Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Haynes Creek Primitive Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 11:40 pm Haynes Creek. Haynes Creek church was constituted April 1, 1826, by the following presbytery: Elder John Landers and brethren Rice, Hooker, and Williams, from Rockbridge church, brethren John Barrett, Morgan, and Chandler, from Bay Creek church (now Shiloah), and John Bennett from Redland church. A sermon was preached from the text, "Upon this rock I will build my church." The charter members of the church were: Richard Hutchins, John Lambert, John S. Head, Joseph Morrow, Mary Curruth, Elizebeth Brand, Charity Hutchins, Elisebeth Tribble, Barbara Head, Mary Lambert. Later and previous to the division of the Baptists on missions, boards and conventions, the roll of members include the following names: Reuben Weaver, John Rutledge, J. Rutledge, H. Head, Miles Langley, Willis Moore, Isham Moore, Jacob Moore, A. R. Smith, Wm. Brooks, R. Hutchins, K. Jenkins, Asa Wade, W. S. Fults, Allen Knight, Allen Baggett, Ed. White, Wm. Horden, Stephen Bennett, John Bennett, Stephen White, Elijah Cullins, Ephrim Ford, Jesse Peters, Wm. Smith, John McCurdy, Jim (a slave), Jim (a slave), Ben O'Kelley, Elisha Jacobs, Wm. Coffee, C. C. Calaway, John Hammock, Wm. Chesser, S. B. Cofield, Isaac Tinney, James Lanier, Thomas Sanford, E. B. B. Shaw. Elizabeth Weaver, Elizabeth Brand, Elizabeth Ford, Elizabeth Bowman, Martha Irvine, Rosey Fults, Penelope Fults, Mary Rutledge, Elizabeth Rutledge, Fannie Lester, Piety Brooks, Samantha Brooks, Jane Cooper, Sarah Cooper, Martha Cogswell, Jane Packs, Irena Knight, Ruth Knight, Elizabeth Rawlins, Sarah Brooks, Sarah Hurst, Caroline Smith, Netie Jackson, Edny Harding, Epsey McCurdy, Martha White, Nancy Bennett, Charlotte Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Nancy Moore, Missouria Moore, Elizabeth Langley, Elizabeth Bryant, Rebecca Chesser, Sarah Summerlin, . Bettie (a slave), Syntha Hamby, Nancy Stamps, Mary Jacobs, Lucinda Baggett, Nancy Kimbrell, Elizabeth Hutchins, N. M. Cofield, Elizabeth Haney, Nancy Brooks, Epsey Holder, Susan Tinney, Sallie Coffee, Nancy Lanier, Sarah D. Cooper, Oney (a slave), Nancy Shaw, Mary Jones. Among the pastors of the church during its history appear the following: Rev. B. Still, Rev. Kinchin Rambo, Rev. Elijah Moore, Rev. A. R. Smith, who served seven years; Rev. John Landers, six years, thirteen additions; Rev. E. B. B. Shaw, fourteen years, twenty-two additions; Rev. Wm. D. Almond, forty years, seventy-one additions; Rev. J. B. Brown, one year, two additions;, Rev. A. J. Webb, two years, two additions; Rev. J. F. Almond, the present pastor, who has served three years, with six additions. Just when the first church building was erected is not known, but the present building was put up in 1894, and costs $975. Of this amount Mr. E. M. Brand, president of the Brand Banking Company, Lawrenceville, gave $500. The present membership follows: I. J. Bailey, J. N. Braswell, Henry Thomas, J. H. Nunnally, D. A. Sigman, W. W. Webb, I. A. Braswell, James O. Wells, Lee Bradford, C. C. Gresham, A. P. Sigman, R. Baker, G. W. Gresham, S. T. Johnson, Henry Hudson, C. L. Moore, Luther Mayfield, W. B. Knight, John Wells, P. C. Upshaw, James George, G. B. Brooks, D. C. Bennett, J. A. Webb, M. E. Cole, Mary Donaldson, Mary Hawkins, Susan Bailey, Lucinda Jones, Sabra Brand, Martha Graham, Mary J. Harper, M. F. Cannon, E. F. Webb, V. R. Roberts, Mary A. Wells, Francis Griffin, Emma Dabney, Tinie Baker, Cordelia Sigman, Candice Mayfield, Martha Hudson, Mattie Wade, Lou Harris, S. R. Harris, M. E. Johnson, Mary M. Johnson, Lena Upshaw, Julia McCart, Lula Sanders, L. J. Webb, Nancy -Thomas, Susie George, M. E. Moon, Mary Webb, A. E. Moore, M. L. Sanders, S. J. Ragan, Tine McCullers, Ada V. Tuck, Janie Moore, Nancy Braswell, Caroline Stephens, M. A. Rutledge, Julia Knight, E. A. Knight, Catherine Johnson, G. A. Arnold, Sarah Cooper. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb