Hart County GaArchives Wills.....White, Eppy May 17, 1854 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chandler Eavenson http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00030.html#0007294 October 15, 2006, 6:42 pm Source: Hart Co., Ga Wills Written: May 17, 1854 Recorded: December 6, 184 Will - Eppy White, 17 May 1854 The following Will was recorded on 6 Dec 1854 in Hart Co., GA, Hart Co. having been then recently created from Elbert and Franklin Counties: "Georgia, Hart County) In the name of God Amen I Eppy White of the County and State aforesaid being of sound disposing mind and reflecting that it is appointed for all mankind to die do make and ordain this my last Will and testament. It is my will that my body after death be buried in a plain and decent manner at the disposition of my Executors And as to such worldly goods as God has blessed me with I dispose of them in the following manner. "First I will that all my just debts be paid. Seconaly I do give to my son Thomas H. White one negro boy Elbert priced at five hundred dollars and other property to the amount of two hundred and forty one dollars and twenty eight cents making in all seven hundred and forty one dollars and twenty eight cents which he has received and to be considered as a part of his portion of my estate. Item I do give to my son John M. White one negro boy Green priced at five hundred dollars and other property to the amount of two hundred and thirty three dollars which he has received and to be considered as a part of his portion of my estate. Item I do give to my daughter Milly Jones one negro girl Emily priced at five hundred dollars and other property to the amount of fifty three dollars makeing in all five hundred and fifty three dollars which she has received and to be considered as a part of her portion of my estate Item I do give to my son Dillard H. White one negro boy Henry priced at five hundred dollars and other property to the amount of sixty nine dollars making all five hundred and sixty nine dollars which he has received as a part of his portion of my estate. Item I do give to my son Edward R. White one negro boy Bob priced at four hundred dollars and other property to the amount Six hundred and forty six dollars making in all one thousand and forty six dollars which he has received and to be considered as a part of his portion of my estate. Item I do give to my son James F. White five hundred and ninety dollars which he has received and to be considered as a part of his portion of my estate. Item I do give to my daughter Ann H. White one negroe girl Malinda priced at five hundred dollars and other property to the amount of thirty eight dollars and fifty cents which she has received and to be considered as a part of my estate Item I do give to my daughter Rachel E. Strickland one negro girl Susan priced at four hundred and fifty dollars and other property to the amount of fifty eight dollars and seventy cents makeing in all five hundred and eighty dollars and seventy cents which she has received and to be considered as a part her portion of my estate. Item I do give to my daughter Sarah C. Christian one negro girl Clorinda priced five hundred dollars and other property to the amount of sixty four dollars and fifty cents which she has received as a part of her portion of my estate. Item my will and desire is that when my daughter Malissa F. White becomes of age or marry she receive of my estate one feather bed and furniture priced at thirty three dollars also one negro girl say ten or twelve years old priced at five hundred dollars or in propotion to its being older or younger to be a part of her portion of my estate at the final division of my estate Item I do give and bequeath to my beloved wife Catharine White during her lifetime my houses and land whereon I now live and all my negroes not disposed of by will or given away in my life time and all other property both real and personal and my will and desire is that my executors at there discretion sell at public auction such property as they may think proper for the benifit of my heires and payment of my just debts that the amount of said Sale or Sales be so divided between my heires that they which have not received as much as others be made equal in amount with those which have received the most so far as the amount of said sale may go and I do give full liberty to my executors during my wifes Life time to sell buy or barter any thing they think will be for the peace of my wife or advantage of my estate further my will and desire is that after the death of my wife all my estate both real and personal be sold at public auction and after making all my lawfull heires equal in amount with the one who has received the most of my estate, then the remainder to be equally divided among all my heires. And I herby make and ordain my beloved wife Catharine White my Executrix and my beloved sons Thoms H. White and Dillard H. White my executors to this my last will and testament in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this seventeenth day May one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. Eppy White (L.S.) Elbert J. Brown John S. Herndon Abner C. Watters(?) Recorded this Dec 6th 1854 James T. Jones, Ordy." Additional Comments: [Submitters notes: Eppy White, born 16 Mar 1791, died 19 Sep 1854, married Catherine Herndon 11 May 1815, he the son of John Martin White and Mary Thornton Ballenger. Catherine was born 28 Feb 1796, died 11 Nov 1886, the daughter of Edward Hernton, Jr. and Nancy Rucker.] Submitted by: Chandler Eavenson File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/hart/wills/white496gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 5.9 Kb