Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Bethany Missionary Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 1:54 pm Bethany. Bethany Missionary Baptist church was constituted April 29th, 1848. Rev. David Cook and James R. George were the presbytery and the following members constituted the church: Fielder Maddox, Ford Mason, Willard P. Mason, Henry M. Wells, Jonathan Duck, John P. Maddox, James McDaniel, William H. McDaniel, George B. Hudson, Hugh W. Mills, Sarah Maddox, Nicey Mason, Elizabeth I. (Mason) King, Mary Wells, Susan (Minor) Juhan, Elvina McDaniel, Malistie F. McDaniel, Sarah E. Hudson. After being constituted, they sat in conference by appointing Rev. David B. Cook, moderator pro tem, and I. G. Snead, clerk pro tem. After which they made choice of Rev. James R. George as pastor for the balance of the year, and elected George B. Hudson clerk of the church. Named the day for holding service first Sunday and Saturday before, which time has never been changed from then until now. Rev. James R. George served the church from April 29, 1848, to July 6, 1850, receiving 29 members during this time. On July 6th, 1850, Rev. Fielden Maddox was called as pastor and he served until November 1, 1856, receiving 43 members. At this date Rev. John Davis was elected pastor, who served until November 6, 1858, receiving 24 members. On this date the church made choice of Rev. S. B. Churchill, who served until November 3, 1809, receiving 13 members. Being the regular time to choose the pastor, Rev. John J. Davis was again chosen, who served this time until November, 1864, receiving 8 members. The church then again called Rev. S. B. Churchill, who served this time until December 2, 1865, receiving no members. Rev. Thomas E. Kenerly, being chosen pastor, accepted and served until November 2, 1872, and was again chosen, but declined to serve any longer; during his service he received 43 members. The church then met in called conference on November 7, 1872, and made choice of Rev. J. W. Webb, as pastor and he served until October 5, 1878, receiving 40 members. Rev. M. Pursell was chosen pastor October 5, 1878, and served until November 5, 1881, receiving 8 members. On October 1, 1881, Rev. A. J. Webb was made choice of as pastor by the church, who served for three years, receiving 6 members. For the year 1885, Rev. J. P. McConnell was given charge of the church. He served until October 31, 1891, when he was chosen again but declined to serve any longer, receiving 34 members. On November 22, 1891, the church met in a called conference, for the purpose of choosing a pastor, and made choice of Rev. W. L. Singleton, who served for two years, receiving none into the church. At the end of this time, which was September 30, 1893, Rev. A. H. Holland was given the pastorate of the church, and served until September 30, 1899, receiving 18 members. At this time Rev. J. W. Singleton was elected pastor, and served for six years and two months, receiving 14 members. On November 4, 1905, Rev. W. T. Grenade was elected as pastor of the church and served until February 2, 1907, when he resigned the care of the church, he receiving 19 members. On Feb. 10, 1907, the church met in a call conference and chose Rev. A. C. Shuler to fill out the remainder of the year, but he quit the care of the church in July, leaving the church without a pastor until January, 1908, when Rev. J. J. Stevenson took charge, having been elected on August 31, 1907; he had charge of the church until October, 31, 1908, receiving 2 members. At this time Rev. M. D. George was chosen pastor and served until Oct. 1, 1910, receiving 6 members. On September 3, 1910, Rev. T. R. Morgan, the present pastor, was chosen, but did not take charge until January, 1911. The church has four deacons, as follows: J. A. Hannah, H. M. Wells, T. S. Garner and L. C. Davis. There have been only five clerks, with the present clerk, since its constitution. They are as follows: G. B. Hudson served for 7 years; J. A. Minor, 3 years; H. R. Hannah, 19 years; D. R. McDaniel served for 32 years, resigning March 5, 1910, when T. C. Rutledge, the present clerk, was elected. The value of the church's property is about $400. Its present membership is as follows: H. M. Wells, J. A. Hannah, D. R. McDaniel, T. S. Garner, Earley Davis, W. A. Minor, V. R. Williams, R. S. Sexton, L. B. Sexton, T. C. Rutledge, A. T. McCart, T. C. Nix, E. A. Wells, Garfield McCart, William Davis, J. R. Gresham, L. C. Davis, Lenor Clark, Rosser George, A. S. Hannah, J. M. Brooks, John Chandler, Howard Sexton, L. J. Brannan, Susan (Hannah) McCart, Perlina Garner, Margaret A. McCart, Elizabeth E. Williams, Addiline Wells, Emaline Haney, Elizabeth Hannah, Shereney A. Cates, Irena Davis, Perry (Rutledge) Britt, Mary V. Garner, Molley Davis, Mattie C. B. Pounds, Mary E. (Hannah) Brooks, Sarah P. Williams, Vasti C. Hannah, Jane Sexton, Levie Hay, Sallie Rutledge, Cora Sexton, Harriet Hay, Virginia E. (Hannah) Cofer, A. P. Gattis, Althara O. (Nix) Watson, Junie E. (Wells) Watson, Roxey Miller, Davey Davis, Mabel Williams, Blanche (Garner) Britt, May (Wells) McCart, Luda Williams, Barnet(Garner) Knight, Mary Hannah, Myrtis (Davis) Brooks, Nora B. Clark, Ruby Williams, A. J. Brooks, Nancy Chandler, Georgia Brannan. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.9 Kb