Will of Col. H. Nucholls 07 Aug 1919 State of Georgia, Gwinnett County. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF COL H. NUCHOLLS. I Col. H. Nucholls of said state and County being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and testament. ITEM 1 I wish my executor as soon as possible after may death to pay my debts. If a sale of property shall be necessary I wish him to select for sale that which can be most advantageously used for that purpose; and I authorize him to sell the same at public or private sale as he may see fit. ITEM 2 I give to my beloved wife, Rachel A. Nucholls, the following property; to-wit: All the property both real and personal that I may possess or hold an interest in at my death to have the use of and to manage for her own benefit during her natural life. ITEM 3 I bequeath as follows: Lot No. 1. On Peachtree road fronting said road one hundred and thirty six (136) feet running South in parallel lines with J.J. Humphries line for enough to make One (1) acre to Henry A. Nucholls. ITEM 4 I bequeath Lot No. 2 fronting Peachtree road One hundred and thirty six (136) feet on said Peachtree road and running South parallel with Lot No. 1 far enough to make One (1) acre to Thos. L. Nucholls. ITEM 5 I bequeath Lot No. 3 fronting on Peachtree road One Hundred and thirty six (136) feet on said Peachtree road and running South parallel with Lot No. 2 and along the Decatur road far enough to make One (1) acre to Ester I. Stringer. ITEM 6 I bequeath Four (4) acres fronting on Decatur road a sufficient number of feet to make Four acres and running parallel with the back lines of Lots 1, 2 & 3 to J. J. Humphries line to Truman W. Nucholls. ITEM 7 I bequeath a strip of land fronting on the Decatur road and running East parallel with Lot No. 6 in the original division and adjoining the plat a lotted to Henry A. Nucholls. ITEM 8 I bequeath to Thos. L. Nucholls Three acres fronting on the Decatur road and running east parallel with the three acres bequeathed to Henry A. Nucholls. ITEM 9 I bequeath to Biga N. Nucholls Four acres, more or less, fronting on the Decatur road running east parallel with the lot bequeathed to Thos. L. Nucholls. ITEM 10 I bequeath to Laura O. Nucholls the home place containing Seven acres. More or less, during her natural life, and at her death the same to go to Ester I Stringer and her heirs. ITEM 11 I do hereby appoint Laura O. Nucholls Executrix of this my will and as extra compensation give her the sum of One Hundred Dollars. In Testimony whereof, I have set my hand hereto, this Feb 14th 1918. C. H. X Nucholls (X is his mark) Signed and published by Col. H. Nucholls as his last will and Testament in the presence of the undersigned who subscribe our names hereto as witnesses at the instance and request of said testator and in his presence of each other. This Feb. 14th, 1918 W. W. Wilson, J.P. W. C. Berry P. W. Summerour ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Adrianne Hopkins ====================================================================