Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Martin's Chapel Methodist Episcopal Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 30, 2004, 11:44 pm Martin's Chapel. The organization of this church dates back to 1867, when Elisha Martin, Mrs. Elisha Martin, John M. Martin, Mrs. John M. Martin, J. M. Martin, Mrs. J. M. Martin, Isaac Coleman, Mrs. Isaac Coleman, Job B. Smith, Mrs. Job B. Smith, Mrs. Meriah Adams met and constituted Martin's Chapel Methodist Episcopal church. The church building was erected in 1874 and is worth $700. As this church belongs to the Rock Springs charge of the Atlanta district, the ministers, whose names appear in connection with the history of that church, were also pastors of this church. M. W. Corbin is the superintendent of the Sunday school, J. Ben Davis, assistant superintendent, Mrs. Lou E. Cook, Mrs. M. C. Corbin and J. B. Davis, teachers. The following names designate the membership of the church in July, 1911: Mrs. Maud Rolan, Thomas Adams, Henry Adams, Georgia Adams, H. H. Bramlett, M. W. Corbin, Mrs. M. C. Corbin, Jack Casey, Mrs. Casey, Susie Casey, R. A. Dunigan, Mrs. Lillie Dunigan, Ida Bell Dunigan, J. Ben Davis, Mrs. Mary F. Davis, Mrs. Lou Cook, Mrs. Bernie Griswell, Marshal Gower, Mrs. Sarah Gower, Warren Holcomb, Mrs. Fannie Holcomb, Columbus L. Hays, Mrs. Columbus L. Hays, Mrs. Lizzie Adams, Oliver Holcomb, Mrs. Janie Holcomb, Mrs. Margret King, Bulah Martin, Estelle Martin, John M. Martin, Mrs. Susan Martin, Mary Martin, Lillie McMillin, Francis E. Simonton, Vera Simonton, Theopelus Simonton, Mrs. Mary Simonton, J. C. Whitworth, Mrs. Florence Whitworth, Mrs. Mirinda Wilkins, Mrs. Mecie Westbrook, Ruth Dunigan, Lewis Bramlett, Mattie Adams, Inez Davis. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb