Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Rockbridge Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 11:54 am Rockbridge. It may be that Rockbridge Baptist church is the oldest church in Gwinnett county. Certainly it was one of the first churches organized in the county, the other two claiming to be older being Mt. Moriah and Bethabra. On Wednesday, August 19, 1819, Luke Robinson, Sarah Barnett, Divinity Knight, Dicy Parker and Ely Massey met and organized Rockbridge Baptist church in the southwest corner of the county. They met under a brush arbor, but the next year met in a log house near by. In 1825 a house was built near the place of organization and there the church remained until 1893. At that time some of the members moved the church two miles north to Centreville, while others organized a new church in Rockdale county, now known as Pleasant Hill. The names of the pastors and length of service may be of interest: Luke Robinson served twenty-one years; David Cook, seven years; L. Thomas, four years; S. Churchhill, three years; William Haslett, three years; F. Maddox, four years; J. J. Davis, six years; T. E. Kennerly, six years; J. W. Webb, four years; O. J. Webb, two years; J. P. McConnell, eight years; A. H. Holland, twelve years; J. B. Spivey, five years; J. C. Johnson is the present pastor. In 1828 there were 111 members. In 1847, the membership was 126; in 1859, it was 138; in 1870, it was 174. J. Bankston was the first clerk of the church. In 1828, R. Burney was elected clerk. Then came J. W. Henly, in 1830; Robt. Webb, in 1836; J. G. Snead, in 1838; A. J. Minor, in 1847; James Flowers, in 1857; F. P. Juhan, in 1853; J. R. Miner, in 1855; L. Minor, in 1856 M. M. Mason, in 1860; J. R. Minor, in 1870; E. J. Mason, in 1897, and he is now holding the position. The church building is valued at $800. L. A. Juhan is superintendent of the Sunday school, and Dora McDaniel, Eva Pirkle, J. M. Kennerly, and Gertrude Slaughter, teachers. Members' names are given: Marinda Campbell, Elisebeth Freeman, L. A. Juhan, Emily Juhan, Dora Campbell, Dora McDaniel, J. W. Lawhorn, Nancy Johnson, Marietta Campbell, E. J. Mason, R. E. McDaniel, Caroline Freeman, Elisebeth Freeman, Ella Jones, M. J. Bentley, Jane Kinett, W. J. Campbell, Shady Campbell, R. E. Mason, Elmer McDaniel, C. W. Johnson, J. W. Jones, G. A. Campbell, D. E. McDaniel, Zella Johnson, H. C. Brandon, Octavy Brandon, Ever Mason, Wm. Brady, Joseph Gattis, Lide Jones, Emmer Jones, Vinie Bady, H. C. McCullers, Fannie McCullers, Mary Butler, A. D. Freeman, Mrs. Mary Butler, Maud Freeman, Ida Freeman, Ida Jones, Rosie Campbell, Parry Darbey, L. M. Freeman, Minnie Freeman, Susie Campbell, Parry Jones, Susie Campbell, Jr., Lena Jones, Gertrude Slaughter, Pearl Rutledge, V. Bradford, P. J. Brown, L. J. Carroll, Lucy Jones, A. J. Slaughter, Grady Slaughter, C. S. Jones, E. J. Mason, clerk, Lizza Juhan, J. A. Jones, Mary Cambrell, Enice Campbell, Manard Campbell, Almer Darbey, Enock Freeman, John Campbell, Jim Campbell, Celia Butler, Maud Juhan, Marie Butler, Lizzie Nix, Alen Campbell, Jim Freeman, Paul Mason, J. M. Kenerly, G. S. Kenerly, Pearl Campbell Lulu Rawlins, Joe Jones, Arra Wesley. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb