Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Mt. Zion Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 11:48 am Mt. Zion. Mt. Zion Baptist church is 62 years old, having been organized in 1849. Sixteen members presented themselves on the day the church was constituted, to wit: James Flowers, Pitman Johnson, Elmina Johnson, John F. Har[?], Matilda Johnson, W. P. Williams, M. J. Mason, Minerva Flowers, Pitman Johnson, Elwina Johnson, John F. Harris, Thomas Hay, Sarah J. Clower, James T. Williams, Jane Ewing, Anna Harris. The year after the organization, a building was erected in which services were held for many years. In 1910, the building was remodeled, and is one of the substantial country churches in the county, being valued at $1,000. The pastors of the church, their length of service, and the additions during each pastorate follow: S. B. Churchhill, 1849 to 1860, forty-seven; William Haslett, 1860 to 1867, fifty-six; T. E. Kennerly, 1867 to 1872, nineteen; from 1872 to 1875, the record does not show who was pastor; J. W. Webb, 1875 to 1880, thirty-nine; A. J. Webb, 1880 to 1884, twenty-six; J. P. McConnell, 1884 to 1887, seventeen; E. L. I..angley, 1888 to 1889, twenty-eight; W. B. Haslett, 1890 to 1891, fourteen; E. L. Langley, 1891 to 1895, twenty-three; A. H. Holland, 1895 to 1898, eight; W. L. Singleton, 1898 to 1904, twenty-five; A. H. Holland, 1904 to 1905; J. C. Johnson, 1905 to 1907, ten; J. R. Burel, 1907 to 1909, twenty-two; J. M. Hudlow, 1909 to the present time, thirty-five. The Sunday school has an enrollment of seventy-five. E. B. Seay is superintendent, J. W. Gilbert, assistant superintendent, Julius Cates, chorister, Rachel Cates, organist, Dura Seay, secretary, and J. H. Haslett, Mrs. Mary Bailey, Miss Rachel Cates, and J. O. Bradford, teachers. J. H. Haslett is the official clerk of the church. The church has a membership of 100. Their names follow: J. M. Ethridge, J. W. Gilbert, J. O. Bradford, C. P. Nash, D. M. Bankston, F. O. Ethridge, E. E. Ethridge, John Bradford, J. M. Watson, A. S. Bradford, M. C. Gresham, J. H. Bradford, S. A. Ford, P. M. Dalton, F. E. Ethridge, Walter Cates, J. H. Haslett, J. N. Langley, I. L. Reid, Felton Plunkett, L. W. Cates, H. W. Watkins, J. N. Watkins, G. G. Bennett, M. E. Strickland, S. J. Dutton, Julius Cates, H. B. Leatherwood, Will Plunkett, George Barrett, J. E. Canup, Howard Canup, W. B. Leatherwood, E. B. Seay, Dilmus Fowler, Marion Fowler, Sylvanus Fowler, (Females) Ollie Ethridge, Caroline Ethridge, Nancy Dalton, Florence Dutton, Arie Ethridge, Ida Moon, Ina Nash, Lizzie Strickland, Ida Bankston, Mary Bailey, Rachel Cates, Lula Bradford, Dora Langley, Pearl Ethridge, Epsie Hewatt, Sarah Brand, Virginia Ford, Amanda Churchill, Marinda Braswell, Dorcas Mead, Almeda Johnson, Eliza Bradford, Nancy Harbin, Alice Watson, Alma F. Harris, Georgia Ford, Parthenia Ethridge, Elizebeth Rawlins, Lula Haslett, Mrs. Jno. Langley, Ida Reid, Ellen Plunkett, Lena Reeves, Addie Leatherwood, Anna Cates, Sarah Watkins, Theo Boozer, Cora Mead, Mary Boozer, Mamie Doster, Nanie Barrett, Emma Gilbert, Maud Williams, Nancy Plunkett, Annie Bradford, Lucy Bradford, Maud Bradford, Alice Flowers, Mamie Dutton, Dollie Dutton, Annie Mae Cates, Linda Watkins, Mary McIntyre, Mrs. J. E. Canup, Emma Canup, Lela Canup, N. E. Leatherwood, M. E. Atkinson, Virgie Seay, Dura Seay, Lizzie Long, Arah Fowler, Elzie Fowler. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb