Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....New Hope Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 3:10 pm New Hope. It is impossible to get the facts and dates concerning the date of organization of New Hope church. The records have been so poorly kept that the date "when received" of but few names are visible. But the list of names cover a long period of time prior and up to 1880. The record shows that Mrs. Maranda Robinson joined October, 1829, and her husband, Adam Robinson, October, 1831. Their son, R. N. Robinson, in 1855. The date of a great many names are blank. Just who organized the present church is hard to tell. The present church is the third building and was built the latter part of the "70's." According to the record Rev. Henry M. Quillian was its first pastor in 1878, and served three years. The first New Hope church stood down near the old Tribble Mill, on the hill, and in sight of Harbin bridge, spanning the Alcova river. Later the church was moved to its present site, which church building also gave way for the present one. Some of the above names probably served as members in all three of the churches and this brings us up to 1880. The following names appear on old church roll, all of whom were members at various times perhaps, probably among the first members of the church: W. S. Harris, Adam Robinson, W. E. Brand, J. A. Pate, J. D. Buchanan, John R. Robertson, J. H. Buchanan, S. A. Pate, Major J. Martin, Tilford McConnell, P. J. Buchanan, C. W. Griswell, John L. Pate, John Robertson, J. I. F. Buchanan, T. A. Pate, E. H. Buchanan, J. W. Robertson, Philo Simonton, W. K. Bradford, Melvin Corbin, Andrew A. Bromblett, James Bradford, James H. Robertson, W. P. Buchanan, W. A. Brand, Jackson Coker, D. F. Bradford, G. M. Brand, Thadius Lowe, John W. Harris, Alec A. Hunt,. Frank Winn, Robt. H. Pratt, bumpkin Pratt, W. G. Jacobs, George Jacobs, John .P. Griswell, Joseph G. Robinson, R. N. Robinson, O. R. McElroy, W. C. St. John, Joseph C. Robinson, James A. Robinson, James Conner, W. N. Pate, A. S. Robertson, Thos. A. Robertson, M. F. Freeman, Chas. A. Robertson, Benjamin Robertson, M. D. Boicum, Marion Taylor, B. D. Bradford, Sintha Harris, Maranda Robinson, Nancy Bradford, Millie C. Pate, Nancy E. Griswell, Rebecca Robertson, Margaret C. Brand, Julia W. Smith, Catherine Camp, Mary E. McConnell, Sarah E. Pate, Margaret Conner, Mary Robertson, Penina Bradford, Louisa Robinson, Francis Robertson, Francis A. Buchanan, Mary J. Buchanan, Sophia Buchanan, Francis Martin, Francis L. J. Griswell, Nancy Buchanan, Francis E. Griswell, Caroline Corbin, C. J. Johnson, Patience Jacobs, Mary A. Pratt, Amanda Cates, Alice Cates, Isabella Pate, Mary Robinson. Mary Dewberry, Nancy C. Buchanan, Martha A. Bonds, Martha Ballew, Mary Jackson, Matilda Brad-ford, Anna Hunt, Emily I. McElroy, Sarah E. Bramblett, Marth Pratt, E. A. Brand, Ida F. Brand, Sintha J. Ewing, Nancy D. Buchanan, Ann Robertson, Jane Robertson, Regina Reynolds, Martha Robertson, Rebecca Talent, Sarah Wallace, Nancy Bradford, Julia Bradford, Lucinda Wood, Mary Stevens, Lula Bonds, Julia Brogdon, Mary Lowe, Mary C .Robinson, Mary Harris, Lucinda Pate, S. M. Brand, Sarah E. Griswell, Sytha E. Jacobs, Francis E. Robertson, Mrs. J. S. Bond, Miss M. J. Partee, Mary T. Strand, Georgia Strand, Margaret McElroy. Among the pastors who have served the church beginning in 1878 are: H. M. Quinlan, three years; L. P. Neese, one year; H. M. Newton, one year; L. W. Rivers, six months; T. D. Evans, two years; J. M. Venable, one year: B. H. Tramel, two years; H. M. Newton, one year; W. R. Stilwell, two years; G. W. Morgan, one year; J. W. Taylor, two years; H. D. Pace, one year; J. W. Austin, one year; A. M. Pierce, one year; W. A. Maxwell, one year; S. H. Braswell, one year; Lucian Roper, two years; H. W. Morris, one year; R. D. Smith, one year; W. W. Gaines, two years; W. O. Butler, two years; S. H. Dimon, three years, who is the present pastor. J. M. Bennett is superintendent of the Sunday school, M. A. Still, assistant, J. A. Smith, chorister, Miss Beatrice Downs, secretary; Mrs. J. M. Bennett, organist; and J. A. Smith and C. A. Mahaffey, teachers. The church has the following members: M. J. Martin, P. J. Buchanan, W. P. Buchanan, J. P. Griswell, M. A. Martin, J. B. Simonton, M. F. Freeman, Charlie Griswell, R. N. Robinson, Wm. E. Buchanan, L. H. Lowe, F. B. Morgan, N. P. Buchanan, N. Buchanan, J. M. Bennett, Mary Harris, Francis L. Freeman, M. L. Buchanan, Malissa Robertson, Julia E. Buchanan, Sarah A. Freeman, Amanda Whitworth, Minnie T. Mahaffey, Mary E. Turner, Mary C. Smith, Alma D. Freeman, Ara A. Buchanan, Martha E. Giles, S. E. Williams, Elizabeth Lowe, M. E. Griswell, F. Estelle Turner, S. E. Griswell, Francis C. Robinson, Delphia Stovall, Octavia King, Alta E. Bennett, Ursula Buchanan, Mollie M. Moon, Blanche R. Smith, Ida M. Griswell, Eula Arnold, C. E. Smith, J. A. Smith, S. R. Smith, Ila H. Stowers, Charlie Robertson, Daisy T. Smith, Ida Seagraves, Gene Cofield, C. A. Mahaffey, Dora A. Bass, Mrs. J. N. Duncan, Beulah Buchanan, Cora Freeman, Cammie Blount, Ada Jordan, Flora Higgin, Bessie Smith, Asalee Smith, Lucy Downs, C. C. Smith, C. J. Smith, J. R. Simonton, Griffin Duncan, C. E. Moon, Willie Camp, Irene I. Buchanan, James L. Griswell, W. A. Griswell, Clifford Simonton, Clifford Freeman, Myrtie Blount, Daisy Camp, Beatrice Downs, Gertrude Pratt, J. A. Mahaffey, Susie Gigger, Jefferson Smith, Georgia Smith, M. A. Still, Esther Still, Fulton Freeman, Hinton Downs, Eva Downs, Alonzo Simonton, B. E. Whisnant, Raymon Higgin, John Knight, Luther Buchanan, Quinlan Buchanan, Myrtie Ramsden, Ruby Williams, Alice Mahaffey, Mrs. E. V. Mahaffey. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.3 Kb