Gwinnett County GaArchives News.....Reunion of Lankford Family August 16 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Denise Murphy January 10, 2005, 3:06 pm The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. J. B. Lankford, of Tucker, Ga., Gwinnett county, was the central figure of a family reunion at his country home, “The Oaks,” on last Sunday, when he celebrated his seventy-sixth birthday. Mr. Lankford has lived on this farm since his birth, in 1845, and is the father of eight children; has fifteen grand-children, and two great- grandchildren. All these, together with several neighbors and friends, were present on this happy occasion. At noon a basket dinner was spread on the lawn, in the shade of the large spreading oaks. Mr. and Mrs. Lankford, who recently celebrated their fifty-first wedding anniversary, are both hale and hearty. Among the guests at this time were O. O. Lankford, the eldest son, and his family, who live near the old homestead; the families of Mrs. Charles M. Leonard, of Atlanta; Mrs. Beulah Baggett, Mrs. Alice Glover, Mrs. Mabel Leverett, Mrs. Anna Dance. Dr. G. C. Lankford and J. M. Lankford, who live in Atlanta. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb