Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Lawrenceville Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 4:51 am Lawrenceville. The Lawrenceville Baptist church was constituted May 2, 1849. The presbytery was composed of the following brethren: J. Hendricks, chairman; Bedford Langford, clerk; J. J. Laudermilk, S. B. Churchill and D. H. Moncrief. The members who constituted the church were: William Sanders, A. Bloodsworth, Jas. P. Simmons, G. W. F. Lamkin, Sion Evans, S. Bloodsworth, Alindima Lamkin, Mariam Pool, Kathrine Evans, Mary M. Skelton, Martha M. Graham, Emeline, a slave, Cyntha Evans. An arm of the church was established May 3, 1849, at Inzer's School house, said place being now owned by Berry Nash and known as Five Forks. William Sanders was called and ordained as pastor of this arm of the church on July 14, 1849. The Lawrenceville Baptist church accepted the offer from the Presbyterian church to use their building and voted a resolution of thanks to the Presbyterian brethren for same. On August 18, 1849, delegates were elected to the Appalachee association, and letters of application for membership were prepared and delivered to said delegates. The church asked for dismission from said association August 19, 1854. After joining the Lawrenceville association, the church went from this body to the Appalachee association in August, 1867, and in 1870 again joined the Lawrenceville association. The church joined the Appalachee association again in August, 1885, and came back to the Lawrenceville organization in 1894, and has remained a member since that time. In 1850, a building committee was appointed to look after the erection of a church, as follows: Jas. A. Simmons, Jno. J. Davis, Anthony W. Bates. The house was erected and in March, 1854, the church tendered the building to the Methodists until they could build. The last conference recorded by the church under its first organization was Saturday, May 20, 1876, Rev. William Haslett, moderator; E. D. Sammon, clerk. Reorganization, May 16, 1885. The following visiting brethren composed the presbytery: Revs. D. E. Butler, T. C. Boykin, J. L. R. Barrett, H. N. Rainey, J. T. Hadaway, E. L. Langley; Brethren B. A. Blakey, A. J. Wood, Jas. Whitworth, M. E. Ewing, John Davis. Visiting sisters, Mary J. Blakey, Lucy Robinson, Sallie Lovelace and Mrs. Jas. Whitworth. Rev. David E. Butler was elected moderator and Jno. T. Wilson, Jr., clerk pro tem. The surviving members of the old church who became members of the new church were: N. E. Juhan, Miley E. Gouge, Margarett Gouge, Julia A. Robinson, Harriett E. Mills. Received by letter on day of reorganization; T. D. Cain, Sister Darliski Cain, Sister Margarett George. D. T. Cain was elected permanent clerk and was the only male member at this time. H. N. Rainey presented the church with a new Bible. J. L. R. Barrett was the first pastor after the reorganization of the church, and served during 1885, '86 and '87. During his pastorate the old building over. near the old academy was erected. Rev. S. B. Churchill was the first pastor and served from Feb. 16, 1850, to Jan. 1, 1851. Rev. Wm. Sanders served from January 15, 1851, to January 1, 1852; Rev. Bedford Langford served from August, 1851, to January, 1853; D. H. Moncrief, from November, 1852, to January, 1855; Wm. Hudgins to 1856; D. H. Moncrief recalled in 1855 and served to 1857; Wm. Haslett from 1857 to 1859; Wiley C. Smith from 1859 to 1861; N. P. Hotchkiss from 1861 to 1863; W. C. Smith recalled to 1864; J. S. B. Davis to 1866; W. H. Strickland to 1869; A. B. Nuckles to June, 1869; Wm. T. Thornton, from 1871 to 1873; Wm. Haslett, to 1875; J. L. R. Barrett, from January 1, 1875, to January 1, 1876; Wm. Haslett, from March 15, 1876, to May 25, 1876. From 1876 to 1885, the church appears to have suspended. During the latter year, it was reorganized, with J. L. R. Barrett, pastor, and he served to October 15, 1887. Then came E. L. Sisk, from 1887 to Dec. 1891; W. J. Wooten, from 1891 to January, 1894; J. B. S. Davis, from 1894 to January, 1896; J. W. Butts, from 1896 to January, 1897; J. H. Weaver, from 1897 to January, 1898; L. T. Reed, from 1898 to July, 1901; J. A. Bell, from 1901 to January, 1904; H. N. Rainey, from 1904 to September, 1905; R. D. DeWesse, from 1905 to January, 1906; E. H. Jennings, from 1907 to October 1909; B. J. W. Graham, from January 9, 1910, to November 1, 1910. T. T. Twitty is the present pastor. In 1893, the building of a new church was considered. The present house of worship is the result, being completed in 1905. The church has a good pastor's home, which together with the church itself, is valued at $7,000. A graded Sunday school is run the year round, with C. M. Morcock as superintendent. Jas. P. Simmons was the first clerk in 1849 and served to 1855. Others are, J. T. Hillyer, F. P. Juhan, E. Steadman, W. H. Strickland, J. P. Simmons again for three years and again for eight years, F. F. Juhan, E. D. Sammon, D. T. Cain from May, 1885, to December, 1898, J. D. Rutledge from 1898 to the present time. The church has 201 members, as follows: J. A. Ambrose, Robert Ambrose, Lewis Ambrose, Oscar Atha, Daniel Adams, Oscar Brown, Lee Brown, J. A Brown, Jr., Arthur Brown, Marshall Boozer, J. A. Brown, Sr., Robert Brown, R. A. Cash, Earnest Crim, W. O. Cain, Scott Davis, Carl Davis, Lee Davis, Washington Davis, F. B. Dodd, Ralph B. Fortune, Willard Fortune, E. S. Garner, James Gouge, Jno. O. Hadaway, Willis A. Holland, G. N. Hosea, David Hill, H. J. Hinton, Hugh M. Hardy, T. L. Harris, R. N. Holt, W. Grady Holt, Richard B. Hicks, Hugh Holt, Hoyt Holt, Edgar Hambric, Ephrim Hosea, Grover Keown, John Kelley, Fred Kelley, Odis Kelley, G. S. Kelley, Earnest Keown, J. Arthur Lee, Jno. M. Langley, Jas. H. McGee, C. M. Morcock, Charles McKelvey, Walter McKelvey, Lovic R. Martin, Kuhl Martin, Samuel Martin, Prof. W. P. Martin, H. E. Maughon, W. B. Moore, Virgie C. Moore, Dr. T. C. Mason, Clarence Oaks, Elisha Oaks, Tandy Patterson, James Patterson, Jas. D. Rutledge, Daniel V. Rutledge, W. H. Roberts, Geo. G. Robinson, F. Q. Sammon, Edward Shackleford, Robt. M. Smith, Henry Stonecipher J. I. Stewart, F. M. Smith, Peter Smith, P. S. Vandiver, Chas. C. Wall, Thomas Wall, E. M. Wright, J. L. Whitworth, Geo. W. Williams, Garland Wallace, Conrad Wood, T. C. Yearwood, Scott Yearwood, Ned Yearwood. Mrs. G. A. Ambrose, Mrs. Della Atha, Mrs. Susie Adams, Mrs. Daisie Berry, Mrs. John L. Bates, Mrs. Clyde Brown, Miss Willie Britt, Miss Clyde Britt, Miss Maggie Brown, Miss Letha Brown, Mrs. Rachell Brown, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Nudie Brown, Miss Alma Brown, Miss Sallie Brown, Mrs. Lizzie Brand, Miss Louise Brand, Mrs. Grace Brown, Mrs. Cora Lee Coffee, Miss Lillie Cain, Mrs. Sallie Cash, Mrs. Mary F. Crim, Mrs. Lynda Cain, Miss Tavie Cheeley, Mrs. Scott Davis, Miss Bessie Brown, Mrs. Maud Durham, Mrs. Washington Davis, Mrs. Lillie Exum, Miss Pauline Ewing, Miss Mae Ewing, Mrs. Mary E. Goug, Mrs. Sallie Gouge, Miss Era Gouge, Miss Carrie Gouge, Miss Luellen Gouge, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mrs. Vera Fortune, Miss Eunice Gouge, Mrs. Nancy Gossett, Mrs. A. L. Garner, Mrs. Francis Hosea, Mrs. Mary Hill, Miss Mary S. Hosea, Mrs. Cora Holland, Miss Hattie Holbrook, Mrs. J. O. Hadaway, Mrs. H. J. Hinton, Mrs. Cora Hill, Miss Hammett, Mrs. A. L. Holt, Mrs. Bessie Hamrick, Miss Junie Holt, Mrs. Lola Harris, Miss Prue Hosea, Mrs. Manerva Keown, Miss Daisie Keown, Miss Maud Keown, Mrs. Ada Kelley, Mrs. Mary Lou Kelley, Miss Myrtice Kelley, Mrs. J. R. McKelvey, Miss Fannie Lou McKelvey, Miss Alice McKelvey, Mrs. Mattie Moore, Mrs. Willie McGee, Mrs. Lola McGee, Mrs. Elizabeth McConnell, Mrs. W. B .Moore, Mrs. Allie Oakes, Miss Daisie Oakes, Mrs. Mamie Oakes, Mrs. Mattie Langley, Mary Poe, Mrs. Laura Patterson, LoisPatterson, Mrs. Lucy Robinson, Mrs. Alice Rutledge, Mrs. Minnie Roberts, Miss Nellie Roberts, Miss Maggie Robinson, Mrs. Usilla Reeves, Mrs. Anna B. Sammon, Mrs. Alice Sarnmon, Mrs. J. M. Swords, Mrs. Nancy Shackelford, Mrs. Madge Shackelford, Miss Amelia Shackelford, Mrs. C. C. Sammon, Mrs. Ada Smith, Mrs. J. I. Stewart, Miss Effie Stewart, Miss Gertrude Stewart, Mrs. Esther Smith, Mrs. Ella Smith, Miss Lena Townley, Mrs. Amanda Townely, Mrs. Sallie Townley, Mrs. Bessi Townley, Miss Mary E. Townley, Miss Maud Townley, Mrs. Cora Towwnley, Mrs. Mary A. Vandiver, Mrs. Bertha Wright, Miss Fannie Wright, Miss Sarah Wilson, Mrs. C. C. Williams, Lollie Bell Wallace, Estelle Wallace, Mrs. Myrtle Woodword, Miss Nina Wilson, Beattrice Whitworth, Mrs. Carrie Webb, Rubie Whitworth, Mrs. Sallie Wall, Mrs. Ida Yearwood, Miss Ines Yearwood. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OP EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.5 Kb