Heard-Coweta County GaArchives Military Records.....Z T Estep August 4 1910 Civilwar - Pension Co K 30th GA Reg't ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 March 10, 2004, 10:20 pm Confederate Soldier's Application Under Act 1910 Z. T. Estep, Heard County, Georgia Questions for Applicants to Answer State of Georgia, Heard County Z.T. Estep of said State and County hereby applies for the pension provided by the Act of 1910 to Confederate Soldiers and submits his sworn statement with his testimony to make out the same and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the questions propounded, answers as follows to wit: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Z. T. Estep, Heard Co GA Franklin GA 2. How long and since when have you been a continuous resident citizen of this state? Since 1847 3. Did you enlist in the Army of the Confederate States or of the Organized Militia of this State from 1861 to 1865? I did in the regular Army. 4. When and where and in what Company and Regiment did you enlist? April or May 1863 in Savannah GA Co. K 30 GA Reg Infantry 5. How long did you remain in the actual Military Service with said Company and Regiment? Till Jan 1865 6. When and where was your Company and Regiment surrendered or discharged from the service? April 1865 near Greensborough NC 7. Were you actually present with your Command when it was surrendered or discharged? No 8. If you were not actually present, state specifically and clearly where you were. At home sick a. Where was your Command when you left it? Opelika Ala b. When did you leave the Command? Jan 1865 c. For what cause did you leave? On furlough d. By whose authority did you leave? Officer in Command e. For how long was your leave granted? For 30 days f. Why did you not return to your Command after leave expired? Was sick g. In what way were you prevented? Was sick h. What effort did you make to return? Was not able i. Were you captured during the war? No 9. What property of every description was owned in the use possession and control of yourself and wife and its cash value on the 4 Nov 1908? 60 acres of land calue $500. Mule $100. 4 head cow, 1 hog $155. Household and kitchen furniture $25. 10. What property of any kind have your or your wife disposed of and for what purpose since Nov 4, 1908? Cow for $30. to Ambros Powers used for support. 11. Same question and answer as # 9. above. 12. What annual or monthly income or earnings of yourself and wife and the source derived, have you? $50. per year 13. Are you drawing a pension of any amount from this State or the United States? No. 14. Have you ever applied for the Georgia pension and had it refused and for what cause? Have not. Z.T. Estep Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 day of August 1910. TM Awbry, Ordinary, Heard County Questions for Witness as to Service State of Georgia, Coweta County M.R. Attaway of said State and County hereby presented as a witness in support of the application of Z.T. Estep for the pension provided by the Act of 1910 in said State and after being sworn true answers to make to the questions propounded answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? M.R. Attaway residing at Newnan GA Coweta Co GA. 2. How long and since when have you known Z.T. Estep the applicant? not answered, left blank 3. Where does he now reside and since when has he been a bona fide continuous rsident in this State and how do you know? He resides at Franklin Heard Co GA and he has lived in Georgia since 1863 to my knowledge. 4. When where and in what company and Regiment did Z.T. Estep enlist during the war from 1861 to 1865? May 1863 Savannah GA Col K 39th Inf. Reg. 5. How did you obtain your information of this service? I was a member of the same Company and Regiment and was in the service when he enlisted. 6. How long within your own personal knowledge did he perform atual military service with this Company and Regiment? Until some time in Jan 1865 when I left the command. 7. When and where was his company surrendered or discharged? Greensboro NC April 1865 8. Were you actually present at the surrender? No 9. If not where were you and how came you there? I was cut off at Corinth Miss. in Jan 1865; and was afterward captured near Blue Mountain Ala while serving in another Co. Reg't. 10. Was the applicant personally present with his command at surrender? I don't know. 11. If not where was he and how came him there? How do you know all that you have stated to be true? He was in the service when I left it. As to what I have stated I know personally of my own knowledge. 12. When did he leave his command? I cannot say 13. through 15 not answered, left blank. M.R. Attaway Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of Aug 1910. L A Perdue, Ordinary of Coweta County Dec 14, 1911 Heard County Disapproved Soldiers 1912 Disapproved and filed 12-14-1911 for the reason that applicant must submit witnesses that know of his own knowledge that the facts stated by applicant are true as he states them; the witness submitted does not seem to know. Signed, J.W. Lindsey, Com. of Pensions State of Georgia, Heard County Franklin, GA July 7, 1915 T.M. Awbrey, Ordinary Hon. J. W. Lindsey, Atlanta, GA Dear Sir, I am enclosing affidavit of Mr. Hancock in the matter of application of Mr. Z.T. Estep for pension, whose application was disapproved by you Dec 1912. Please send me a few blanks for disabled soldiers applications under code 1910 Sec 1483.1484, Respectfully yours, T.M. Awbrey, Ordinary Georgia, Heard County Before the undersigned personally came, J.W. Hancock, personally known to me and whose statements are worthy of full faith and credit, who on oath says that he was personally acquainted with Z.T. Estep from 1861 to this date and that he lived near said Z.T. Estep from 1861 to the fall of 1866. I came home in the fall of 1861, lost an arm and leg while in the service and while at home in Carroll County, GA near said Z.T. Estep, he Mrs. Estep came from from the war sick near close of war and remained sick and unable to do any work and unable for service to the close of the war, he had some kind of fever and did no work of any kind to my own personal knowledge, the facts stated above are absolutely true and are made to be used as evidence in application of Z.T. Estep in getting a pension. J.W. Hancock Sworn to and subscribed before me this May 15th 1915. T.M. Awbrey, Ordinary ****************************************************************************** Additional Comments: Zachary Taylor Estep's civil war service records abstract: Name: Z T Estep , Residence: Campbell County, Georgia Enlistment Date: 15 May 1863 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE State Served: Georgia Unit Numbers: 378 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 May 1863 Enlisted in Company K, 30th Infantry Regiment Georgia on 15 May 1863. Wounded on 15 July 1864 at Atlanta, GA (In left knee. Estimated day) Furlough on 15 January 1865 (30 days,pneumonia unable to return) ****************************************************************** This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 7.7 Kb