Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 12:06 am Bethlehem. Bethlehem church was constituted March 27, 1827. Prior to that time for some two years, it was a branch of Bethel church, and was then located near Norcross where it still remains. It had the following members on the day of its organization: Jordan Dickson, John Cates, James Waits, Richard Good, Radford Gunn, Wm. Huckabee, Jesse Dukes, Robert Webb, Wm. Gunn, James Collins, Richard James, James Huckabee, A. M. D. Cauley, James Mayfield, John Webb, Wm. Morris, Crenshaw Duke, Judith Jordan, Hannah Waits, Polly Burge, Sarah Underwood, Sarah Morgan, Cicilia Cauley, Obedia Proctor, Margaret Gunn, Elizabeth Rhodes, Malinda Underwood, Sarah Henderson, Sussannah Cates, Sabry Thompson, Nancy Pearce, Nancy Dukes, Sarah Huckabee, Elizabeth Rhodes. Radford Gunn was the first pastor and served as such for several years. Then the following pastors have served the church: E. Moon in 1835; H. S. Rhodes in 1836; W. M. Gober for 14 years; Hamilton Brooks for four years; Thos. Langley two years; Hamilton Brooks again four years; Thomas Langley again five years; George Bradley, J. T. Jordan, J. P. McPhearson, A. Melton, B. F. Morton, W. H. Gulledge, J H Cook, G. Henderson, J. A. Jordan, D. S. Gower, H. G. Mitchell, P. N. Phillips, A. J. Webb, W. D. Webb, J. M. Livesey, S. A. Huff, who is the present pastor. There have been two or more buildings used as a church since its organization. The present church was put up in 1907, and is valued at $600. T. B. Ray, the present church clerk, has held that position since 1877, or for 34 years. The present membership of the church is composed of the following parties: John W. Ray, Mayfield Nash, Geo. R. Dicken, James I. Gresham, T. B. Ray, Mrs. M. A. Nash, Mrs. S. A. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Gresham, Mrs. Phoebe Gresham, Mrs. Jane Turner, Mrs. M. J. Ray, Mrs. Lidden Ford ,Mrs. Piety Warbington, Mrs. Elizabeth Brand, Miss Ophelia Nash, Miss Rosa Nash, Mrs. John T. Smith, Miss Ophelia Nash, Mrs. S. W. Gresham. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb