Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Mt. Tabor Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 11:26 am Mt. Tabor. Mt. Tabor Baptist church is located between Duluth and Norcross. On February 17, 1877, this church was constituted. The church records show the following church covenant entered into at the time of organization: "We, whose names are appended, conceiving it to be for the glory of God and our mutual edification to be constituted into a regular gospel church, and having received letters of dismission from the church to which we belonged have called our beloved brethren, to wit, S. S. Bailey and J. H. Westmoreland, to officiate, to set apart and constitute us agreeably to gospel order on this the 17th day of February, A. D. 1877, to be known as Mt. Tabor Baptist church in the county of Gwinnett and State of Georgia, and we do mutually unite in the following solemn covenant: "1st.-We do solemnly profess to believe and support those doctrines and principles set forth in God's word and adopted by the Lawrenceville Baptist Association. "2nd.-We do solemnly agree to give ourselves to the Lord and to one another in the Lord submitting to the overnment of Christ in His church. "3rd.-We agree to pray for our ministers and deacons and fellow members, watch over each other for good and faithfully to admonish each other agreeably to the Lord's direction. "4th.-We will endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace, avoiding all malice and hatred. Respectfully submitted, S. S. Bailey, J. H. Westmoreland." The names that constituted the church are: F. M. Smith, Henry Christopher, Jacob Canup, Aaron Garmon, John Bromblow, Charity Kedy, Elizabeth Jackson, Easther Smith, David Smith, Angeline Jackson, Abi Bromblow, Corrinthia Hurt, Icy Mitchell, Emily Garmon, Arminda Kiselburg, Narsis Christopher, M. B. Canup, J. B. Pruitt, Hellian Johnson. First pastor, John N. Tribble served the year 1877, and received 12 members. The second pastor, W. L. Singleton, served for the years 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885, received 86 members. The third pastor, Wiley W. Owens served the year 1886, and received three members. The fourth pastor, W. L. Singleton served for the year 1887, and received five members. The fifth pastor, B. F. Clemment, served for the years 1888 and 1889, preaching the word with great earnestness. We believe his work was as bread cast on the waters to be gathered many days hence. The sixth pastor, W. J. Maddox, served for the years 1890 and 1891, and received 20 members. The seventh pastor, W. L. Singleton, served for the year 1892, and received three members. The eighth pastor, S. L. Hayes, served for the year 1893. The ninth pastor, R. Newton, served for the years 1894, and 1895, and received 25 members. The tenth pastor, James Tatum, served for the year 1896. The eleventh pastor, J. W. Montgomery, served for the years 1897, 1898, 1899. The twelfth pastor, R. J. Otwell, served for the years 1900, 1901 and 1902, and received 25 members. The thirteenth pastor, J. J. Adams, served for the years 1903, 1904 and 1905, and received 28 members. The fourteenth pastor, W. H. Smith, served for the years 1906, 1907 and 1908, and received 23 members. The fifteenth pastor, E. L. Langley, served part of the year 1908 and all of the year 1909, and received five members. The sixteenth pastor, J. S. Settle, served for the years 1910 and 1911, and received 42 members. Present membership, 86. In all, 364 people have joined this church. A Sunday school with an enrollment of 72 is run here. A. D. Garmon is superintendent, J. C. Lawson, assistant, A. E. Brombelow, secretary, J. W. Welch, Chorister, Mary Lawson, organist, and C. McKerley, Pearl Bowls, Mamie Bailey, Pearl Williams, teachers. Names of present members: J. C. Lawson, Fannie Lawson, J. M. Lindsey, N. M. Lindsey, G. C. Milford, Zippie Milford, A. D. Garmon, Sussie Garmon, C. Mills, Emer Mills, J. W. Lindsay, Alma Lindsay, L. W. Welch, B. M. Christopher, John Christopher, T. S. Stevens, F. L. Phillips, J. T. Bowls, Emmet Mitchell, Henry Brombelow, W. J. Warbington, Ira Long, G. L. Mills, Roxy Christopher, A. A. Christopher, L. V. Stevens, Fannie Phillips, Deller Brombelow, Ludie Warbington, Bell Long, Anna Mills, James Stevens, W. H. Tatum, Luther Lawson, S. T. Garmon, Oscar Lawson, R. D. McElroy, L. W. Williams, . J. R. Milford, H. 0. Milford, L. B. Brombelow, H. J. Hill, Ed Brombelow, Willie Lawson, Narcis Pool, Nancy Arnold, M. L. McKerley, Eliza McKerley, Martha Pool, Sallie Adams, L. M. Pool, Sarah Adams, M. J. Youngblood, Gillie Youngblood, Bell Lindsay, Nannie Adams, Mahala Mitchell, Nancy Russell, Cynthia Phillips, Hattie Williams, Ruby Lawson, Hattie Welch, Mary Lawson, Lillie Phillips, Gertrude Stone, Ida Phillips, Lillian Nunally, Luler B. Milford, Grace Mills, Mattie S. Milford, R. G. McElroy, Gallie Howell, M. H. Brombelow, Mary Phillips, Clyde Christopher, Susan Christopher, Mollie Mitchell, Mrs. J. T. Bowls, Savanah Mitchell, J. M. Kircus, Dellie Murrow, Mrs. John David, Mrs. R. D. McElroy, Andrew Ray, Snowie Brombelow. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.8 Kb