HABERSHAM CO., GA - COURT RECORDS - Letters of Administration of the Estate of Robert C. Winfield, 1848 SUBMITTED BY: Donnie Pickard (deemay@netusa1.net) ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Donnie Pickard deemay@netusa1.net ==================================================================== Habersham County, Georgia – Minutes of the Court of Ordinary July Term 1848, page 337 It appearing to the Court that John T. Carter of said County has heretofore made his application to the Clerk of this Court for letters of Administration upon the Estate of Robert C. Winfield deceased and that Said application has been published agreeable to law in a public gazette and no objection being filed or made. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Said John T. Carter be and he is hereby appointed Administrator upon the estate both real and personal of Robert C. Winfield late of said county deceased, and that the Clerk of this Court issue letters of administration to the said John T. Carter for the same when he shall have given bond and security & taken the oath in terms of the law.