Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Auburn Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 12:28 pm Auburn The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was organized at Auburn in December, 1892. The names of the members at the organization of the church follow: Maggie D. Wages, John J. Wages, Margaret J. Wages, John T. Wages, Sampson Ethridge, Nancy B. Ethridge, Ira W. Ethridge, Viola Ethridge, Geo. W. Ethridge, Mrs. L. J. Ethridge, Abbie Ethridge, Alma Ethridge, John S. Ethridge, Tina Ethridge, Winnie Ethridge, W. M. Ethridge, Sr., Susan= Ethridge, Maud Ethridge, W. M. Ethridge, Jr., R. A. Ethridge, Harriett Ethridge, Sara Thornton, J. O. Hawthorne, Martha Hawthorne, Maye Hawthorne, Alma Hawthorne, Emma Hawthorne, Eva Hawthorne, J. A. Pirkle, Alma Pirkle, W. W. Parks, Bertie Parks, Rev. M. W. Graham, Emma Taylor, D. L. McDaniel, Mrs. Pauline Gray, Mrs. Georgia Davis, W. H. Thomas, Maggie Thomas. The present building was erected in 1892 and is valued at $800 or $1,000. Geo. W. Morgan was the first pastor. He served one year, there being 39 additions during his pastorate. A. C. Cantrel was the next pastor, serving two years, and five were added to the church. T. J. Edwards served one year and twelve joined the church. J. M. Fowler added eleven members during the two years he served. W. L. Singleton was pastor three years, during which time six joined the church. F G. Golden served one year, when the membership was increased by eleven. E. C. Marks in one year increased the membership by fourteen. Lucien Roper and S. H. Braswell were pastors for one year, twelve being added to the church's roll. Eight joined the church during the two years W. H. Morris was pastor. J. S. Askew is the only man who served four years, twenty-six joining during this period. T. M. Luke preached one year and took in five members. R. P. Jackson is the present pastor, and ten have joined this church since he began his work there. Since its organization, 159 members have been added to this church. There is a live Sunday school with an enrollment of 100. R. F. Byers is superintendent, John Chesser, secretary, and Mrs. R. A. Ethridge, Thos. G. Ethridge, John Chesser, Myrtle Ethridge, R. F. Byers, Amanda Chesser, teachers. The members of the church at the present time (June 1, 1911) are given below: R. A. Ethridge, Harriett V. Ethridge, Myrtie Lee Ethridge, B. Ethridge, Thomas G. Ethridge, Robert Loy Ethridge, W. M. Ethridge, Sr., Susan E. Ethridge, Mrs. T. J. Ethridge, John S. Ethridge, Tina Ethridge, W. W. Parks, Bertie Parks, Jennie Mae Parks, James O. Hawthorne, Mary E. Hawthorne, Alma V. Hawthorne, Dollie Hawthorne, Maggie Hawthorne, D. B. Maxey, Lillian J. Maxey, Arthur Maxey, Luther Maxey, Edwin Maxey, Herbert Maxey, Susie Kate Maxey, Raymond F. Byers, Odessa Byers, J. Frank Wages, Emma Wages, W. A. Wages, Jr., Jane Wages, Alma Wages, Ben J. Wages, Geo. A. Smith, Paulina Smith, S. A. Smith, Laura Smith, Dr. L. P. Pharr, Bessie Pharr, J. D. Clark, Maggie Clark, May Clark, Albert Clark, Ezra Clark, Beulah Clark, Mary E. Willard, Mobile Chandler, Cora Chandler, Ola L. Chandler, D. P. Trout, Myrtie Thornton, Claudia Page, Dora Page, Bertie Summerour, Ellen Jane Cosby, Cora Stephens, Hattie Simpson, W. M. Harrison, M. S. Harrison. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb