Heard County GaArchives Military Records.....Pleasant Hester April 3 1891 Civilwar - Pension Co F 25th Regiment Alabama Volunteers ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 March 18, 2004, 11:53 pm Civil War Pension Application of Susan Hester, widow of Pleasant Hester, of Heard County, Georgia April 3, 1891 State of Georgia, County of Heard Widow's Pension of Mrs. Susan Hester, Widow of Pleasant Hester Affadavit to be Made by the Widow In person came before the undersigned ordinary in and for the County of Heard, Mrs. Susan Hester, who being sworn according to law says under oath that she is the widow of Pleasant Hester who was a soldier in the service of the Confederate States and served as a member of Company F of the 25th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers; that he enlisted in said service on or about the 25th day of February 1863; and was in the Confederate Army up to about the 22nd July 1864; that while in the Army he was killed on the 22nd day of July 1864; that while in battle at Altanta Georgia was killed by a minnie ball, shot through the body and died in a few hours after he was shot. Deponent further swears that she was the wife of said deceased soldier during his term of service in the Army; and that she has never married since his death; that she became his wife on the 10th day of November 1850; and that she has resided in Georgia continuously since January 1869; that Georgia is her home, and was such on the 23rd day of December 1890, and since said date she has not lived in any other state or locality. Deponent as the widow of said deceased soldier husband applies for the pension provided by Act of the General Assembly of Georgia approved Dec 23rd 1890 for the pension year ending Feb 15th 1892 and herewith tenders the proof of her right to receive the allowance granted by said Act. Susan Hester (signature of applicant) Sworn to and subcribed before me this the 3rd day of April 1891. G A Crain, Ordinary April 3, 1891 Affadavit for Three Witnesses State of Alabama, County of Randolph In person came before the sundersigned Judge of Probate in and for said County, witnesses F.M. Handley, James J.Jones, T.J. Edmonson, each known to the attesting officer as truthful, reliable and reputable citizens, who severally say under oath that from their own personal knowledge, Mrs. Susan Hester of the County of Heard, State of Georgia, is the widow of Pleasant Hester, who was a soldier in Company F of the 25th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers. That said soldier enlisted in the service of the Confederate States on or about the 25th day of February 1863; That while in said service or by reasons of said service in the Army he lost his life as follows: He was shot and killed in battle in Atlanta GA on 22nd day of July 1864 and was buried in Atlanta GA by J.E. Garrett and other soldiers of Co. F 25th Regt Ala Vols. at that time under General Hood. We further swear that Mrs. Susan Hester was the wife of said soldier during the service and that she has not intermarried since his death and that she resides in Heard County of the State of Georgia. Capt. F.M. Handley Co. F 25th Regt Ala Vols., James J. Jones, X, his mark, T.J. Edmondson January 24, 1893 For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, Heard County Personally comes Mrs. Susan Hester who being sworn says on oath that she is a bona fide resident of said County of Heard, State of Georgia, and that she has resided in said state continuously ever since her birth in 1827. That she is the widow of Pleasant Hester who was a soldier in Company F of the 25th Regiment of Alabama Vols., that he lost his life on the 25 day of July 1864; He was shot at the Atlanta fight, shot dead on the battle field July 1864. She further swears that she is a native Georgian, that she was born and raised in Georgia. Susan Hester; Post Office, Franklin, GA. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of January 1893. G.A. Crain, Ordinary January 31, 1893 State of Georgia, Heard County Personally came before the undersigned Ordinary, witness A. N.. Jones, known to the attesting officer as a truthful witness entitled to full faith and credit as such and who being duly sworn says on oath that Mrs. Susan Hester, widow of Pleasant Hester moved to Heard County from Newton County GA with her parents when she was about six years old and has here lived all the time except about eight years about the time of the war when she lived in Alabama. That he has known Mrs. Susan Hester ever since she moved to Heard County. A.N. Jones Sworn to and subscribed before me January 31st 1893. G.A. Crain, Ordinary January 20, 1893 State of Georgia, Heard County Personally came before the undersigned Ordinary, L.J. M. Bell, known to the attesting officer as a truthful witness entitled to full faith and credit as such and who being duly sworn according to law says on oath that to his own personaly knowledge, Mrs. Susan Hester widow of Pleasant Hester is a native of the State of Georgia, that she was born and raised in Georgia. L.J.M. Bell. Sworn to and subscribed before me January 20th 1893. G.A. Crain, Ordinary January 8, 1907 For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, County of Heard Personally comes Susan Hester, who being sworn says on oath that she is a bona fide resident of said County of Heard, State of Georgia, and that she has resided in said State continuously ever since her birth April 5, 1827; that she is the widow of P.H. Hester, who was a soldier in Company F of the 25th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers that lost his life on the 25 day of July 1864; While in the city of Atlanta he was shot with minnie ball through the body and then on the battle field died of said wound on July 25, 1864. That she was born in Newton County, Georgia. Deponent swears that she was the wife of said deceased soldier during his service as a soldier and that she has never married since his death aforesaid; that she became his wife in the year 1850. That Georgia is her home and she resided in this State the 23rd day of December 1890 and has not lived in any other State or locality since that date. I have ben allowed a pension as a resident of Heard County for the year ending Feb 15th 1896 and now apply for thepension provided by law for the year ending Feb 15th 1897. Susan Hester, X, her mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8 day of January 1897. Robt G Crain, Ordinary January 7, 1899 For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, County of Heard Personally comes Mrs. Susan Hester, who being sworn says on oath that she is a bona fide resident of said County of Heard, State of Georgia; that she is the widow of P.H. Hester, who was a soldier in Company F of the 25th Ala Vols.; that he lost his life on the 25th day of July 1864: He was shot by a minnie ball on the 25th July 1864 and killed on the battle field at Atlanta, GA. I have been allowed a pension of $60. as a resident of Heard County for the year ending Feb 15th 1898 and now apply for the pension provided by law for the year ending Feb 15, 1899. Susan Hester, X, her mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of January 1899. Robt G Crain, Ordinary of Heard County January 3, 1902 For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, Heard County Personally comes Mrs. Susan Hester who being sworn says on oath that she has resided in said State continuously ever since birth 5th April 1827; that she is the widow of Pleasant H. Hester who was a soldier in Co F of the 25th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers; that he lost his life on the 25th day of July 1864; Was shot and killed on battle field by a minnie ball while in the Battle at Atlanta. I have been paid a pension as a resident of Heard County for the year ending Dec 31, 1901 and now apply for the pension provided by law for the year ending Dec 31, 1902. Susan Hester, X, her mark Sworn to adn subscribed before me this 3 day of January 1902. Robt G Crain, Ordinary Similiar affadavits/declarations filed through 1906 in Heard County, Georgia ******************************************************************************* Additional Comments: 1860 census Heard County, Georgia Franklin Dist. Pleasant Hester, age 33, SC (Farmer) Susan, age 30, GA John M., age 9, GA Vica ? M., female, age 6, Ala Emily C., age 4, GA Abram C.G., age 2, GA Julia Hester, age 70, black female, VA ********************************************** 1870 census Heard County, GA 779 Militia Dist. Susan Hester, age 40, GA John M., age 18, GA Vicy M., age 16 (female) Emely C., age 14 Abram G.W., age 11 Pernia O., age 9 ******************************************************* 1880 census Heard County, GA Militia Dist. 987 page 89 Susan HESTER Self W Female W 53 GA Keeping House GA GA Abe HESTER Son S Male W 21 GA Laborer GA GA Puss ? C. HESTER Dau S Female W 19 GA At Home GA GA ************************* 1900 census Heard County, Georgia Rockalo Twp. page 102 June 1900 Abraham Hester, Sept 1858, age 41, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia (married 14 years) Georgia, wife, Dec 1860, age 39, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia (mother of 5 children, 5 children living) Pierse ?, son, ?? 1887, age 12, Georgia Rufus H. ?, son, June 1889, age 10, Georgia Bula ? B., daughter, Aug 1892, age 7, Georgia Robert ?, son, Sept 1896, age 3, Georgia Fany M., daughter, Oct 1899, age 7 months, Georgia Susan Hester, mother, April 1827, age 73, widowed, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia ********************************************************************** This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 10.0 Kb