Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Liberty Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 2:59 pm Liberty. "Georgia, Gwinnett County, February 22, 1840. "The undersigned brethren and sisters, having been unconstitutionally deposed from Camp Creek church, met at the dwelling of Brother William McDaniel, and, after divine service, unanimously agreed to constitute themselves into a church upon the covenant of faith of the Rock Mountain Baptist Association. "Luke Robinson and Daniel Cook, presbyters. William McDaniel, Miles Barnett, William Barnett, Thomas Mathews, James McDaniel, Sarah McDaniel, Nancy Brown, Mary Johnston, Susan Barnett. "The brethren then proceeded to give one another the right hand of fellowship as a token of unity. The name `Liberty' was suggested as a name for the church by William McDaniel." The above is a transcript from the minutes of the church, an interesting account of its organization, and of the character of its first members. Luke Robinson was the first pastor of Liberty, and the first building was erected in 1841, on the land donated by William McDaniel, now the cemetery site. The present building was constructed in 1871, and is worth $750. The following pastors have served this church: Daniel-Cook, 1840-'46; David G. Daniel, 1847-'48; Henry Collins, .1849-'53; S. B. Churchill, 1854-'56; R. B. Brooks, 1857; Henry Collins, 1858-'59; S. B. Churchill, 1860; Thomas Mathews, 1861-'65; W. H. Strickland, 1866-'67; J. M. Davis, 1868; T. E. Kennerly, 1869-'70; Thomas Matthews, 1871-'72; H. B. Johnson, 1873-'74; W. G. Akin, 1875-'76; M. Pursel, 1877-'81; Luke Robinson, 1882-'86; R. T. Ayer, 1887; E. L. Wood, 1888; J. E. Kennerly, 1889-'93; J. P. McConnell, 1894-'98; T. R. Floyd, 1899-'00; B. *B. Sargent, 1901; J. W. Singleton, 1902-'03; A. J. Goss, 1904; W. F. Burdett; 1905; A. J. Goss, 1906; R. J. Huff, 1907; J. S. Settle, 1908-'10; J. P. McConnell is the present pastor. The church has been served by the following clerks: William Barnett, D. R. Phillips, Marion Mason, W. J. Brooks, J. J. McDaniel, A. A. Johnson, E. C. Pittard, John R. Cain. The record shows the following members of the church as licensed preachers: Thomas Wynn, P. B. Collins, W. G. Akins, J. L. Mills, Jonas Cain, J. W. Turner, Linsey Smith. The ordained deacons, from its organization, appear to be Wm. Brockman, Thomas Mathews, Miles Barnett, John Cain, J. J. McDaniel, D. R. Phillips, D. R. Mc-Daniel, Robt. Waters, Jonas Cain, Eli J. McDaniel, James Garner, J. W. Street, John Cain, E. C. McDaniel, Marcus Minor. During the history of the church, fifty-one males and ninety-seven females have been baptized into the church, and one-hundred and one received by letter. The following are members at the present time. forty-seven males and eighty-seven females: Mary Hazlerigs, Parthena Burns, Nancy Langford, Nancy A. Miner, Malissa A. Mason, Jane P. Nash, Angelena Seay, Nancy E. Johnson, Milda England, Adlica Green, Elizabeth Whitlock, Ellen Carroll, M. L. Pickens, Tish Pittard, M. E. Cain, Elizabeth Rice, Mary Dilda, Lien McDaniel, Elizebeth Cole, Lena McDaniel, Eveline Kent, F. B. ,McDaniel, Lien Flowers, Ava B. Mills, Emmer J. McDaniel, Mollie Cunningham, Sallie McDaniel, Sallie Nash, Ann Phillips, Maggie Carroll, Emer Nash, Lelier Cunningham, Emma Brown, Della Matthews, Minie Kent, Elizabeth Smith, Amanda Ewing, Ola Young, Ada Street, Almer O. Garner, Floy Harmon, Maude O. Phillips, Eva Hering, Matta Johnson, Haley Phillips, Camma Cain, Alma Garner, Belle Cole, Emmer Young, Maud Mills, Sarah Glover, Birtha Kimbrell, Samie D. Pittard, Mary Lou Kelly, Kate Nash, Mrs. J. W. Street, Aezlee Franklin, Willie Young, Ava Harmon, Vada Young, Lilla Franklin, Azelee Todd, Loula Garner, Loucey Sawyer, Orta S. McDaniel, Mildred Carroll, Lizemay McKinney, Pearl George, Polley A. Wood, Vada Nash, Auda Nash, Mabelle Mills, Sallie M. Wright, Ellen Nash, Marne Street, Cora Street, Pearl Chunn, Edner B. Mills, Ava Cain, Nellie Liddell, Elizabeth Clark, Milli Edwards, Jannie Hazlerigs, Jessie Kimbrell, Ana May McDaniel, Joseph A. Nash, Marcus M. Miner, S. D. Pittard, J. S. Young, W. A. Carroll, John R. Cain, C. L. Young, E. C. McDaniel, W. S. Mills, L. E. Garner, J. W. McKinney, C. H. Cunningham, G. W. Cunningham, W. P. Phillips, R. S. Nash, W. R. Chunn, J. C. Cole, Rev. H. C. Seay, C. L. Nash, R. A. Smith, W L. Newsom, Clifford Pittard, John Hewey, J. J. Phillips, C. C. Franklin, W. C. McDaniel, Plenie McDaniel, Thos. Matthews, Jas. A. Cain, Wm. Woodruff, Carlton Pittard, J. H. Woodruff, J. W. Street, S. F. Pittard, Amon L. Cain, Clarance Nash, George Nash, Will McDaniel, W. H. Nash, A. S. Warbington, R. L. Clark, Wm. McDaniel. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.5 Kb