Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Shiloh Missionary Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 3:20 pm Shiloh. Shiloh Missionary Baptist church is in Pinkneyville district, near the Chattahoochee river. It was constituted in 1868 with B. F. Clement, Major James, Mrs. Major James, Mrs. M. K. Nesbit, John H. Westmoreland, and Mrs. Massey as members. The organization occurred in Washington Academy, and there services were held until 1885, when the present house of worship was erected at a cost of $800. Rev. Westmoreland was the first pastor and served three years. The Rev. B. F. Clemant served the church twelve years, M. P. Talton two years, B. F. Sargent three years, N. B. Lee one year, E. M. Pilgrim two years, W. L. Singleton two years, Rev. Hase one year, Rev. Birgess one year, Clifford Liddell one year, W. J. Wooten two years, S. K. Beal four years. The last named is the present pastor. Not far from this church in the Kirkland graveyard is buried an ex-congressman. His name was Hackett. He was in office before the civil war, and his grave is unmarked. This church has fifty-eight members as follows: J. S. Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Tylor Adams, Thomas Ashworth, Ida Ashworth, G. O. Ashworth, Malinda Ashworth, Isabel Ashworth, William Ashworth, Loula Ashworth, Ina Ashworth, Miss Abot, . J. A. Adkins, Julia Ashworth, M. Anderson, S. E. Anderson, Mrs. Anderson, T. W. Bentley, M. Bentley, B. B. Bentley, G. L. Bentley, T. E. Bentley, Mrs. Bromalo, I. A. Crow, Elizabeth Castleberry, Charley Croy, Susy Croy, C. Duncan, L. O. Dean, Lizzie Fowler, M. E. Honea, Dock Heney, Josa Herrington, Charley Herrington, Almer Lowery, Julia Massy, M. P. Nesbit, Lucy Roebuck, W. A. Singleton, Ida B. Singleton, O. U. Singleton, P. V. Singleton, W. A. B. Smith, Ana Smith, Alma Smith, Robt. Smith, S. C. Tidwell, Clifford Tidwell, Robt. Tidwell, Carl Tidwell, G. W. Tidwell, L. M. Tidwell, O. L. Tidwell, G. D. Turner, Murty Turner, Eunice Turner, Maybell Westbrook, Z. Turner. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb