Habersham County GaArchives Obituaries.....Gastley, Thomas J. March 27, 1934 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gila Ragan Hoover raganhoo@bellsouth.net August 31, 2005, 8:14 pm Tri County Newspaper 1934- March 29 - Tri County Newspaper - Hon. Thomas J. Gastley Claimed By Death Wednesday Morning - End Comes Peaceful To Poineer Resident of Habersham County Who Served ???(action in Confederate Army??) The entire community was saddened to learn of the passing of one of it oldest and most highly esteemed citzens, the Honorable Thomas Joseph Gastley, whose death occurred at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 27, at his home near Clarkeville. Mr. Gastley had been in delining health for some time, and had been confined to his bed for the past fifteen weeks, and two weeks ago pneumonia developed, causng complications which resulted in his death Wednesday morning. Mr. Gastley was in his eighty-sixth ....July 29, 1848 at the ... Clarkesville. His parents .... America from Holl....of the .. Jeruse..settled in ...passed away December .children were born..ofwhom are now..Baptist church .... ....attending school...outbreak of the...states whe heachlastic course and as a ... years enlosted as a volunteer..confederate army, serving ....and later going into the regular army , where he erved with distinction until the close of the war. Mr. Gatley's public service has been long and varied including possitions of public responsibility, serving as Sheriff of Habersham County on different occassions for some eighteen years: in the State Legislature for four years from 1909 to 1912; he also served as Chairman of the Democratic Committee of Hambersham County. He was an active member of the Clarkeville Lodge F and A Masons in whih he has held the offices of Tyler, Junior Warden, Senior Warden, Worshipful Mater, and Treasurer and was also a trustee of the lodge. He had taken the Royal Arch degrees and held offices in Hambersham chapter no, 77 R.A.M. He was also an Odd Fellow having first joined Baldwin Lodge in February 1902 and was a charter member of Clarkesville Lodge at the time it was constituted about twenty-five years ago. He was also prominent in church activities having been ordained as a deacon of Bethlehem Baptist Church on Mary 31, 1873 and had been superintendent of that Sunday school and trustee of the church for a number of years. He served as Moderator of Clarkesville Baptist Association for eight years and was a memeber of Hambersham County Singing Convention since 1878 and was president of that organization for forty six years. For years he and his sons have been successful in operating saw mills, grist mills and planing mills in addition to their extensive agricultural pursuits inwhich Mr. Gasltye continued to take an active part until the past year when his health began to gail to such a degree that he was unable to work. He possessed a lovable personality and had many griends throughout this county and section. During the last years of his long and useful life he was made inexpresily happy when on his birthday each year, July 29, his children, grandchildren relatives and friends gathered at his home to do honor to this grand old man, and Christian gentleman, who was noted for his kindness and helpfulness to others. Mr. Gastley is survivied by one daughter, Mrs A.A. Erwin of Habersham, Five sons, Messrs. T.R., J.H. and J.A. Gastley of Clarkesville, Charlie Gastley of Fairburn, Joseph Gastley of Seneca, S.C. also by a large number of grand children and great grand children. Funeral services were held today, Thursday, at Bethlehem church, which was crowed to overflowing by sorrowing relatives and friends, from all sections of Habersham county assembled as their tribute to a beloved and venerated man. Mr. Gastley before his death had expressed his wishes in regard to his funeral which were carried out in the minutest detail, even to the musical selections. Rev. J.O. Fullbright, Rev. H.H. Humphries and Rev. T.C. Burrell read scriptures and offered prayers, and a number of friends paid tribute to Mr. Gastley's unimpreachable character and examplary life. His five sons and one grand son acted as pallbearers. Members of Clarkesville Masonic Ladge were in charge of the impressive burial rites at the grave to which the body borne to its last resting place in a beautiful grey casket, made at Mr. Gastley request. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/habersham/obits/g/gastley2712gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 4.8 Kb