Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Friendship Primitive Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 29, 2004, 11:56 pm Friendship. This is one of the several Primitive Baptist churches in Gwinnett county, and was organized May 25, 1833, and is located near Five Forks. Elders John Bankston, J. Reeves, F. Parker, John Hale, E. Dyer and Kincher. Rambo constituted the presbytery at the organization of the church, Messrs. Rambo and Reeves acting as moderator and clerk respectively. The minutes of the church show the following names as members in 1833 and for a short time thereafter: Thomas Johnson, Lawrence Bankston, Lewis Jenkins, John Lawrence, Sampson Lanier, Abram Garrett, Lodge Langley, Wm. Strickland, Daniel Jenkins, Reuben Jenkins, David Jenkins, Arthur Dilda, John J. Austin, Claburn Vaughn, Allen Jenkins, Dennis Dilda, Nancy Johnson, Permelia Bankston, Mary Bankston, Wilie Bankston, Judith Langley, Susan Spence, Nancy Jenkins, Rebecca Jenkins, Mary Osburn, Jemima Jenkins, Francis Garrett, Susanna Jenkins, Adaline Spence, Vicy Dilda, Elisebeth Dilda, Nancy Gillam, Eliza Austin, Lucretia Austin, Elisebeth York, Elisebeth Vaughn, Matilda Strickland, Permela Fowler, Jane Dilda, Mary Stanford, Sarah Waters, Margaret Lanier. As many as three buildings have been used since the church was organized, the present church having been erected in 1886, and worth $600. The various pastors of the church, the number of years served, and the additions are as follows: Rev. K. Rambo, twenty years, twenty-eight additions; Rev. J. P. Hale, two years, four additions; Rev. E. B. B. Shaw, ten years, seven additions; Rev. G. P. Bradley, two years, five additions; Rev. W. D. Almond, fourteen years, eighteen additions; Rev. N. B. Hardy, three years, five additions; Rev. J. A. Jordan, eleven years, fourteen additions; Rev. J. R. Chandler, one year, two additions; Rev. J. T. Jordan, three years, ten additions; Rev. G. W. Jackson, the present pastor, has served thirteen years, with twelve additions. The church roll shows the following membership in July, 1911: G. W. Jackson, H. A. Lester, J. B. Nash, D. Ivey, J. W. Moore, J. O. Moore, Gilbert Upchurch, C. M. Moore, W. R. Moore, W. N. Downs, W. A. Lee, C. L. Moore, W. A Peters, H. T. Smith, L T. Brownlee, J. R. Jackson, A. J. Webb, Jack Brooks, Clarissa Austin, Lucinda Brown, Sarah A. B. Jackson, Rachel Lester, Luna Moore, Dillie Brownlee, Sarah O. Brown, Lou Downs, Malissa Lee, M. J. Brownlee, Elisebeth Brownlee, Lucretia Hewatt, Mary Hewatt, Jane Crews, Elisebeth Whitworth, Shady Peters, Mary J. Webb, M. C. Moore, M. E. Brownlee, Jennie Upchurch, M. A. Brooks. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb