Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Buford Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 5:01 am Buford. The Buford Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was organized, August 19, 1871 by Rev. Joshua Bradford and Dr. "Buck" Williams, as he was familiarly called, with twenty-six members. They were Mrs. M. B. Garner, M. S. Garner, Miss Julia Garner, G. G. Bowman, Van Davis, Emily A. Davis, Mary Davis, Elinor M. Davis, Margaret Pass, A. L. Davis, M. B. Davis, Sinia Davis, W. G. Stevens, Margaret Stevens, W. J. Lott, Julius Bowman, Sarah C. Davis, Amanda Pirkle, Mary J. Black, S. L. Bowman, Emanuel Sudderth, Caroline Sudderth, Matthew C. Maddox, William Maddox, Elizabeth Mickler and Herod Pass. Four hundred dollars was at once raised and a church building begun. Half the amount was given by two men, Col. Larkin Smith, a devout Episcopalian, and T. S. Garner, a member of Trinity Church, Atlanta. The church was added to the Lawrenceville circuit, Rev. F. F. Reynolds, P. C. and R. P. Martyn, Junior Preacher. In 1872, the church was assessed $60 for quarterage, which it paid and $11 for foreign missions. In 1873, the Lawrenceville circuit was divided and Buford was placed in the Duluth circuit with Level Creek, Suwanee, Duluth, Mt. Zion, Flowery Branch and Sardis. That year, Buford was assessed $125 quarterage and paid $185. The church building which had only been hulled in, was completed in 1875 and dedicated by Rev. W. A. [D]odge, P. E., Rev. M. H. Eakes, pastor. In 1885, the Duluth circuit was divided and Buford was placed in the Flowery Branch circuit with Bethlehem, Level Creek, Shiloh and Sardis. In 1891, the Flowery Branch circuit was divided. Buford was made a half station with preaching twice a month, and Bethlehem, Level Creek and Shiloh associated with it. This circuit continued only two years. In the fall of 1893, Buford was made a station taking all of the time of her pastor. In 1876, a memorable District Conference was held in Buford which illustrated the Buford spirit. After Buford had been selected as the place of meeting, a rumor was spread abroad that Buford was not able to entertain it and steps were taken to change the place of meeting. Whereupon, Buford got busy and notified the presiding elder that Buford would not only entertain the delegates but all visitors that cared to come. They came over two hundred strong and had a great meeting. Buford has been served by the following pastors: 1871, Joshua Bradford, supply; 1872, F. F. Reynolds, P. C. and R. P. Martyn, Junior P. C.; 1873, George Cramer, P. C. and R. P. Martyn, Junior P. C.; 1874-5, M. H. Eakes; 1876-7, John Carr; 1878, W. P .Smith; 1879, J. Rembert Smith; 1880, J. A. Perryman; 1881-2, Dr. H. S. Bradley; 1883, J. H. Mashburn; 1884, B. Sanders; 1886, H. L. Embry; 1887-8, M. H. Eakes; 1889, E. G. Murrah, 1890, W. W. Oslin; 1891, J. W. Quillian; 1892; W. A. Farris; 1894-5, W. T. Hunnicutt; 1896, C. V. Weathers; 1897, T. C. Betterton; 1898-9, H. L. Embry; 1900-1, T. M. Tumlin; 1902, C. C. Cary; 1903, J. B. Allen; 1904, W. T. Hamby; 1905-6, A. C. Cantrell; 1907-8-9-10, S. A. Harris; 1911, Henry B. Mays. The officers of the church at present, 1911, are as follows: Stewards, Bona Allen, Sr., Chairman; E. L. Lockhart, Treasurer and Recording Steward; Carl Perry, Secretary; V. H. Allen, W. C. Drake, Dr. O. D. Hall, A. G. Hamilton, C. S. Maffet, L. P. Patillo, W M. Prater, M. C. Shadburn, L. T. Sudderth. Trustees of church and parsonage, Bona Allen, Sr., J. S. Epsy, W. B. Shadburn, J..T. Smith and L. P. Patillo. Local preacher, J. P. Neese and W. A. Tarpley, superannuate, member of North Georgia Conference. Church Secretary, J. G. Blackwood. Superintendents Sunday school, Idus Bowden and W. N. Nunn, Asso. Sec. S. S., Carl Perry and Ralph Gordy. Teachers in Sunday school: Adults, Prof. W. N. Nunn, Mrs. W. N. Nunn; Seniors, Mrs. M. C. Shadburn, J. Loss Shadburn, Mrs. W. B. Brogdon; Intermediates, M. C. Shadburn, W. C. Drake, V. H. Allen; Juniors, Mrs. H W. Christian, Mrs. O. S. Williams, H W. Christian; Primary, Misses Fannie Lou Patillo and Dessie Sudderth; Beginners, Mrs. H. B. Mays; Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs. H. B. Mays; Supt. Home Department, Mrs. H. W. Christian. Enrollment of Sunday school, main school, 283; Home Department, 75; Cradle Roll, 48. .President Woman's Mission Society, Mrs. M. S. Garner; President, Epworth League, Carl Perry. The present church was built during the pastorate of W. T. Hunnicutt, 1894-5, at a cost of $8000 but has become inadequate to accommodate the growing Sunday school. A new church, or at least, a new Sunday school building will be erected in the near future. The church pays her pastor $1500, P. E. $240, missions and conference claims, $850. During 1910, total raised and expended was $3242.87. During the pastorate of S. A. Harris, the parsonage was completely overhauled, a second story added and now possesses a comfortable eight room preacher's home. List of members August 29, 1911: Bona Allen, Mrs. Bona Allen, Wadleigh Allen, John Q. Allen, Mrs. Kate Allen, Bona Allen, Jr., Victor H. Allen, Mrs. Victor H. Allen, J. G. Blackwood, Mrs. J. G. Blackwood, Wiley R. Brogdon, Mrs. Wiley R. Brogdon, Mrs Essie Brogdon, Idus Bowden, Mrs. Idus Bowden, Irene Bowden, Mrs. Eula S. Bowles, Mrs. F. M. Bagby, Miss Lina .Bagby, J. D. Chapman, Mrs. J. D. Chapman, Samuel Chapman, Miss Kate Chapman, Mrs. Mary A. Cain, Isaac H. Crow, Mrs. Isaac H. Crow, Mr. Clyde Cox, Mr. W. F. Crumley, Mrs. W. F. Crumley, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, Walter C. Drake, Henry W. Davis, C. O. Dobbs, Mrs. C. O. Dobbs, Jno. F. Epsy, Mrs. Jno. F. Epsy, Miss Ruth Epsy, David A. Farr, Mrs. David A. Farr, Mrs. Annie L. Garner, Robt. M. Garner, Howard Garner, Miss Ruby Garner, Annie L. Garner, Jr., Mrs. Eliza Hannah, Mrs. Lillie Hannah, Mrs. Susa A. Hannah, Callie M. Harris, Mrs. Maggie N. Harris, Ellen Irene Harris, J. A. Hendrick, Mrs. Mattie Hendrick, Mrs. Ruth Hendrick, Mrs. H. W. Hunt, Mrs. L. J. Hamilton, Miss Carrie Hamilton, Miss Mamie Hamilton, Sallie Grace Hamilton, Mrs. A. G. Hamilton, Walker Humphrey, Mrs. Walker Humphrey, Mr. Wood Humphrey, Mrs. Sarah O. Head, Mrs. E. A. Holcomb, William Haney, W. M. Johnston, Mrs. W. M. Johnston, Mrs. Mary Johnston, E. L. Lockhart, T. F. Lowe, Mrs. T. F. Lowe, Myrtice A. Mahaffey, Mrs. Allie McGinnis, Dallas W. Martin, Mrs. Dallas W. Martin, Mrs. Asler Martin, Carl H. Neese, Rev. J. P. Neese, Mrs. J. P. Neese, Lucille Neese, Jack Overby, Mrs. Jack Overby, Mrs. Maggie Poole, C. D. Poole, Mrs. M. F. Poole, Miss Mattie E. Poole, L. P. Patillo, Mrs. L. P. Patillo, Miss Emma Puett, Owen F. Pharr, Mrs. Owen F. Pharr, Jno. A. Pass, Mrs. Emma Pruett, John W. Pruett, L. I. Perry, Annie W. Perry, Carl Perry, Mrs. Mamie Power, Miss Vesta Roper, Mrs. L. A. Roper, Miss Oveline Robertson, L. T. Suddeth, Mrs. L. T. Suddeth, Emanuel Suddeth, Dessie Suddeth, David E. Suddeth, W. B. Shadburn, Mrs. W. B. Shadburn, Mrs. T. C. Shadburn, Daniel W. Shadburn, Lucile Shadburn, Jno. T. Smith, Chas. H. Smith, Jr., Wm. L. Smith, Mrs. M. D. Stringer, Chas. A. Stringer, Mrs. Chas. A. Stringer, Noah W. Satterfield, Mrs. Noah W. Satterfield, Mrs. J. M. Stidham, Virginia Strickland, David F. Silvey, Mrs. W. R. Taylor, Jas. E. Thomas, C. R. Tumlin, David F. Vance, Mrs. David F. Vance, Oscar B. Vance, Miss Nina Vance, Earl R. Vance, Miss Ethel Vance, David F. Verner, Mrs. David F. Verner, E. M. Welborn, Mrs. E. M. Welborn, Aaron Welborn, Willis B. Williams, Mrs. Willis B. Williams, E. O. Williams, Mrs. E. O. Williams, Mrs. Pearl Waits, Miss Lizzie Wilson, Mrs. M. C. Shadburn, Mrs. Wadleigh Allen, C. L. Allen, Mrs. C. L. Allen, Miss Vivian Allen, Worley W. Harris, Jno. S. Whiting, Ola Elizabeth Hamilton, Miss Naomi Wood, J. W. Wood, Hugh W. Williams, M. C. Bailey, Mrs. M. C. Bailey, M. C. Shadburn, Mrs. M. E. Light, J. Loss Shadburn, Miss Verlon M. Maffett, C. S. Maffett, Mrs. C. S. Maffett, J. M. McHugh, Mrs. J. M. McHugh, W. E. Sears, Mrs. W. E Sears, A. G. Hamilton, Booker L Patillo, Neal L. Blackwood, A. E .Mahaffey, Chas. Cupin Peek, Horace Garner, Chas. L. Peek, W. M. Prater, Mrs. W. M. Prater, Mrs. H. Bird Brogdon, R. E. Brogdon, B. H. Stringer, Robt. L. Hannah, Harry Power, Mrs. D. W. Shadburn, Mrs. C. N. Duncan, C. N. Duncan, Mrs. Sallie J. Bird, Blanche Espy, Gertrude Bowden, Frank Bowden, Lee. Strickland, Nymrod Shadburn, Dorothy Poole, Winnie Sue Sears, Amy Bird, Mrs., D. M. Cole, Mrs. Chas. L. Peek, W. R. Davis, Mrs. Nancy Davis, Mrs. Amanda, Lewis, Mrs. Eliza Wells, Miss Eva Wells, Weldon Wells, Mrs. Carl H. Neese, Mrs. R. E. Brogdon, J. E. Suddeth, Mrs. J. E. Suddeth, Mrs. H. R. Davis, Celeste Shadburn, Mrs. Ida May Kaskie, Mr. D. H. Roper, Dr. O. D. Hall, Mrs. O. D. Hall, Prof. W. N. Nunn, Mrs. W. N Nunn, Mabel Nunn, Martha E. Humphrey; Mrs. W. E. Tarpley, Mrs. Nannie Jackson, Mrs. J. B. Puckett, H. L. Shadburn, T. C. Mason, C. E. L. Rogers, Mrs. C. E. L. Rogers, Robt. Rogers, Winfield Rowe, Mrs. Ora Rowe, Ralph H. Gordy, Wm. Lee Nunn, Annie Crawford, Mrs. A. E. Simmons., Mrs. Blanche Simmons, Mrs. B. E. Adelsperger, Mrs. C. D. Poole, Carolyn Vance, Olive Williams, Ludie Bird, Miss Ada Bean, Mrs. Florence .B. Mays, Alice D. Mays, Olive F. Mays, Lamar Mays, Geo. E. Westbrook, Mrs. Jane Westbrook, Miss Essie Westbrook, Ebb M. Jackson, Mrs. May Jackson, Robt. C. White, Miss Stella Hughes, Henry P. Thomas, Mrs. Annie R. Thomas, Isaac W. Duncan, Mrs. Louisa F. Duncan, Edward T. Payne, Mrs. Bona Allen, Jr., Miss Fannie L. Patillo, Mrs. Mary Day, Mrs. Alice Orr, Edwin M. Martin, Mrs. Mary V. Martin, Willie May Martin, Virgil E .Martin, Neesie M. Robinson, Mrs. Lillie Austin Street, Mrs. Lizzie Brooks, Mrs. Lula Keith Payne, Loric Calhoun Sudderth, Dora May Sudderth, Leony Ruth Pruitt, Bezelle Pruitt, Willie Lou Hendrix, Kittie Power, Clifford M. Barker, Bonnie B. Cole, Willie Boger Webb, Claud Riley, Henry Bean Mays, Jr., Chas. Tilman Martin, Emmett Francis Garner, Henry Mills Garner, Elizabeth Ruth Rogers, Sarah Francis Rogers, Caroline Pharr, Jesse Lois Rowe, Cliff Homer Martin, Lester Albert Harris. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 10.6 Kb