Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Bethel Missionary Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 3:23 pm Bethel. This is one of the forty-four Missionary Baptist churches in Gwinnett county, and is located two miles west of Norcross. It was organized August 11, 1869, and had as members: J. T. O. Beard, Mrs. J. T. O. Beard, J. F. Holbrooks, Mrs. J. F. Holbrooks, M. L. Wallace. The ministers participating in the organization were B. F. Clemant and W. G. Akins. The records of this church, like that of many others, have been lost or misplaced. It is important that competent clerks be selected, the records kept correctly, and the church history preserved, so that a hundred years from now, if need be, the historian can turn to the records and see what the churches have done. On account of the loss of the books of Bethel church, a correct list of the pastors cannot be given. B. F. Sargent was elected pastor January 22, 1897; S. L. Hays succeeded Mr. Sargent in October of the same year; W. W. Owens was chosen June 24, 1899, and served till 1902, when he was succeeded by J. J. Adams; J. W. Singleton became pastor February 13, 1904, serving to January 9, 1906, being succeeded by J. W. Montgomery, who pastored the church for two years, or up to the election of V. H. Britt June 13, 1908. Mr. Britt is the present pastor. Since 1897, the church has had the following clerks: E. W. Fuller, G. T. Brannan, J. E. Bowen, W. J. Beard, J. C.. Holbrook, J. E. Osborn, and T. L. Hester. Mr. Hester is the present clerk. The present board of deacons consists of J. H. Hopkins, T. A. Adams, and T. L. Hester. The membership of the church includes the following names: C. H. Nuckolls, W. H. Harper, G. T. O. Wallace, F. C. Holbrooks, B. N. Nuckolls, J. W. Wilbanks, Thos. Phillips, Peter Hester, Thomas Garrett, T. A. Adams, G. J. Wethers, V. W. Smith, Jessie Barnett, T. L. Hester, W. H. Lamar, Carl Lamar, M. J. Wallace, R. A. Nuckolls, B. T. Berry, Elizabeth Beard, Lama Nuckolls, Willie Holbrooks, Nora Dodgins, Jennie T. Osborn, Ella Nuckolls, Ruth Berry, Esther W. Kown, Vica Wilbanks, Margarett Phillips, Maran IIester, AllPce Stevens, Elizebeth Adams, M. E. Ray, S. A. Wommack, M. E. Wethers, Cloe Barnett, Hattie Smith, Lela Wood, Estelle Wilbanks, Lulu Lamar, Lue Garrett, Ida Bell Hester, Almer Jane Hester. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb