Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Harmony Grove Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 7:32 pm Harmony Grove. BY J. B. LANKFORD. As I have been called on to write a history of Harmony Grove church, of Gwinnett County, I beg leave to submit the following facts: Said church is situated on the Norcross and Stone Mountain road and near the Lawrenceville road, about twelve miles from the county site and one-fourth mile from Caldwell station on the S. A. [?] Railway. I think it prudent to state where said church sprang from. Some of the charter members of said church came from Old Cross Roads M. E. Church, which was organized about 1836, and was situated on the Lawrenceville and Decatur road about fourteen miles from the county site and very near the DeKalb and Gwinnett line. The members of the old church in my earliest recollection were as follows: John Nash, John Harris, Curtis C. Lankford, Asa Gober, Wm. Gober, Robert Wood, and their families, and many others I cannot call to memory. About 1859 said church was destroyed by fire. Then it was built near the old church. Another church, known as Mount Calvary, was built in 1860. This was a flourishing church for about twenty years. The church members of Mount Calvary then built the church known as Harmony Grove. The M. E. Church, South, still owns the old church grounds with cemetery thereon, including two acres of land. Harmony Grove church had its origin from those old churches mentioned above, with some of the charter members of the first named churches. Harmony Grove M. E. Church, South, was organized in 1882 under the pastorate of Rev. J. R. Mayson, preacher in charge. The first sermon preached before the organization of said church was preached by the Rev. W. P. Smith, of the Decatur circuit, under the shady oaks which stand in front of the church today. He preached from the text, "If your heart be like my heart, give me your hand." Since those dates given above there have been some of the greatest revivals at this church ever witnessed. I think I can safely say there has been as many as five or six hundred members added to this church, and, I am proud to say that our Sabbath school has been evergreen since the organization of the church. I will now endeavor to give names of pastors, and dates of service as near as possible. As there have been some records misplaced, we cannot give it as I wish, but will not miss it far: J. R. Mayson, 1882; T. J. Christian, 1883; H .M. Newton, 1884-5; W. M. Winn, 1886; Wm. Hargrove, 1887; Geo. Brand, 1888; J. M. Fowler, 1889; T. G. Edwards, 1890-91; T. P. Graham, 1893; P. F. Conally, 1902; S. H. Braswell, 1896-01; F. A. Ragsdale, 1891-08; J. H. Hall, 1903-04; W. J. Delk, 1906; F. A. Ragsdale, 1907-11. The present value of Harmony Grove church is about one thousand dollars including two acres of land and the cemetery. The present church officials are as follows: Stewards; J. L. Brand, R. C. Lankford, L. D. Mann, R. G. Caldwell; Secretary, O. O. Lankford; Trustees, J. B. Lankford, J. L. Brand, Nathan Russell, C. H. West, W. T. Brooks. The church has a membership of one hundred and fifty-five at the present time and their names are given below: J. B. Lankford, J. L. Brand, R. C. Lankford, Nathan Russell, R. J. Caldwell, M. S. Brand, Buena Russell, C. A. Lankford, R. H. Pounds, Emma Caldwell, W. R. Liecth, Eliza Black, Mamie Garner, Nora Arrendell, Mary Garner, Adella Leonard, S. A. Brand, R. C. Arrendell, L. F. Jordan, Mary J. Russell, J. D. Kimbrell, A. Y. Pounds, B. M. Pounds, T. C. Lankford, M. J. Lankford, Maybell Leverett, Dora Birdsong, Loula Wilkings, T. W. Brooks, Mrs. T. W. Brooks, Bertha Brooks, Eula Brooks, Vera Brooks, Carmela Cates, T. W. Knight, Nancy Knight, Lizzie Mann, Dalia Roberts, Dovia Jordan, Augustus Lunsford, Ida Metcalf, Juett Jones, A. C. Wells, D. A. Carroll, M. J. Pounds, E. W. Carroll, Sallie Ledbetter, S. A. Green, Carnelius Starnes, T. W. Adair, W. C. Ross, M. A. Sheffield, Weldon Russell, J. W. Black, L. D. Mann, W. N. Keheley, Ernie Caldwell, Leila. Tribble, M. E. Yarbrough, Dock Chesser, H. O. Chesser, H. Pittard, Ann Pittard, Mamie Brown, G. B. Jordan, N. C. Jordan, Clara Pounds, J. E. Pounds, J. M. Lankford, Eva Caldwell, Lula Mewborn, F. M. Medley, N. A. Medley, Anna Mann, Murtle Pittard, Ethel Nelson, John Nelson, Etta Keheley, John Russell, Lois Russell, W. M. Mann, T. A. Mann, Clifford Yarbrough, Claud Kimbrell, Carrie Kehely, Mamie Baly, R. S. Tribble, G. W. Timms, Anna Lankford, Eli Fleming, Mary Mann Tate Ledbetter, Claud Caldwell, Annie Keheley, Ada Wells, Thomas Knight, Jennie George, W. B. Wells, W. H. Massey, J. M. Waddell, M. L. Ross, John Lanford, Lellie Lanford, M. P. Sheffields, Albert Mathews, W. T. Pounds, Lula Knight, Evelne Carroll, Wm. Kimbrell, A. D. Chesser, M. E. Grant, Carrie Waddell, A. L. Roberts, Maggie Robberts, Annie Roberts, G. L. Birdsong, Luther Williams, Leila Robberts, Leila Adair, Walter Mann, John Cheese, Lestey T. Adair, Dan Brand, Evelin Lietch, M. E. Benton, Evie Benton, G. W. Roberts, Richards Pounds, Minnie Brand, Posie Sheffield, Mary Stanley, Dr. H. P. Dickens, Mrs. H. P. Dickens, W. A. Wallas, Mary Wallas, Avas Arendell, Ida B. Crowley, M. T. Moss, C. J. Rutlege, Mrs. C. J. Rutlege, J. A. Criswell, C. Brooks, W. A. Malona, Berry Presley, P. L. Ross, Cis Malona, O. O. Lankford, Annie Lankford, Alonzo King, Lenia King, John Keheley, Grover Sheffield, Pauline Russell, James Gaber. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.0 Kb