Gwinnett County GaArchives Photo Document.....Knox, J. W. To I. M. Pool Orig. Letter Dec 10, 1884 - Pg 1 Of 2 December 10, 1884 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Shirley Mellon Dewberry April 23, 2010, 7:18 pm Source: Personal Document Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 134.5 Kb Original Letter - Page 1 of 2 Note: Four of Isaac Mitchell Pool's family members died February 19, 1884 from the results of a tornado in the Cahaba Valley near Leeds, Alabama. From: Duluth, GA To: Leeds, Ala. (Jefferson County) Lowe & Knox, Clothing General Merchandise Produce, Fertilizers, Etc. Duluth, Georgia Dec 10, 1884 Mr. I.M. Pool (Isaac Mitchell Pool III - John Wilson Knox's cousin) Dear Sir: I received your letter a few days since and in reply will say that we would be glad that you could arrange your affairs so that you could conveniently stay out here next year. We have made no trade with anyone for next year. Have been waiting on you but under the circumstances, which would suit you or us. For we would have to get new hand in the fall when we would need someone that was posted in the business. It looks like you have got a hard road to travel. If you can get good wages out there and can be satisfied I think it will suit you better "as you have go to look after the plantation". If you stay with Abercrombie be careful and don't let your renters get into you too much at the store as they are hard to manage in that respect. I do not know for certain whether we will run the store all the year or not, as the man that owns this store house is going to tear this one down and put up a brick house and if he does it will be apt to put us out doors. Business will be dull next year I think. I got a letter from Craft, he says he is coming back to Ga. to stay and is going to have a home and housekeeper in this state. Write when you can. J.W. Knox The kinfolds are all well. Jack (Henry Thomas "Jack" Knox - brother) bought the home place and will go there to live. We are going to have a Christmas tree at the church. Your girl looks as fresh and pleasant as ever. I think she is holding herself in reserve for you. You ought to give her satisfaction someway if you have not. Additional Comments: John Wilson Knox Born: May 25, 1856 Georgia Died: May 14, 1943 Georgia Father: Samuel Wilson Knox Mother: Mary Ann Strickland d/o Henry & Anna Strickland Spouse # 1: Willie J. Goodwin Spouse # 2: Evelyn Lewis Isaac Mitchell Pool III Born: June 24, 1860 Leeds (Cahaba Valley), Jefferson Co., Alabama Died: March 28, 1946 Leeds, Jefferson Co., Alabama Father: Isaac Mitchell Pool (1833-1867) Mother: Martha Strickland Pool (1843-1920)d/o Isaac Strickland & Betsy Gilbert Stepfather: John Columbus Pool (Brother of Isaac Mitchell Pool 1833-1867) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb