Georgia: Gwinnett County: COMPANY H, 16th REGIMENT ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file was contributed by: Carolyn L. Harper Johnson ==================================================================== MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY H, 16th REGIMENT GEORGIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA FLINT HILL GREYS Richardson, Moses-Captain August 11, 1861. Resigned September 3, 1861.. Enlisted as a private in Co. A, 42 Regiment Ga. Inf. March 4, 1862. No later record. Gober, E. F.-1st Lieutenant August 11, 1861. Died of congestive chills December 15,1861. Smith, W. T.- 2d Lieutenant August 11, 1861. Resigned on ac- count of ill health November 20,1861. Liddell, J. W. (or J. M.)-Jr. 2d Lieutenant August 11, 1861. Elected 1st Lieutenant in 1862. Medlock, Thomas L. D.-1st Sergeant August 11, 1861. Wounded at Malvern Hill, Va. July 1, 1862. Discharged on account of wounds, at Chimborazo Hospital #5, Richmond, Va., December 14, 1862. Enlisted as a private in Co. A, 42d Regiment Ga. Inf. April 7, 1863. Discharged, disability, at Chickamauga, Ga. October 11,1863. Died at home in 1865. McDaniel, E. M.- 2d Sergeant August 11, 1861. Captured at Cold Harbor, Va. June 1, 1864. Released at Elmira, N. Y. June 16, 1865. Bolton, R. D.-3d Sergeant August 11, 1861. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last on file, shows him present. No later record. Paden, John M.-4th Sergeant August 11, 1861. Wounded at Russellville, Tenn. February 10, 1864. Wounded in eye, resulting in loss of sight; in right leg, necessitating amputation, and captured at Cedar Creek, Va. October 19, 1864. Transferred from Fort McHenry, Md. to Point Lookout, Md. for exchange February 20, 1865. No later record. (Born January 6,1841.) Mayfield, William M. (or William H.)-5th Sergeant August 11, 1861. Captured at Russellville, Tenn. February 10, 1864. No later record. Flowers, G. W.-1st Corporal August 11, 1861. Captured at Rich- mond, Va. April 3, 1865. Left hospital without permission April 26,1865. Long, J. A.-2d Corporal August 11, 1861. Captured at Russell- ville, Tenn. February 10, 1864. Died of smallpox in Lost Creek Baptist Church hospital, near New Market, Tenn., March 16, 1864. White, Josiah H.-3d Corporal August 11,1861. Appointed 3d Ser- geant July 1,1864. Paroled at Lynchburg, Va. April 15,1865. Franklin, Wylie Eason-4th Corporal August 11,1861. Discharged, disability, at Camp Bryan, Va. November 4,1861. Atkinson, George W.- private August 11,1861. Died at Richmond, Va. May 30,1862. Buried there in Hollywood Cemetery. Atkinson, John T.- private 1861. Discharged on account of rheumatism November 20, 1861. Enlisted as a private in 1st (or 3d) Co. C, 12th Battn. Ga. Light Artillery May l, 1862. (Born in Georgia July 9,1838.) Bearden, F. M.- private August 11, 1861. Wounded in eye, resulting in loss of sight, at Savage Station, Va. June 27, 1862. Discharged, disability, July 17, 1862. (Born in Georgia October 26, 1826.) Beaty, James T.- private August 11, 1861. Surrendered, Ap- pomattox, Va. April 9,1865. Bennett, Miles B.- private August 31,1861. Transferred to Co. H,23d Regiment Ga. Inf., in exchange for Thomas M. Gazaway, February 1,1862; to Co. G, 9th Regiment Ga. Inf. between April and July 1864. Surrendered, Appomattox, Va. April 9,1865. Benson, Oscar- private August 11,1861. Transferred to Co. E, 3d Battn. Ga. Sharpshooters and appointed 3d Sergeant June 8, 1863. Wounded in 1863. Appointed 2d Sergeant August 1863. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Paroled at Elmira, N. Y. March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va. for exchange, March 21,1865. Bradfield, Marion- private September 11,1861. Appointed 4th Cor- poral November 4,1861. Captured at Knoxville, Tenn. November 28,1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., enlisted in U. S. Navy and transferred to Naval Rendezvous at Camp Douglas, Ill., January 25,1864. Braswell, Joel H.- private August 11, 1861. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Paroled at Elmira, N. Y. March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware & CoX s Wharves, James River, Va., March 21,1865. No later record. Brewer, James L.- private August 11,1861. Captured near Knoxville, Tenn. November 28,1863. Transferred from Rock Island, Ill. to James River, Va. for exchange March 2,1865. No later record. Brewer, S. D.- private August 11,1861. Roll dated February 1,1865, last on file, shows him present. No later record. Brooks, E. P.- Enlisted as a private in Co. K,36th Regiment Ga. Inf. May 13,1862. Transferred to Co. H, 16th Regiment Ga. Inf. in 1863. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Paroled at Elmira, N. Y. March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va. for exchange, March 18-21, 1865. No later record. (Born in Abbeville District, S. C. December 10,1834.) Cain, A. B.- private August 11,1861. Elected 1st Lieutenant December 28,1861; Captain September 24,1862. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Released at Fort Delaware, Del. June 17,1865. Cain, D. T.- private March 7,1864. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last on file, shows him present. No later record. Cobb, John Addison-Enlisted as a private in Co. B,2d Battn. Ga. Inf. April 20,1861. Transferred to Co. H, 16th Regiment Ga. Inf. August 11, 1861. Appointed Quartermaster Sergeant August 1861; Aide-de-Camp to General Howell Cobb February 12, 1862; A. D. C. and Acting Adjutant General September 19, 1863. Sur- rendered, Macon, Ga. April 1865. Cofer, Thomas P.- private August 11,1861. Captured at Russellville, Tenn. February 10,1864. Paroled at Camp Morton, Ind. For exchange March 15,1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves James River, Va., March 23,1865. No later record. Cofer, William C.- private September 5,1862. Wounded at Chancel- lorsville, Va. May.3, 1863. Roll dated February l, 1865, last on file, shows him absent with leave. No later record. Cole, C. N. J.- private August 11, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863. Died of smallpox in U. S. Military Prison at Fort Delaware, Del. September 1 or October 23,1863. Buried there. Coney, Joseph A.- private January 17,1864. Roll dated February 1,1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Cruse, William Davis- private August 11; 1861. Died of disease November 11,1862. Davis, G. W.- private August 11, 1861. Captured at Sailor's Creek (or Farmville), Va. April 6, 1865. Released at Newport News, Va. June 25,1865. Davis, John R.- private August 11, 1861. Died in Montgomery Springs, Va. hospital April 22,1864. Dunn, Robert H.- private August 11, 1861. Died of pneumonia in Receiving Hospital February 1,1863. Dyer, William J.- private August 11, 1861. Killed at Wilderness, Va. May 6,1864. Franklin, Washington Newton- private August 11,1861. Captured at Knoxville, Tenn. November 29, 1863. Paroled at Rock Island, Ill. for exchange March 2, 1865. No later record. (Born in Georgia.) Garner, John S.- private August 11, 1861. Elected 2d Lieutenant September 24,1862 or February 2,1863. Resigned January 26,1865. Garner, W. N.- private March l, 1864. Wounded in 1864. Roll dated February l, 1865, last on file, shows him absent, wounded. No later record. Gazaway, Thomas M.- Enlisted as a private in Co. H, 23d Regiment Ga. Inf. October 6,1861. Transferred to Co. H, 16th Regiment Ga. Inf., in exchange for Miles B. Bennett, February 1, 1862. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout, Md. February 18, 1865. Received at Boulware & Cox's Wharves, James River, Va., February 21, 1865. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Chattanooga, Tenn. April 6, 1865. Appears also as F. M. Gasaway and Gassaway. Gho1ston, B.- private August 11, 1861. Elected Captain September 4, 1861. Resigned September 23,1861. Ginn, Alfred J.- private September 11, 1861. Died of measles at Richmond, Va. October 11,1861. Guess, George- private February 3, 1864. Wounded and captured at Wilderness, Va. May G, 1864. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last of file, shows him absent, wounded. No later record. Harper, Green B.- private September 11, 1861. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Government at Bermuda Hundred, Va., released, and furnished transportation to Springfield, Ill. March 13, 1865. (Born in Gwinnett County, Ga. November 10,1833.) Hattaway, John A.- private February 1862. Haynie, David W. (or Haney)- private August 11, 1861. Captured at Cold Harbor, Va. June 1, 1864. Released at Elmira, N. Y. July 7,1865. Herrington, G. N.- private August 28,1862. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last on file, shows him on furlough. No later record. (Born in Gwinnett County, Ga. February 18,1831.) Hunnicutt, William M.- private August 11, 1861. Wounded in left shoulder at Chancellorsville, Va. May 3,1863; in right elbow at Knoxville, Tenn. November 29,1863, and captured there December 5, 1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del. September 14,1864. Exchanged at James River, Va. September 18,1864. No later record. Johnson, David H.- private August 11,1861. Died of disease, at home in Gwinnett County, Ga., December 14,1863. Kelley, John- private 1862. Kircus, John T.- private August 11, 1861. Killed at Knoxville, Tenn. November 29,1863. Langley, J. R.- private September 11,1862. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Died of variola in Elmira, N. Y. February 25, 1865. Grave #2285, Woodlawn National Cemetery. Langley, Willis S.- private August 11, 1861. Killed at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Liddleton, G. F.- private August 11,1861. Deserted March 26,1864. Released at Knoxville, Tenn. on taking oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. March 28,1864. Massey, Josiah- private August 1862. Died of measles October 1862. Massey, S. E.- private August 11,1861. Appointed 1st Sergeant December 14,1862. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Died of variola at Elmira, N. Y. February 18,1865. Grave #2343, Woodlawn National Cemetery. Massey, William- private August 11, 1861. Died of disease in Petersburg, Va. hospital May 8,1862. Massey, William T.- private August 11,1861. Wounded in 1864. Discharged on account of wounds July 15,1864. Mathews, William T.- private August 11,1861. Wounded in 1864. Discharged on account of wounds March 1,1864. McDaniel A. W - private August 11,1861. Roll dated February 1,1865, last on file, shows him absent on light duty in Ga. No later record. McKerley, Green (or McCurley)- private November 4,1862. Died at Lawrenceville, Ga. December 25,1863. McKerley, Robert (or McCurley)- private August 4,1862. Killed at Cold Harbor, Va. June 1,1864. Mewborn, W. M.- private August 11,1861. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Odum, A. J.- private August 11,1861. Captured at Cold Harbor, Va. June 1,1864. Released at Elmira, N. Y. June 16,1865. Odum, H. J.(or Odom)- private August 11,1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pa. July 2,1863. Paroled at Point Lookout, Md. and transferred to Aiken's Landing, Va. for exchange March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware's Wharves, James River, Va., March 16,1865. No later record. Peppers, Kelley- private August 11,1861. Discharged, disability, February 11,1862.(Born in Fulton County, Ga. in 1835.) Plaster, B. F.- private July 31, 1862. Died in Montgomery Springs, Va. hospital February 22,1864. Rabur, Green B.(or Rabun)- private August 11,1861. Discharged, over-age, October 1,1864. Reeder, Nathaniel- private August 11,1861. Elected Captain September 24,1861. Wounded at Crampton's Gap. Md. September 14,1862. Died of wounds in Burkittsville, Md. hospital September 23, or 24,1862. Rutledge, D. S.- private September 11,1861. Surrendered, Appomat- tox, Va. April 9,1865. Rutledge, John A.- private August 11,1861. Deserted at Bean Station, Tenn. December 15,1863. Received at Tazewell, Tenn.,a Confederate deserter, January 2,1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt. at Louisville, Ky. and released February 5,1864. Rutledge, Joseph M.- private August 11,1861. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Released at Elmira, N. Y. June 23, 1865. (Born in Ga.) Rutledge, J. E.- private August 11,1861. Captured at Russellville, Tenn. February 10,1864. Died of smallpox near New Market, Tenn. March 11,1864. Rutledge, M. J.- private August 11,1861. Captured at Russellville, Tenn. February 10,1864. Died of smallpox in Lost Creek Chruch hospital, near New Market, Tenn., March 16,1864. Scott, James R.- private August 11,1861. Wounded and captured at Knoxville, Tenn. November 29,1863. Paroled at Fort Delaware, Del. September 14,1864. Received at Varina, Va. September 22,1864. Ad- mitted to Jackson Hospital, at Richmond, Va., where left arm was amputated below elbow, September 22,1864. Furloughed for 60 days September 26,1864. Recommended for retirement to Invalid Corps February 1,1865. Smith, J. A.- private January 4,1864. Captured at Cold Harbor, Va. June 1,1864. Died in Lincoln U. S. A. General Hospital at Washington, D. C. June 19,1864. Buried at Arlington, Va. Smith, Lindsey Johnson- private August 11,1861. Captured at Deep Bottom, Va. August 16,1864. Released at Elmira, N. Y. June 14,1865. (Born in Elbert County, 1822. Died in Gwinnett County Ga. in 1902.) Smith, Newton A.- private August 11,1861. Died of disease in Virginia April 30,1863. Buried at Spotsylvania, Va. Stansell, James M.- private August 11,1861. Died in LaGrange, Ga. hospital December 17,1863. Buried there in Stonewall Cemetery. Thomas, Drewry- private September.5,1862. Roll dated February 1,1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Todd, Thomas F.- private August 11,1861. Captured at Knoxville, Tenn. November 29,1863. Admitted to #3, U. S. A. General Hospital at Louisville, Ky., January 22, 1864, and died there of smallpox February 15,1864. Buried there in Cave Hill Cemetery. Traynham, William LaFayette- private August 11, 186l. Appears on receipt roll dated September 25, 1861, for commutation of rations from August 11, to August 15, 1861. No later record. (Born in Laurens County, S. C. April 15,1844.) Wacaster, Hiram- private November 1, 1862. Captured at Knoxville, Tenn. November 29, 1863. Died of dysentery in Military Prison Hos- pital at Knoxville, Tenn. December 19,1863. Wallis, John Franklin- private August 11, 1861. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant April 1862. Captured in 1862. Exchanged November 10, 1862. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last on file, shows him present. No later record. Wood, T. R.- private August 11, 1861. Appointed Corporal. Ab- sent without leave August 1864. No later record. Wright, Asa- private August 11, 1861. Roll dated February 1, 1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Pension records show he was wounded in arm at Chancellorsville, Va. May 3,1863, and was at home on sick furlough close of war. (Born in Georgia in 1840.) Yarbrough, H. C.- private February 13, 1864. Deserted at Greenville, Tenn. March 23,1864. Yarbrough, James N. (or James M.)- private September 11, 1861. Roll dated February l, 1865, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record. Yarbrough, John D.- private April 27, 1864. Wounded, date and place not given. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Va. April 6, 1865. Released at Lincoln U. S. A. General Hospital at Washington, D. C. June 12,1865.