exceptions, this church has kept the Sunday school going for twenty-three years. On account of another church, of a different faith and order, being situated on the grounds near by, the Sunday school has been run on the "union plan." This plan has proven to be mutually agreeable, and beneficial to all concerned. The average enrollment from the beginning to the present has run from twenty-five to one hundred each year. C. B. Pool was superintendent for over twenty years, and to-day he still lives to see the fruits of his labors, and rejoices to know that over one hundred of his pupils have been converted to the faith in Jesus Christ, and out of this number several have gone forth as ministers and teachers of the Word. Those who are teachers and officers at present are: C. B. Pool, J. M. Pool, Hardie Roebuck and A. M. Roebuck. Owing to irregularities in the church record, it is impossible to give an accurate account of the time, and number baptized by each pastor. Altogether, since the church was organized, there have been about two-hundred united with the church. Out of this number, thirty-five were baptized into the fellowship of the church by the first pastor, W. W. Simpson, and about twenty-five by J. F. Jackson, missionary of the Mulberry Association. Following is a list of the pastors who have served the church since its organization: W. W. Simpson, James M. Davis, P. Williams, G. L. Bagwell, G. H. Thornhill, J. L. Phillips, J. M. Pirkle, J. W. Davis, E. H. Jennings, J. S. Settle, J. T. Jones, J. R. Burel. Those who are members at present are: C. B. Pool. E. M. Hannah, W. T. Wood, Henry McDaniel, D. W. Maddox, C. T. Wood, H. Mote, R. H. Burel, A. L. Mahaffy, A. J. Mahaffy, Perry Roebuck, T. V. Wood, J. M. Lawson, P. W. Stancil, Zach Hall, Alvin Tullis, William Pool, M. R. Timms, L. Harrison, Alf. Brady, O. B. Cofer, J. P. Mauldin, John Patton, E. M. Stancil, J. W. Harrison, J. W. Hannah, J. M. Pool, W. J. Roebuck, Joe Clack, Jessie Harrison, Russell Hannah, J. R. Burel, James Mahaffy, E. M. Tuggle, G. T. Wood, Thomas Williams, James McHugh, Julius Downs, Jake Cofer, Luther Thornhill, John Montgomery, Andrew Maddox, Joe Harrison, Thomas Hays, A. Harrison, G. M. Pool, Janie Roebuck, Lula Wood, Leila Mahaffy, Delphia Brown, Amanda Harrison, C. Montgomery, Doxie Maddox, T. Y. Timms, Lula Pool, Amanda Williams, Harriet Lou Burel, Victoria Maddox, Martha Deaton, Nora Kimbro, Mollie Hannah, Melie McHugh, Maggie Knight, Sally McIntyre, Martha McIntyre, Lula Burel, Della Mahaffy, Cody Gower, G. Stancil, Adar Harrison, Elizabeth Pool, Lula Greason, Esther Montgomery, Rilla Mahaffy, Bessie Harrison, Cora Pool, Bertha Daniel, Nancy Maddox, Russel Hannah, Celia Wood, Ollie Cofer, Jane Cofer, Ettie Clack, Evie Pool, T. McDaniel, May Forester, Ara Harrison, Bessie McIntyre, Maude Burel, Julia Wood, Flora Gower, Carrie Horn, B. Stancil, Amanda Pool, Nokie Burel. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.6 Kb