Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Pleasant Grove Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 10:14 am Pleasant Grove. This church is located on the Monroe road four miles south east of Lawrenceville. It was organized August 28, 1908. The leading spirits in the movement that led to its organization are W. J. Turner and J. B. Whitworth, two well known and representative citizens in that community. From the minutes is taken the following: "Whereas, a number of brethern and sisters who are regular baptized members of Baptist churches, believing that it will tend to the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom, have enrolled their names as candidates to be consecrated to God in a church capacity, and having called a presbytery of ministers and deacons, convened according to previous announcement. The presbytery was organized by electing Rev. A. J. Holland moderator, and J. B. Whitworth, clerk. Rev. J. P. McConnell preached on this occasion from 10th verse of the 43rd Chapter of Isaiah. The brethren and sisters whose names follow came forward and presented letters of dismission from Baptist Churches; W. J. Turner, Matilda Turner, C. H. Hill, Mary E. E. Hill, J. M. Head, Mary E. Royals. It was determined that the name of the church shall be Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. "The ministers present were A. H. Holland, E. H. Jennings, J. P. McConnell, J. W. Montgomery, J. W. Fowler, D. C. Simpson, J. H. R. Totty, J. C. Johnson. Deacons, J. H. McGee, J. D. Rutledge, J. A. Jacobs, C. P. Ewing, I. R. Totty, J. P. Hadaway, J. L. C. Johnson, A. L. Britt, W. B. Leatherwood, J. B. Whitworth, Rev. A. H. Holland was called as pastor for the remainder of the year. Then Rev. J. C. Johnson was chosen pastor and has served continuously to the present time." Services were first held under a brush arbor; then in the school house until a house was built. The first service was held in the new building in April, 1909. The house was completed in April, 1910, all debts being paid and a balance of 32 cents left in the treasury. The corner stone was laid April 30, 1910, and on the next day Rev. J. J. Stevenson preached the dedication sermon. The church belongs to the Pleasant Grove Association. The names of members follow : W. A. Turner, Matilda Turner, C. H. Hill, Mary E. E. Hill, Mary E. Royals, H. T. Peppers, Rinda Peppers, Earnest Peppers, O. W. Peppers, W. E. Peppers, Fannie Peppers, Albert Peppers, M. L. Downs, R. A. Royals, Camby Royals, D. B. Turner, Zippie Turner, Nancy Couch, J. E. Graham, Rilla Graham, Sallie Low, Mary Austin, E. M. Knight; Nancy Knight, G. J. McMillian, E. C. Knight, Nannie Knight, H. G. Davis, W. T. Smith, Omie Harris, A. C. Whistnant, Josie Whistnant, Lillie Whitworth, Mittie Whitworth, W. H. Whitworth, Lelia Whitworth, Mittie Whitworth, W. H. Whitworth Lelia Mooney, Ida William, J. B. Harris, J. T. Johnson, Florence Johnson, Ella McMillian, S. M. Couch, G. W. Feagan, G. B. Whitworth, Rinda J. Whitworth, Rebeca Lamkin, Bulia Davis, Nettie Knight, Lessie McMillian, Pearl Clack. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb