Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Prospect Methodist Episcopal (South) Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 9:20 pm Prospect. This church is located on or near the Gainesville road four miles from Lawrenceville and belongs to the Dacula circuit. It was 1830 when it was organized, the charter members being Henry J. Stevenson, Febie Stevenson, William Davis, Mrs. Wm. Davis, Lige Teague, Mrs. Lige Teague, Ben Crumley, Mrs. Ben Crumley, John Fountain, Mrs. John Fountain, Burl Seagrove, Mrs. Burl Seagrove. A building was erected in 1830, and the present church put up in 1880, and is valued at $500. A minister by the name of Ranels organized this church and he was its first pastor. Following him were B. Wells, and ministers Burt, Arnold, Joshaway Bradford, Baker, Quillian, Harwell, W. M. Winn, L. P. Niece, J. M. Newton, L. W. Rivers, D. Evans, B. H. Tramel, W. R. Stillwell, G. W. Morgan, C. A. Cantrell, J. M. Fowler, S. A. Smith, F. G. Golden, W. L. Singleton, L. Roper, H. M. Morris, J. S. Askew, T. M. Luke and R. P. Jackson, who is the present pastor. The Sunday school has 50 on roll, with W. A. Shackelford, superintendent; J. M. Knight, J. G. Bradford, Nancy Bradford and Andy Oliver, teachers. The names of all members of the church are given here: Daniel J. Bradford, Henry Davis, James H. Crow, James H. Stevenson, Walter Stevenson, Wm. A. Shackelford, J. S. Keheley, Van Davis, William McGee, W. F. Davis, Cochran D. Gunter, Richmond L. Keheley, Jerry R. Davis, James P. Davis, Henry J. Stevenson, James H. Stevenson, Walter Stevenson, John G. Bradford, William M. Elkin, Robert L. Graham, Thomas J. Bradford, Charles W. Bradford, John A. White, Robert M. Bradford, David C. Bradford, James O. Elkin, James S. Corbin, Ophnieal M. Davis, Joseph P. Oliver, Clinto nShackelford, Lorenza Davis, John W. Sexton, Emory E. Davis, Luther M. Whitlock, William H. Stevenson, Robert Clack, John C. Davis, Pennal H. McElroy, Luther J. Bradford, Arthur Whitlock, William E. Gunter, Lewis Robinson, Oliver R. Whitlock, James W. Keheley, Earnest A. Davis, Noah Bradford, Calvin Davis, Clifford Shakelford, James B. Clack, Joseph M. Clack, J. B. Clack, Lewis T. Bradford, William B. White, Edward W. Crow, John T .R. King, Willie W. King, Clifford King, Robert King, Lenord Davis, Lenox Davis, Earnest King, Dennis Russell, Emory Bradford, Mattie King, Mattie Shackelford, Pearl Clack, Rev. G. M. Brand, Daniel F. Russell, Joseph E. Davis, James O. Bradford, John T. Mitchel, Edw. Tarpley, Joseph Russell, Edward Conner, S. A. Crumley, William C. Davis, W. P. Tarpley, Holbert P. Gunter, Robert R. Teagle, Homer C. Bradford, Pierce O'Kelley, Charlie J. Cantrell, Henry J. Gunter, J.M. Knight, Grover O'Kelley, Welden Russell, Hope Braswell, Clyde Crumley, Jack Moseley, Burl Crumley, Otis Teagle, T. M. O'Kelley, W. T. Cartrell, M. J. Kennedy, A. E. Cartrell, J. M. Clark, E. F. Griffith, B. W. C. Graham, Susan F. Crow, Sarah Gunter, Sarah J. Davis, H. C. Davis, Virginia C. Holland, Mary A. Jackson, Mary J. Davis, Elizabeth Jackson, Mary H. Davis, Maggie E. Connor, Zilphia Keheley, Millie Davis, Martha Tarpley, W. M .Davis, Jennette M. Davis, Allie Russell, Nancy E. Seagraves, Kattie Shackelford, Nancy E. Stevenson, Josephine Taylor, Mattie O. Teagle, Cynthia Davis, Laura J. Bradford, Mary F. Bradford, Julia Davis, Jusan E. Cartrell, Lizzie Mitchell, Davie Hannah, Callie Gunter, Ava Oliver, Francis Timms, Clara Davis, Mary Davis, Sarah Davis, Lula Chesser, Octavie Clack, Essie Davis, Leila Freeman, Virke Fountain, Lillie Johnson, C. F. Keheley, Lida E. White, Annie E. Davis, Olivia H. Stevenson, Cora King, Pollie Davis, Mary F. Clack, Missuria Bradford, Nancy M. Bradford, Alma Davis, Alma E. Elkin, Levy Jane Chesser, Blanche Bradford, Mary Elizabeth Sexton, Hannah Estell Sexton, Mamie Haslett, Lena King, Lunie Bradford, Mary Davis, Bertie Davis, Mrs. E. V. O'Kelley, Grace Stevenson, Ethel Bradford, Susan Bradford, Pearlie Mitchell, Emma Davis, Kate Shackelford, Bessie Shackelford, Nannie Graham, Alice Crumley, Zelpher Hutchins, Lizzie Tarpley, Faith Bradford, Sallie Davis, Effie Fountain, Sarah A. Davis, Omie J. Russell, AIma E. Davis, Annie E. Clack, Effie R. Davis, Belle Freeman, Effie E. Bradford, Rubie Bradford, E. N. J. Cantrell, M. E. Bradford, Pemina Keheley, L. B. Knight, Vallie Bradford, Ethel King, Essie. King, Bertha Bradford, Annie Thomas, Ada Chesser, Ida Chesser, Emily Russell, Mattie McDonald, Annie Clack, Vancy Gunter, Elvie Gunter, Velma Bradford, Josie Timms, Sebe Crumley, Carolina Daniel, Mamie E. Davis, Mrs. Kenedy, Mrs. Rosie Mauldin, Mrs. J. W. Clark, Mrs. E. F. Giffith, Lula Mosley, F. I. Graham, Janie Graham. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.2 Kb