Gwinnett County GaArchives History .....UGA Centenial Alumni Catalogue 1901 Questionaire Thomas Hamby Mitchell 1901 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meredith Clapper September 16, 2006, 4:24 pm Book Title: UGA Centenial Alumni Catalogue 1901 questionaire 1. Full name. Thomas Hamby Mitchell 2. Address: Died in 1876 3. Place & time of birth: in Jackson county, in 1830 4. Date of entrance, with class entered: in 1851; sophmore class 5. college honors: 6. Literary Society: Phi Kappa 7. Date of graduation, degree received or date of leaving college: Graduated in August 1854, A B 8. Other institutions attended later; degrees received; with dates: 9. Honorary degrees; by whom conferred, with dates: 10. Member of learned societies: 11. Facts relating to marriage: married in 1869 to Miss Quillian of DeKalb County. 12. Facts as to occupation and business life: teacher at Dalmyn? and Marietta then farmer 13. Public service: (a) Civil: Member of House of Representatives, Ga. Legislature, in 1865 and 1866. (b) Military: In service of state in 1864 & 65 rank captain and Major. (c) Positions in religious or educational work, with dates: member and earnest worker in Methodist church from his youth to death. 14. Writings: 15. Any additional info of a personal nature: 16. Names & addresses of any relatives, immediate or remote, who were alumni. He was a nephew of Dr. A H Mitchell (1828) , bro. of R. E. Mitchell. cousin of C. A.Mitchell, A. L. Mitchell, S. D. Mitchell, Dr. Wm L. Mitchell, Walter H. Mitchell, James M. Mitchell (nephew), Giles Mitchell, S. J. Winn & others. (Mr. Mitchell has a brother Dr. T. K. Mitchell, residing at Lawrenceville, Ga. N.L. H.) Additional Comments: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb