Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Duluth Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 12:33 pm Duluth. S. G. Howell, Agnes J. Howell, W. E. Jones, Mrs. W. E. Jones, Dora Howell, H. W. Howell, Cynthia E. Howell and J. J. Herrington were the charter members of the Methodist church organized at Duluth in 1871. Rev. G. R. Kramer organized this church and did much to promote its welfare and success. A building was erected in 1873, which is still used, the church property being valued at $1,000. The pastors and their term of service follow: M. H. Eakes, 1874 to 1876; Joseph Carr, 1877; J. R. Smith, 1878; W. P. Smith, 1879; H. S. Bradley, 1880 to 1881; J. H. Mashburn, 1882 to 1885; H. M. Newton, 1886; he resigned and J. T. Curtis filled out the term; W. M. Milner, 1887 to 1888; M. W. Arnold 1889; W. F. Robeson, 1890; Thos. M. Cobb, 1891; resigned and succeeded by L. P. Neese; J. W. Quillian, 1892-'03-'04; W. B. Dillard,.1895-'96; C. S. Weathers, 1897; E. C. Marks, 1898-'99-1900; W. L. Singleton, 1901; F. G. Golden, 1902; W. W. Ganies, 1903-'04; W. .E. McBreyer, 1905; S. A. Braswell, 1906-'07; F. R. Smith, 1908; J. W. Stipes, 1909-'10; A. E. Scott, 1911. The names of the members are as follows: Vines Allen, Mrs. Georgia Allen, Miss Chuppie Allen, Miss Ellyne Allen, J. J. Auglin, Mrs. Lillie 'Auglin, Mrs. Wessie Autry, Miss Lizzie Baker, Mrs. Rebecca Bird, Miss Mary Boles, Mrs. Dora Burnett, J. T. Brown, Miss Alline Brown, Mrs. Cora Craft, J. A. Cook, J. H. Cook, Rylie Cook, Mrs. Anna E. Cook, Miss Mattie Cook, Miss Maggie Cook, Miss Esther Cook, Miss Ellen Cook, Miss Lillian Cook, Dr. J. E. Christian, Mrs. J. E. Christiain, Mrs. Dona Chapman, Mrs. Mamie Cooley., Mrs. Sarah Davis, Mrs. Hattie Dodds, Thomas Davenport, John A. Dodds,.Mrs. Jane Dodds, S. A. Dodds, William Dotson, Mrs. William Dotson, Miss Hattie Green, Mrs. Sara E. Guthrie, Miss Billie Guthrie, Mrs. Josephine Gaut, Mrs. Lizzie Herrington, Mrs. M. T. Howard, Miss Louise Howard, Mrs. Nancy A. Herrington, J. A. Hall, Miss Sallie Hall, Miss Ethel Hall, Ernest Hall, Miss Minnie Hudgins, Miss Mary Hudgins, Mrs. Ophelia Harvey, W. B. Hay, Mrs. Eula Hopkins, W. E. Jones, Mrs. Agnes Jones, Miss Agnes Jones, Miss Lavina Jones, Miss Gladdie Jackson, Mrs. Sarah E. Knox, J. W. Knox, Mrs. Eva Knox, Miss Cora Knox, Miss Willie Knox, Miss Mary E. Knox, Samuel Knox, Crawford Knox, D. C. Knox, Miss Dixie Knox, Miss Dapsie Knox, J. E. Lowe, Mary R. Lowe, D. F. Little, Mrs. Julia Little, Mrs. Ida Little, Miss Winnie Little, Bird Little, Bob Little, Winton Little, Thos. A. Lewis, Mrs. Sallie Lewis, Miss Alice Lowery, Miss Lee Lowery, Miss Anna Lowery, D. J. Langly, Mrs. D. J. Langly, Miss Sallie Little, Mrs. Cassanda Martin, John V. Mewborn, Joseph. L. Moor, Mrs. Sallie L. Moor, Miss Belle Moor, Mrs. Mildred Medlock, Luther H. Medlock, W.E. Milam, Jno. D. McDaniel, Mrs. Eliza McDaniel, E. H. McGee, Eva Lou McGee, Mrs. Octave Nichols, Miss Emma O'Rourke, Jessie A. Payne, Mrs. Emma Payne, A. M. Quinn, Mrs. A. M. Quinn, Miss Daisey Quinn, W. B. Rutledge, Mrs. Azzie Rutledge, Paul Rutledge, Hairston Rutledge, Mrs. Annie Summerour, John H. Summerour, Pat Summerour, Guy Summerour, Mrs. Alma Summerour, Mrs. Willer Summerour, Mrs. Alice Strickland, Mrs. Emma Strickland, Mrs. Glenn B. Strickland, Harril Strickland, Miss Annie M. Strickland, Miss Susie Strickland, Mrs. Oma Spence, William Singly, Mrs. Daisey Seay, Mrs. Susie Singly, Mrs. A. E. Scott, Mrs. Maude Williams, Frank M. West, J. C. Webb, Mrs. Lula Webb. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb