Gwinnett-Rockdale County GaArchives History .....Mr. J. M. "Mack" Williams's Autograph Book 1888 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Elaine Turk Nell September 17, 2008, 4:26 pm [This autograph book is about 4" x 2" and burgandy in color with an engraved picture of a boy and a girl holding hands on a path with sun, fence, and tree in background.] ----------------------- If you want to laugh Look at my autographs and if want to cry wate until I die. ======================= [indicates page turn] may your path be strewn with flowers fare and flowery to the end and when your bodie in death repose may your makeing be yours writen by your frind Salerine[?] Clow[er?] ======================= I thought I thought in vain So I will only write my name. Sullie[?] Donaldson. Snellville Ga Jan. th29 -88 [1888] ======================= Snellville Ga Feb 5 1888 Tis cousins we are And cousins we shall forever be In your album I inscribe my name for you to remember me I hope you may be good and, In all your ways and things you do Your cousin Maria ======================= To Mr. J. M. Williams Birds Love sunshine Flowers Love dew Angels Love Heaven And I Love You Lula Cooper April 20th 1888 ====================== To Mr. J. M. Williams On this page in Memory prest may My name forever rest Your treu friend Mary Hannah Snellville Ga ======================= J. M. Williams Is it in vain, in lifes Wide Sea to ask you to Remember me Undoubtly it is my lot Just to be known and then Forgot Buena Brand ======================== [Illegible, too faint to read] ======================== [Drawing of a plant with reddish orange vase & berries with blue stem and leaves] ======================== Mr. Williams A place for my name in your album A place for love in heart. A place for us both in heaven where True friends never part Ada M[ilton?] ========================= May happyness be thy lot And peace thy steps attend Accept this tribute of Respect from one who is your friend Your friend Dello Mino ========================= Snellville Ga J. M. Wililams Two Kirt and and Spin was Once a girl Employment but now Two dress and have obe[?] an is all The girls enjoyment Jeoul[?] ========================== When far a way and friends are few Remember me as I do you Your True Cousin Almetta G. =========================== Marietta, Ga Aug 10th 1888 Dear Mack When this you see Remember me Though many miles Apart we be. Your Loving cousin, Emma Thomas ============================ [blank] ============================ Mr. Mack Williams Dear Friend Kind or cross False or true Love I must And only you Oct th7 1888 Mary Snellville, Ga ============================= [blank] ============================= My Dear Cousin Did you ever Think what a fool a frog was? Your devoted Coz Leila McDaniel Conyers Ga July 23 1889 ============================== Mr. Williams Remember me When faraway When absent from Your right and I will do the same Marget ================================ [blank] ================================ Egotism Ever remember you, Sincere Cousin, Mimmie McDanl July 23 1891 Conyers Ga. ================================= Remember your blue eyed Cousin L.A.M. Hog Heaven Ga ================================= [blank] ================================= Mr. J. M. W. Snellville Ga If ever a wife you should have & she this Book should see tell Her of your youthful days & kiss her once for me Your True Friend Carrie ================================== [blank] ================================== Within this Album so pure and white let none but friends press me to write and may each time with friendship given direct the readers thoughts to heaven Snellville January the 29 1888 W. R. Donaldson =================================== [blank] =================================== Let all your converse be sincere your [remainder too faint & illegible] =================================== Mr. J. M. Williams If writing in albums is remembrance, shure with the greatest of pleasure, I will scribble in yours. Your friend Alma. ==================================== Snellville Ga August 31, 18__ Dear Cousin Long may you live Happy may you be When you get married Come and See me Your Cousin ==================================== You are the one I love so dear The one I cant deny You are the one I dearly love And will untill I die April 1st 1888 ==================================== [2 blank pages, then turn book over to back & begin new] ==================================== I had a heart What I thought was Green but it has Left me and Flown to you Your friend M.E. ==================================== [blank, appears to have been erased] ==================================== If in this world of grief and pain ==================================== Mr. J M Williams These few lines to you be Tender and from a friend S____ all true hoping But to be remembered When it fell away from you Your Friend Ida S. ==================================== Mr. J. M. Williams, how Sad i am When you are goan I hope you will think of me at Home. Writen By ____ A. H. F. ==================================== [blank] ==================================== Mack: May all your days Be days of peace and shade along as slick as grease, Your Chum ==================================== [page front & back blank] ==================================== Mr Williams May future with her kindest smiles Neath laurels for thy brow May loving angels guard and keep thee Ever pure as thou art now Your true friend Ellen McConnell Trip[?] ga Aug 14 1888 ==================================== Snellville Sep 15 189_ Mr Williams Dear Friend May our friendship be not like the rose that wither, but like the evergreen last forever Your friend Estelle Mahoffer ===================================== Snellville Ga Sept th15 Mr Wililams. Dear Friend Times may change And friends may part But distance cannot change my heart. Your Friend Carrie N. ====================================== Snellville Ga __ th11 - __ Cousin Mack The saints will aid if men will call For the blue sky bends over all. Oh, still my fervent prayers will be--H- eavens choisest blessings rest in thee." ====================================== [This page appears to go along with the previous entry. There are flowers in blue and reddish orange drawn with the "Sithie" written underneath.] Additional Comments: If you are related to Mr. Williams or one of the authographers, please contact the submitter. Thanks. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.3 Kb