Gwinnett County GaArchives Military.....Dutton, John C., Affidavit of Physicians ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandra Dillard Original Pension Application Photocopy by Georgia Dept. Of Archives & History, August 10, 1981, in possession of Sandra Dillard Original Pension Application Photocopy by Georgia Dept. Of Archives & History, August 10, 1981, in possession of Sandra Dillard Indigent Pension 1897 No. 2439 Gwinnett County, Georgia AFFIDAVIT OF PHYSICIANS. STATE OF GEORGIA Gwinnett County. Personally came before me T. K.. Mitchell and Thomas B. Bush, both known to me as a reputable physicians of said county, who being severally sworn, say on oath that they have examined carefully John C. Dutton, applicant for pension under the Act of 1894, and after such personal examination say that his precise physical condition is as follows: 14 months ago, applicant had right leg badly broken, both bones being broken in two places and badly ? making a multiple compound fracture, he has a large amount of bone 1/9 to work out his leg is still sore(?) bone having worked out in the last ten weeks. He is conformed to use crutches and having lost so much bone we consider the injury permanent. Is also a suffering from chronic rheumatism. We further say on oath that the physical condition of applicant renders him unable to labor at any work or calling sufficient to earn a support for himself, and that we have no interest in said pension being allowed. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this T. K. Mitchell, M.D. the 18 day of January 1897. Thos B. Bush, M. D. John P. Webb, Ordinary. ORDINARY’S CERTIFICATE. STATE OF GEORGIA Gwinnett County. I, John P. Webb, Ordinary in and for said County, hereby certify that the applicant John C. Dutton resides in said County, and was a bona fide resident of this State on the first day of January, 1894, and that the witnesses, viz: E. W. Nash Dr T. K. Mitchell & Dr. T. B. Bush are of trustworthy character and that their statements are entitled to full faith and credi. I further certify that before answering the forgoing questions, the applicant and each witness took the oath heron prescribed, and that the full text of the affidavits was read to the applicant and witnesses before same was signed. I further certify that the tax digest of Gwinnett County show that applicant returned for taxation in his name in 1895, Nothing dollars of property, and in 1896, Nothing dollars of property. In my opinion the forgoing claim is...............made in good faith. Witness my hand and seal of office, this 18 day of Jan. 1897. John P. Webb Ordinary of Gwinnett County NOTE Before any questions are answered, the Ordinary shall swear applicant and the witnesses in the following words: “You shall true answers make to each of the questions asked of you, and the evidence you shall give will be the whole truth, so help you God.” Additional affidavits may be attached if blank spaces are insufficient.