Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Lawrenceville Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 4:30 am Lawrenceville. Lawrenceville was chartered as a town in 1822 It was quite a small place at that time. It has been impossible to secure data as to the organization of the. Methodists in Lawrenceville. Doubtless about the time the town was chartered, a Methodist church was organized, as the Methodist itinerant went practically everywhere. Jesse Murphey, Elias Norton, Wm. Maltbie and Isham Williams were among the first members of the church. Jesse Murphey was for a long time class leader and superintendent of the Sunday school. The first building was located in the old cemetery. It was a small wooden building. The second church building was erected in 1854 on the school hill. This was replaced by another wooden building about 20 years ago, which was burned about 10 years ago when the present brick building was erected. In 1840, Rev. W. R. Branham, the father of the present pastor, was in charge of the Gwinnett circuit, of which Lawrenceville was one of the churches. For many years the Lawrenceville church was in the Gwinnett circuit, consisting of perhaps, twenty or more churches and preaching places. In 1846, John M. Vestal was P. C. Along in those days, Dr. Alexander Means, Judge Longstreet, Dr. Ignatius Few and Allen Turner preached in Lawrenceville, but none of them were in charge of the work. In 1851, Rev. Allen was P. C.; 1856-7, J. W. Burke; 1858-9, John W. Yarbrough; 1860, J. D. Anthony; 1866, Lucius Anthony; 1867-8, J. M. Lowry; 1872, F. F. Reynolds; 1873, Geo. Kramer; 1874, J. R. Pate; 1875, R. R. Johnson; 1876, V. V. Harlan; 1878, J. R. Smith; 1879-80, H. M. Quillian; 1881-82, W. M. Winn; 1883, K. Read; 1884-85, J. R. King; 1886-87, E. K. Aiken; 1888, B. E. L. Timmons; 1889, G. K. Quillian; 1890, M. H. Edwards; 1891-92, S. B. Ledbetter; 1893, J. L. Moon; 1894, W. A. Parks; 1896-97-98, J. E. England; 1899, H. A. Hodges; 1900, T. J. Warlick; 1901, G. W. Griner; 1902, J. A. Timmerman; 1903, L. W. Rivers; 1904, F. P. Spencer; 1905, Wallace Rogers; 1906, J. F. Nixon; 1907-08, O. L. Kelley; 1909-10, C. H. Branch; 1911, W. R. Branham. Up to 1910, the Lawrenceville church was connected with some other church. In 1910, the church had 303 members. During the present year, 32 have been added to the membership, making the membership in 1911, 335. The Sunday school has 150 pupils, with a fine average attendance. There is an Epworth League of 40 members. For 1911, $1000 is assessed for salary of the pastor, and $512 for benevolence. 17 adults and 2 infants have been baptized. The church has made steady progress numerically and financially. The year 1911 has been marked by a gracious revival, known as the "tent meeting," from which much good has resulted. The church property including the parsonage and church building is valued at $9000. The Lawrenceville Camp ground is the property of the Lawrenceville Methodist Church. The tract of land contains 50 acres, and was bought in 1832 by Elisha Winn, William Maltbie, Isham Williams, Buckner Harris and George Brogdon for $50 or $1 per acre. Each of the above named men paid $10. The land is now well worth $50 per acre. The first camp meeting was held in 1833, the year the stars fell. Camp meetings have been held continuously ever since except during and a few years after the civil war. The pavilion was burned during the war and another erected in its place. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb