Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Grayson Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 12:49 pm Grayson. This church is known as Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, South, a name given it at the time of organization in 1884. The town of Grayson has grown up around it, and it is now being rightly called the Grayson Methodist church. G. M. Brand, Mrs. G. M. Brand, G. W. Cates, Mrs. G. W. Cates, Mrs. Jane Head, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, Miss Mary Langley, R. E. Browning, Mrs. R. E. Browning, Robt. Frisby, Mrs. Robt. Frisby, James Conner, Mrs. James Conner were the first members of this church and were present at its organization. The church building was erected in 1885, and is valued at $2,000. M. E. Eakes was its first pastor and served the church from 1885 to 1887. He was followed by S. D. Evans, who served from 1887 to 1889; G. T. J. Edwards, 1889-'91; G. M. Brand, 1891-'93; Rev. Hargrove, 1893-'96; John Austin, 1896-'9S; S. H. Braswell, 1898-'00; Rev. Taylor,. 1900-'01; L. Roper, 1901-'03, forty additions; W. W. Morris, 1903-'04, two additions; W. *W. Gaines, 1904-'0G, twenty-nine additions; W. O. Butler, 1906-'08, nine additions; S. H. Dimon, 1908 to the present time, twenty-six additions. J. W. Ethridge is superintendent of the Sunday school, Blanche Jacobs, secretary, J. E. Jacobs, Mrs. Ellena Petty, Mrs. Dr. Rhodes, G. W. Jacobs, teachers. The church has services once a month and pays its pastor a salary of $100. The church contributes to all causes about $175 annually. Below is given the name of each of its members: R. H. Cates, Mrs. Lou Cates, G. W. Cates, Mrs. Geo. Cates, Mrs. Ellena Petty, Mrs. Jane Head, Miss Mary Langley, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, E. A. Cates, Miss Bobbie Hawthorn, Jessie Pate, Carl Pate, Jessie Oliver, Ellery Oliver, C. C. Johnson, Mrs. Nina Hinton, Miss Ludie Brand, Mrs. Eliza Camp, Albert Roberts, Carl Nix, J. S. Oliver, Miss Hattie Oliver, G. M. Brand, Mary Barrett, Adline Cates, Alpharetta Cates, N. P. Butler, Eliza Butler, W. T. Butler, Miss Noby Butler, Mrs. Mary Cates, Susie McCart, R. H. Donaldson, Mrs. Maud Thompson, Zephyr Hutchins, R. E. Langley, Jennie Johnson, Addie Petty, Mattie Petty, Florence Holt, G. C. Cates, Sophia Cates, Mattie Rhodes, N. L. Patch, Mrs. Ida Patch, Clarence Patch, S. H. Jacobs, Mrs. S. H. Jacobs, J. W. Ethridge, Mrs. J. W. Ethridge, Exer Patch, Mrs. Annie Sawyer, J. E. Jacobs, G. W. Jacobs, Synthy Jacobs, Fred Jacobs, W. I. Tuggle, Mrs. W. J. Tuggle, Eula Tuggle, Homer Tuggle, Grady Rhodes, W. A. Henderson, G. L. Webb, Mrs. G. L. Webb, A. H. Jackson, Mrs. A. H. Jackson, Mary Jackson, Mrs. Maud Cooper, Mrs. Dora Craig, Miss Martha Hawthorn, Miss Essie Jacobs, J. P. Johnston, Homer Johnson, Eula Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Plennie Johnson, Mrs. W. A. Cooper, Mrs. M. P. Pratt, H. P. Oliver, Mrs. H. P. Oliver, Odessa Gower, Mae Gower, Blanche Jacobs, Mrs. M. R. Gower, Emma Henderson. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb