Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Dacula Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 12:23 pm Dacula. Pleasant Hill Methodist church was organized in 1837 about two miles from Dacula, and remained there for twenty years. Then, during 1857, it was moved to its present location in Dacula where the late Dr. S. H. Freeman, an active member at that time, donated four acres of land, and the members built a church house and a parsonage. The cemetery at the original location is still being used, and is among the nicest burying grounds to be found in the county, having a rock wall built entirely around it and many handsome stones placed over the graves. The present value of the church property in Dacula is $2,500.00, which is a very low estimate. Messrs. S. A. Edmonds, J. H. Freeman, John S. Hinton, James Y. R. Stanley and Dr. Samuel L. Hinton are among the surviving members who helped to organize the church in its later location. The ministers who have preached here are: G. R. Cramer, one year; Joshua Bradford, one year; J. W. Baker, one year; R. P. Martin, two years; Rev. Reynolds. two years; W. E. Shackelford, one year; V. V. Harlan, one year, H. M. Quillian, three years, W. M. Winn, B. H. Tramel, L. P. Neese, W. R. Stilwell, J. W. Morgan, A, C. Cantrell, T. J. Edwards, J. M. Fowler, H. M, Newton, J. M. Venable, S. D. Evans, W. L. Singleton, two years; L. Roper, one year; S. M. Morris, one year; J. S. Askew, four years; T. M. Luke, one year; R. P. Jackson, the present pastor, is in his first year. The Sunday school numbers 100 students. J. N. Pharr is superintendent; M. T. Tanner, J. S. Hinton, Essie Jones, Mrs. L. C. Mauldin, teachers. The members' names follow: Samuel A. Edmonds, John H. Freeman, John J. Hinton, Samuel S. Hinton, A. W. McMillan, James Y. Stanley, William H. Davenport, James Edmonds, William Tucker, Wesley Freeman, George R. Jones, J. T. McMillan, Earley J. Stanley, M. E. Edmonds, Francis Freeman, M. M. Harrison, Ella M. Freeman, N. O. Bramlet, Susan Davenport, M. A. Frachiseur, Mollie R. Gower, Elisebeth Fowler, Mary Jewell, Mattie Edmonds, Lula McMilian, Sallie Walker, Emma Jones, Abbie Jones, Maritza Freeman, Laura Williams, Ida Frachiseure, Mollie Robison, Dora. Farmer, Eda Wilson, Noah Barnett, Joe C. Gower, Laura Harrison, Martha Hinton, Francis Mahaffey, Mamie Jones, Martha Freeman, William F. Hinton, Flora King, Alfred J. Sims, Malinda Hinton, Henry J. McMillain, Nancy C. McMillain, Henry Sims, J. C. Williams, Emma A. Williams, Pearl Ethridge, M. T. Tanner, Mrs. M. T. Tanner, Paul Sims, Mrs. Bettie Harris, M.attie Loveless, Samuel A. Hinton, Holman Hinton, Walter Sims, Margie Mauldin, J. D. Barrett, Theo. Sackwell, Mrs. L. C. Mauldin, Mamie Tanner, Callie Treeman, S. E. Pharr,.W. Frank Freeman, H. H. Pharr, W. E. E. Bedingfield, Mrs. Canura Bedingfield, Bertha Edmonds, Ida Lou Hinton, John S. Hinton, Hassie Holcomb, George McDonnel, Thorns Tanner, Cassie. Tanner, Elma Hinton, Vinie Butler, Ida Etheridge, Annie Lee Hinton, Moena Hogan, Lula Tucker,. Ida Self, Ula Walker, Calvin Etheridge, Pearl Etheridge, Myra Sockwell, Annie Hinton, Matilda Harris, Ida Davenport, D. M. Gresham, W. A. McMillian, Mattie A. Buttler, J. C. Tucker, Jim Hinton, Herbert Hinton, Mattie Hinton, Bishop Davenport, Cassie Hogans, Leila Pharr, Boyce Pharr, Ottie May Pharr, Odessa Tanner, Irene Bedingfield, Ona Etheridge, Neese Edmonds, Ralph Northcut, Bessie Freeman, Beatrice Sockwell, Jessie Fowler. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb