Gwinnett County GaArchives Military.....Dutton, John C., Affidavit of Witnesses ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandra Dillard Original Pension Application Photocopy by Georgia Dept. Of Archives & History, August 10, 1981, in possession of Sandra Dillard Original Pension Application Photocopy by Georgia Dept. Of Archives & History, August 10, 1981, in possession of Sandra Dillard Indigent Pension 1897 No. 2439 Gwinnett County, Georgia QUESTIONS FOR WITNESS. STATE OF GEORGIA Gwinnett County E. W. Nash, of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of John C. Dutton for pension under the Act apporved December 15th 1894, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? E. W. Nash in Gwinnett County, Georgia. 2. Are you acquainted with John C. Dutton, the applicant, is of how long have you know him?.....Known him about 40 years 3. Where does he reside, and how long has be been a resident of this State? ...In Gwinnett Co. Ga. has been a resident all his life. 4. Do you know of his having served in the Confederate army or the Georgia militia? How do you know this?...Applicant served in the Confederat Service him and myself were members of same company. 5. When, where, and in what company and regiment did he enlist?.. He enlisted in the service in April 1862 at Yellow River P. O. in Captain A Dyers Company K 36th Ga Regt. 6. Where you a member of the same company and regiment?....I was 7. How long did he perform regular military duty, and what do you know of his service as a Confederate soldier, and the time and circumstances of his discharge from the service? ....He served to the surrender 1865. and was discharged Honorably, he was a Faithful Soldier. 8. What property, effects or income has the applicant? (Give your means of knowledge.)...applicant has no property. I am his near neighbor. His wife has a ? Horse wagon and mules inherited from fathers estate. 9. What property, effects or income did the applicant possess in 1895 and 1896, and what disposition, if any did he make of same?..He had no property or income in 1895 or 1896 to dispose of. 10. What is the applicant’s occupaton and physicial condition?..At Present he is entirely disabled to work. he was a formally a farmer. in 1895 . unfortunately got his leg curshed. 11. Is the applicant unable to support himself by labor of any sort, if so, why? ...he is unable to support himself by labor oa any sort. Can hardly go by the aid of crutches. 12. How was he supported during the years 1895 and 1896? ....part of 1895 was able to do some work but none 1896 13. What portion of his support for these two years was derived from his own labor or income? ....about 30 dollars in 1895 and nothing in 1896. 14. Give a full cand complete statement of the applicant’s physical condition that entitles him to a pension under the Act of December 15th, 1894?...Appliant is unable to work and has no land nor personal property and is afflicted with pain perhaps contracted from exposure in the service. 15. What interest have you in the recovery of a pension by this applicant?....none. Sworn to subscribed before me, this E. W. Nash the 18th day of Jan. 1897 Witness John P. Webb, Ordinary.