Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Yellow River Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 8:47 am Yellow River. On August 25, 1871, the Yellow River Baptist church was organized. The membership of the new church was composed of the following: John Cain, Thurston Cain Lewis Nash, Mary Brown Lucinda Nash, Sarah Nash, Termelia Ford, John W. Nash, Margaret Nash, Mary Lee, Sarah Nash, Jessie H. Ragan, Sarah F. Ragan, Martha Cochran, Mary Garner. Rev. T. E. Kennerly was chosen the church's first pastor, and he served as such till January 8, 1876, and received into the church thirty-two by baptism, twenty-one by letter. Rev. Persell served as pastor from January 8, 1876, to February 10, 1877, two members being added by letter. Rev. J. M. Webb was elected pastor on February 10, 1877, and served one year. Rev. M. Persell was again chosen pastor on January 9, 1878, and served until February 10, 1883, during which period ten joined the church. Rev. W. B. Haslett was pastor from February 10, 1883, to Feb. 12, 1887, and baptized ten members. Rev. A. T. Wood received eleven by baptism during his pastorate, from February 12, 1887, to January 7, 1891. Rev. J. E. Kennerly served the church as pastor from December 13, 1891, to April 10, 1897, twenty-one joining during his pastorate. Rev. J. W. Singleton was elected pastor April 10, 1897, serving one year; Rev. J. E. Kennerly, on September 11, 1898, serving till November 8, 1902, adding thirteen to the membership of the church; Rev. K. D. George, on November 8, 1902, serving as pastor till January, 1911, during which time thirty-six joined this church. Rev. C. W. Johnson is the present pastor. The present building was erected forty years ago,and is valued at $800. The following gentlemen have acted as clerks: J. H. Ragan, W. R. Nash, D. T. Cain, F. M. Cain, W. S. Haynie, E. W. Davis, T. R. Jones, W. O. Cain, J. C. Simmons and D. E. Cain. Among those who have filled the position of deacon may be mentioned John Cain, Lewis Nash, Walker Nash, Hip Ragan, James Gattis, D. T. Cain, F. M. Cain, Walker Davis, Wilburn Lee, G. C. Williams, Gus Williams, Jim Hale, L. W. Nash, W. T. Nash, Wash Holt and Will Brownlee. The names of the sixty-four members appear below: L. W. Nash, T. C. Holt, D. V. Jones, W. M. McElroy, John Britt, D. E. Cain, Gordon Jones, Willie Brownlee; William Brownlee, Wash Holt, Rich Holt, Willie Turner, E. L. Huie, G. W. Phillips, F. C. Swaney, Paul Hay, M. L. Casey, Henry Hay, Virgil Nash, Ella Stephens, Altha Lee, Alhea Cain, Hittie Pittard, Luella Cuming, Rossa Hazelrigs, Hattie Britt, Annie Lunsford, Sarah Nash, Lidia A. King, Emma Britt, Annie Nash, Sarah Jones, Clarra Davis, Willie Holt, Jennie Johnson, Enna Holman, Dora Jordan, Dosa Harris, Ada Jones, Jennie Britt, Ellen Huie, Rosa Hart, Zudie Turner, Nancy Brownlee, Dollie Brownlee, Lula Nash, Effie Jones, Lillie Davis, Josie Phillips, Sarah Hart, Georgia E. Hornbuckle, Emma Hornbuckle, Annie Rawlins, Mary Clark, Lou Phillips, Ada Brownlee, Carrie Savancy, Estell Brownlee, Lee Brownlee, Aver Casey, Lona Hay, Pearl Lee, Caf Nichols, Emma Shaw. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb