Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....New Prospect Methodist Episcopal Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 11:36 pm New Prospect. J. P. Smith, Mrs. J. P. Smith, James Calaway, Mrs. James Calaway, Mrs. Elizebeth Durau and Mrs. Nancy Pass were the members of New Prospect Methodist Episcopal church that was organized in 1880, or the year following. L. D. Ellington, a minister of that denomination, was the leading spirit in the establishing of this church. The first services were held in. the Smith Grove Academy. Work on a building was begun in 1881; but for some cause the church was never finished. Two or three years later, a house of worship was put up; but this building was too small, and the present building was put up in 1905, and. is valued at $1,200. L. D. Ellington, who organized this church, was its first pastor, his pastorate including the years 1881-'82. He was succeeded by W. H. Sullivan in 1883-'84. Then follow, R. C. Bramblett, 1885; Dick Waters, 1886; J. L. Fowler, 1887; W. H. Westbrook, 1887-'92; W. A. Martin, 1893; W. A. Martin and A. G. Beaty, 1894-'97; L. D. Ellington, 1898-'99; J. H. Dunn, 1900-'01; L. D. Hamil, 1902-'03; A. F. Ellington, 1904; D. W. Cook, 1905; T. R. Baker, 1906-'07; H. E. Sumner, 1908-'09; D. W. Cook is the present pastor. There are 65 students enrolled in the Sunday school, D. S. Morgan is its superintendent, Miss Eva Benson, secretary, M. H. Benson, Miss Eva Benson, Mrs. G. G. Bowman, H. N. Bowman, G. W. Westbrook, Mrs. M. H. Benson, Mrs. H. N. Bowman, teachers. Prior to the organization of this church, the Protestant Methodists had a church here. For years this denomination, or this particular church, ran a camp meeting there, and the Prospect camp ground was a noted place in its day. The Protestant Methodist church passed away with its camp meeting, and New Prospect took its place. The present membership of the church follows: H. B. Pruett, Mrs. H. B. Pruett, T. J. Pass, Sr., T. J. Pass, Jr., W. L. Pass, Mrs. W. L. Pass, Winfred Pass, Bothwell Pass, Bronzon Pass, Eliza Phillips, Cora Pass, Harrison Pugh, Birthell Pass, Clifton Sears, Fred Sears, John Thompson, Emry Thompson Fidella McDaniel, Cassie Westbrook, G. W. Westbrook, Mrs. G. W. Westbrook, Hessie Westbrook, W. H. Westbrook, Mrs. W. H. Westbrook, Lola Bowman, May Autry, D. L. Adams, G. G. Bowman, Rosa Bowman, Arner Bowman, H. N. Bowman, Jamie Bowman, Mabel Bowman, T. L. Bowman, Howard Bowman, M. H. Benson, Mrs. M. H. Benson, E. E. Benson, Era Benson, Eva Benson, Vollie Benson, Orion Bowman, Oak C. Bowman, Noah Carlile, Susan Carlile, Columbus Carlile, Nettie Dollar, Maudy Dollar, Elizabeth Duran, John Huggins, Sallie Huggins, Jas. Hood, Elizabeth Hood, Cora Bell Hood, John Jones, Lillie Jones, M. I. Knight, Maggie Knight, Thelma King, D. S. Morgan, Mrs. D. S. Morgan, Clyde Morgan, Grady Morgan, Stella Morgan, Gurry Morgan, Sarah McHugh. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb