Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Sweetwater Primitive Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 12:18 am Sweetwater. Sweetwater was constituted December 8, 1824. The movement leading to its organization originated at Camp Creek, an older church. The presbytery was organized by electing Tyre Landers moderator, and G. B. Waldrop, clerk. The membership included Alsey Waldrop, Benjamin Waldrop, Bodie Waldrop, James Wells, Prudence Wells, Thomas Mason, James Doneyhoo, Elizabeth Doneyhoo, John Hendrix, Nancy Hendrix, Elley Davis, Editha McDaniel, Cynthy Barnett, Margaret Minchem, Sarah Shamblee, Heziah Lawrence, Elizabeth Niblet, Hannah Spradlin, Mary Hedrick, Precilla Woodruff, Sah Morgan, Clarissa Woodruff, Frances Lander. This church was organized in the Wells school house which was used for holding services until 1829, when a church building was erected. The present building was erected in 1909 and is worth $700. Only eight pastors have served this church since its organization 87 years ago. James Hale was the first pastor and served sixteen years. Simon Edwards was the second pastor and served two years. James Hale, the first pastor was again called as the third pastor, which position he held for twelve years. D. T. White served three and a half years. He was succeeded by H. D. Teat, who served three years. B. Daniel then preached three years and G. T. Bradley and Wm. L. Beebe, one year each. J. T. Jordan, the present pastor, was called July 14, 1866, and has served the church continuously since, period of 45 years. The church is 87 years old, and the first and present pastors have served it for 73 years. It is doubtful if any church in America or in the world, can show such a record in point of ministerial service. The present membership of the church includes Margaret C. Franklin, Zippeah Hopkins, Phoebe Mathis, Eliza Massey, Mary McDaniel, Ophelia Atkinson, Emma Huff, Mattie Wynn, Caroline Arendell, G. W. Hopkins, W. A. Huff, S. A. Huff. M. H. Nash, J. E. New, J. E. Summerlin, Josie Summerlin, Callie Snmmerlin, E. L. Cooper, N. O. Hanson. In addition to the names given above, the church has two colored members, viz: Perry Gholston and Frances Gholston. They have been members of this church since the days of slavery. They are regular attendants, enjoy the esteem not only of the church but of the community and belong to that almost extinct type of old time southern "darkies" who flourished in the splendid civilization of the Old South. And when the pastor, at the annual meeting during the summer months, when the church observes the ordinance of footwashing, girdles himself with a flowing towel of immaculate white and washes "Uncle" Perry's feet, the scene is one that melts the stoniest heart to tears. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb