Gwinnett County GaArchives Wills.....Hamilton, David September 24, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Ellis January 31, 2009, 8:47 am Source: Will Book E Page 205-207 Written: September 24, 1907 State of Georgia Gwinnett County Last will and testament of David Hamilton I David Hamilton of said S tate and County being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and testament herby revoking all wills heretofore made by made by me . Item First I will my executors as soon as possible after my death to pay my debts if a sale of property be necessary I wish him to select for sale that which can be most advangeously used for that purpose and I authorize him to sell the same at public or private sale as he may see fit. Item Second Give to my beloved wife two hundred dollars in cash (200.00) This being the amount I received from her when we were married. I further order and request that my beloved wife Mrs. Martha Hamilton have and receive the rents of one half of the income of the Ewing house located in Lawrenceville Ga. and better known as store house of Ewing . Said rents and proceeds are to go to my beloved wife Mrs. Martha Hamilton during her natural life time or widowhood and at the marriage or death of the said Mrs. Martha Hamilton then said property are to go back to my estate . Item Third I request and order that the three youngest children of Albert Sudth children as follows ; Dora May Sudeth $50.00 in cash and the two baby boys $25.00 each in cash extry to the rest and they share and share alike with the rest. Item Fourth I order and request my entire estate equally divided between my heirs as follows ; George Turner Sudeth, David Sudeth, Maud Sudeth, Glen Sudeth. The above mentioned children to have my daughters part Mrs. Mary Jane Sudeth Mrs. Lizebath King my daughter Mrs Marthy Ann Pirkle my daughter Mr. R.T. L. Hamilton now deceased his children as follows are to have his part of my estate W.D. Hamilton, Lener Hamilton,and Annett Hamilton. Able Spence Hamilton, my daughter Luellar Medlock , my daughter J.M. Hamilton , David Turner Hamilton, Mrs. Maudie Thompson my daughter. Item Fifth I order and request that Latham Cooper my son- in- law who married my daughter Mrs. Ladie May Hamilton now deceased and leaving no heirs I request and order that he has $5.00 Five dollars out of my estate. Item Sixth I request the executor of my estate act as Guardines for my grand children who are minors at my death. Item Seventh I order and request my executors to wind up the estate by selling property privately or as the highest bidders as they think to the best interest of my estate. Item Eight I order and request that my living daughters have all of their mothers house things that she left such as bedsteads, clothing and all the house utinsells. Item Nine I further order and request and do herby appoint my three living sons , Able Spence Hamilton, J.M. Hamilton, David T. Hamilton executors of this my last will and Testament. In testamoney whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 24th day of Sept. 1909 David Hamilton SEL Signed and published by David Hamilto as his last will and testament in the presence of the undersigned who subscribe our names hereto as witnesses at the instance and request of said testator and in his presence and in the presence of each other This 24th day of Sept. 1907 J.C. Lovin My commission R.H. Elrod Expires Jan. 1st 1912 Kelly A Elrod J.P. Gwinnett Co. Will Book E pages 205-207 Ga. Archives Drawer 159 Box 43 Transcribed by Bob & Linda Ellis, Duluth Ga. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb