Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Camp Creek Primitive Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 11:50 pm Camp Creek. The Camp Creek Primitive Baptist church is located near Lilburn in Berkshire district. On account of the first minutes of the church being lost, it is impossible to give the exact date of the organization of the church, but the record shows that the first church conference was held in May, 1823. From that date on down to the present time, the record of the church has been kept and its history is one of which its members are proud. At the organization of the church, its membership consisted of James Hale, James Wells, Tyrie Landers, Thomas Mason, John Price, Rachel Williamson, Mary Ward, Ridda McKinney, Susan Lee, Francis Landers, Prudence Wells, Sarah Cannimore, Lucy Cannimore, Elisebeth Hale and Martha Adams. The first church was built in 1825, the second in 1851, and the present one in 1906, and is worth $1,050. During the 88 years of the church's history, there have been but six pastors. The first pastor, Rev. James Hale, served 33 years, and received 49 into the church; the second pastor, D. T. White, served two years; the third, Rev. H. D. Teat, two years; the fourth, Rev. G. P. Bradley, four years; the fifth, Rev. W. D. Almond, two years; and the sixth, Rev. J. T. Jordan, has been pastor 44 years, is serving the church now, and will, in all probability, continue to do so as long as he lives. Annually on the first Sunday in May, the church holds an all-day service, which is attended by great crowds from all parts of the country. At this service the ordinance of foot washing is observed. The present membership consists of the following: J. T. Jordan, W. C. Cofer, J. A. Jordan, R. H. Flemming, T. J. Smith, J. C. Pittard, H. F. Garner, W. T. Dyer, T. J. Nash, J. C. Flowers, J. H. Jordan, J. W. W. Gower, C. R. Smith, E. L. Britt, W. H. Dollar, C. W. Phillips. L. G. Jordan, Elizabeth Jacobs, Tempie Shinn, R. J. Smith, Charity Smith, Caroline Dickens, S. L. Flowers, P. A..Flower, M. E. Dyer, N. E. Richardson, M. J. Pittard, Martha Waters, S. J. New, Mettie New, Laura Brownlee, Sarah E. Glover, Elizabeth E. Britt, Cebelle Jordan, L. V. Jordan, O. M. Phillips, Milda Phillips, M. J. Dickens, N. J. Mathews. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb