Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Luxomni Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 9:07 am Luxomni. "Luxomni, Ga., July 20, 1895. "The following presbytery met to organize a church: Rev. W. T. Aiken, Rev. J. P. McConnell, Rev. J. E. Kennerly, F. M. Cain and E. C. McDaniel. Organized by electing W. G. Aikin, moderator; and E. C. McDaniel, clerk. "The articles of faith of the Lawrenceville Association were adopted. Letters were called for and applicants for membership were enrolled, as follows: R. P. Garner, Leety Garner, M. B. Haney, J. M. McNeal, Martha McNeal, R. N. Holt, Ange Holt, Mamy Collis, Joseph Garner, Katy Garner, Nannie Todd. "The right hand of fellowship was given, and the presbytery declared them a regularly constituted Baptist church." The above is the minute of the church, giving an account of its organization. One of the leading spirits in the work of organizing the church and building it up was R. N. Holt, now the clerk of the superior court of Gwinnett County. J. E. Kennerly was elected pastor, and served six years, during which time there were 53 additions to the church. On September 14, 1901, W. H. Cox was elected pastor. He served one year and eight months and received 19 members. On June 21, 1903, the church elected J. C. Johnson as pastor. He served one year and received one member. October 15, 1903, J. W. Montgomery was called to the pastoral care of the church. There were four additions during. his pastorate of one year. A. H. Holland was called October 18, 1904, served two years and received nine members. J. E. Kennerly was called November 25, 1906, and was pastor for one year and five months. He then resigned. There were 14 additions during his pastorate. On April 26, 1908, the church extended a call to S. W. Arnold, who pastored the church two years and seven months. He received 46 additions to the church while he was pastor. T. C. Bray was called November 26, 1910, and is serving the church at present, August, 1911. Seventeen have joined the church under his preaching. R. N. Holt was the first clerk. The present clerk is J. R. Garner. The church stands on a two-acre lot and was erected in 1898. The committee to build the house consisted of R. N. Holt, G. S. Kelly, E. S. Garner, P. T. Matthews. The property is valued at $1,000. The deacons are: R. P. Garner, S. E. Leverett, D. P. Phillips, J. M. McNeal and A. V. Williams. The membership at present is 110. Of this number, 50 are males and 60 females, as follows: R. P. Garner, J. M. McNeal, W. S. Lanier, J. W. Garner, L. M. Nash, G. C. Cash, E. A. Holt, 0 S. Phillips, R. A. Cash, L. H. Carter, J. F. Garner, Alvin Huff, F. R. Garner, T. D. Huff, J. F. Sikes, E. M. Jones, G. W. Stephens, D. P. Phillips, Clide Stephens, N. G. Bennett, P. T. Matthews, E. V. Withers, Cleve Cash, W. H. Clay, E. B. Holt, S. E. Ieverett, A. V. Williams, Frank Williams, W. M. Montgomery, R. L. Todd, Joe Medley, Gorden Nash, W. J. Garner, G. C. McKenney, Henry Clay, George Good, Ed Benton, J. L. Bennett, Lake Johnson, Fred Cain, J. M. Ledbetter, L. H. Carter, Jr., Thomas Hay, Jack Ledbetter, Homey Huey, L. B. Scruggs, Roy Clay, H. H. Sikes, F. M. Medley; Leety Garner, M. T. Haney, Cordelia Nash, Laura Matthews, Ruby, Matthews, Nancy Garner, Emma Phillips, Maggie Kelly, Annie Withers, Ella Haney, Lucy Brannon, Mrs. C. H. Cash, Jennie Hopkins, Gency McNeal, Lillie Garner, Neppie Hopkins, M. C. Cash, M. E. Cash, N. E. Cash, Mary J. Cain, S. C. Kelley, Callie Garner, Maggie Jackson, Emma Alford, Mrs. C. D. Huff, Hasie Huff, Vessie Huff, S. J. Carter, Fannie Hale, Esther L. Garner, Ida Stephens, Fannie Montgomery, Bert Wood, N. E. Phillips, Bell Todd, Ava Garner, Lizzie Hale, Mollie Sikes, Sallie Shetlesworth, Bird Holt, Lemma Leverett, Mary Williams, Marthy J. Fields, Elizabeth C. Jackson, Dora Montgomery, Artie Bell Carter, Parthenia Montgomery, Roxie Sliettesworth, Alma Phillips, Audry Huey, Cora Bennett; Clara Bennett, Elen Ledbetter, Janey Sprabery, Mary Sprabery, Valera Clay, Mary Lou Ledbetter, Nara Garner, Mrs. F. M. Medley. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.7 Kb