Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Island Ford Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 3:53 pm Island Ford. Island Ford is a little Baptist church that was organized in the woods near the Chattahoochee river, and near a place where the people forded the river, and in crossing, traversed an island half a mile wide, hence the name. It was organized February 23, 1833, with the following members: Mary Bagley, Susanna Philips, Catherine Fields, Jane Humphrey, S. Born, E. Bagley, T. M. Bagley, M. Fields, J. Compton, E. Compton, J. Pendley, N. Crossno, A. Humphrey, John Calaway, John Barker, J. T. Bailey. The following brethren constituted the presbytery: Rev. Silas King, moderator; Rev. Richard Phillips, Joseph Morgan, Sam Crow and John Hammond. In the summer of 1832, preparations for building a church were begun. Logs were cut, hewn and hauled, and the church, 24 by 30 feet, was built in 1833, out of split and hewn pine logs. Rev. Richard Philips was called to the pastoral care of the church. How long he served is not known, as the moderator's name does not appear on the minutes at that time. The minutes do show, however, that regular services were held. On January 23, 1841, Rev. D. Hutchins was elected pastor. Joseph Compton served as the clerk of the church from its organization up to 1841, when John T. Bailey was elected to this position. Edmond Bagley was the first deacon, and served up to August 22, 1840, when John Barker was ordained a deacon. December 25, 1841, Rev. Silas King was chosen pastor, and on August 26, 1843, Rev. R. Carlile was elected pastor. John Caloway was ordained deacon March 20, 1844, and at the same time R. Carlile was ordained to the ministry, who served as pastor up to December 29, 1849. Rev. A. K. Tribble was called next and served to November 26, 1853, when Rev. James Davis accepted the work. He was succeeded by Rev. A. J. Kelly in 1859. June 26, 1859, the church decided to join the Lawrenceville association. Mr. Kelly served the church up to November, 1861, and Rev. J. L. Phillips was chosen January 24, 1863, and who was succeeded in 1870 by Rev. D. L. Maddox; but Mr. Maddox declined the call. Rev. S. M. Roberts was elected October 18, 1871, but he, too, declined to serve, and the church was without a pastor from January 22, 1870, to September 12, 1874, when Rev. J. H. Braziel was chosen and the charge accepted. In October, 1876, Rev. J. M. Webb and Rev. J. N. Blackstock were elected pastors, serving one year. Rev. Freeman Cheek and Rev. W. N. Blackstock were the next pastors. Then came Rev. A. W. Richards and Rev. W. N. Blackstock, in 1878; Rev. J. L. Phillips, October 11, 1879, declined a call; Rev. S. L. Hays, January 10, 1880. On July 10, 1880, the church decided to build a new house. A building 30 by 40 feet was accordingly put up. Rev. T. E. Kennerly was elected pastor September 10, 1881; Rev. L. Williams, April 14, 1883; Rev. J. H. Braziel, November 14, 1885; Rev. S. C. Richards, September 4, 1886; Rev. Davis declined a call September 3, 1887; Rev. S. C. Richards, September, 1888; Rev. J. L. Phillips, May 2, 1891; Rev. R. H. Thomson, December 14, 1894; Rev. J. B. Smith, September 2, 1899; Rev. R. H. Thomson, September, 1900; Rev. J. H. Braziel, August 31, 1901; Rev. A. D. Holbrook, February 8 ,1901, a licensed preacher, a member of the church, ordained May 3, 1902; Rev. F. C. Hawkins, September 3, 1904; Rev. R. G. Braziel, September 2, 1905; Rev. J. C. Johnson, Oct. 6, 1907; Rev. G. H. Thornhill, Oct. 3, 1908; Rev. J. M. Hudlow, September 3, 1910, and is serving yet. There have been twenty-seven different pastors, twenty-three of whom serving from one to eight years. The church property is valued at $800. The revival conducted there during the summer resulted in seventeen additions. The present membership amounts to eighty-one, twenty-eight males and fifty-three females, as follows: M. C. Benson, J. E. Bagwell, Jacob Moulder, E. W. Scales, J. I. Dodd, R. A. Pugh, Clarence Scales, Thomas Pugh, B. F. Pugh, G. L. Moulder, W. A. Holbrook, N. A. Brown, Robbert Duran, Josh Brown, J. B. Maltbie, Frank Westbrook, J. A. Pugh, Thomas Bagby, E. M. Bagwell, A. K. Moulder, J. C. Knight, Azalee White, Georgia Brown, Polly Ann Pugh, Cora Scales, Creola Bagley, Flordia Scales, Sidnie Holbrook, Nervy Duran, Eliza Pugh, Ella White, Mary Westbrook, Mary Jones, Nobie Martin, Lizzie Brown, Emma Cash, Minnie Phillips, M. C. Pirkle, C. C. Street, Margaret Bagby, Victoria Brazill, Sarah Pool, M. E. Pugh, Anna Bagwell, Mary Fields, Elizabeth Dollar, Mary C. Benson, Saletie Maltbie, Mollie Miller, Daisy Jones, Effie Pass, Urco Benson, Flonnie Benson, Jennie Moulder, Agnes Pugh, Ida Carlile, Lucinda Crow, Laura J. Pugh, Bessie Sargent, Noby Bagby, Nora E. Moulder, Freda Pugh, Mary Knight, Gertie Knight, Thomas Jones, F. C. Miller, General Brown, H. D. Holbrook, Walter Durand, Carlton Holbrook, Cleo Brown, Annie Bagwell, Letha Bagwell, Lavonia Street, Ethel Scales, Jenie Garrett, Ollie Brown, Arlevie Brown, Carrie Bagley, Grace Beam, Stacy T. Wright. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.8 Kb