Gwinnett-Fulton County GaArchives News.....S.S. Class Entertained November 2, 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Denise Murphy June 3, 2006, 4:31 pm The Atlanta Constitution November 2, 1913 November 2, 1913, The Atlanta Constitution Mrs. George Waggoner entertained her Sunday school class, the Wesley, Jr., on Thursday evening to a masquerade Halloween party. A suggestion of Halloween was seen in all the decorations with pot plants and chrysanthemums. After several hours of games and music, a luncheon was served. Those present were Misses Alpha Baggett, Edith Burge, Mamie Carroll, Jessie Coffee, Ruth Freeman, Mary Gates, Exa Harmon, Oceal Herndon, Mamie Johnson, Eunice Kilpatrick, Margaret McWilliams, Lois McMullin, Francis Minor, Nellie Russell, Susie Mae Scott, Hattie Weber, Lillie Everett; Messrs. Watts, Brown, Russell, Moore, C.B. McWilliams, Emory Baggett, Arthur Leonard, Horace Pearce, Marvin Rivers, Mrs. I.F. Bowden, Mrs. C. Leonard and Mrs. F.C. Gates. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.4 Kb