Heard County GaArchives Military Records.....Margarette A Spradlin, widow of Josiah Spradlin April 10 1891 Civilwar - Pension Co I 13th Alabama Volunteers ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 May 31, 2004, 10:43 pm April 1891 Widow's Pension of Margarette A. Spradlin of Heard County, Georgia Widow of Josiah Spradlin Affadavit to be Made by Widow State of Georgia, Heard County In person came before the undersigned Ordinary in and for the County of Heard, Mrs. Margrette A. Spradlin who being sworn according to law, says under oath that she is the widow of Josiah Spradlin, who as a soldier in the services of the Confederate States and served as a member of Company I of the 13th Alabama Volunteers; that he enlisted in said service on or about the 4th day of July 1861 and was in the Virginia Army up to Sept 24 1862. That while in the Army he was on the 24th day of September 1862 at the battle of Sharpsburg shot through both thighs and shattering the bone in each, lived only a short time and there died. Deponent further swears that she was the wife of said deceased soldier during his term of service in the Army and that she has never married since his death; that she became his wife on the 30th day of May 1850 and that she has resided in Georgia continuously since the 22nd day of December 1869; that Georgia is her home and was such on the 23rd day of December 1890 and since said date she has not lived in any other state or locality. Deponent is the widow of said deceased soldier husband and as such applies for the pension provided by Act of the General Assembly of Georgia approved December 23rd 1890 for the pension year ending February 15th 1892 and herewith tenders proof of her right to receive the allowance granted by said Act. Margarette A. Spradlin, X, her mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 10th day of April 1891. Affidavit of Three Witnesses State of Alabama, County of Randolph In person came before the undrsigned Judge of Probate in and for said County, witnesses Martin P. Pittman, John B. Carlisle, T.J. East, each well known to said Attesting Officer as truthful, reliable and reputable citizens, who severally say under oath that from their own personal knowledge, Mrs. Margrette A. Spradlin of the County of Heard, State of Georgia, is the widow of Josiah Spradlin who was a soldier in Company I of the 13 Regiment of Alabama Volunteers. That said soldier enlisted in the service of the Confederate States on or about the 4th day of July 1861. That while in said service or by reason of said service in the Army he lost his life as follows: He received a gun shot wound at Sharpsburge MD from which he died on the field. We were all members of the same Company and Thos. J. East saw him receive the wound. We further swear that Mrs. Margrett Spradlin was the wife of said soldier during the service and that she has not intermarried since his death and that she resides in Heard County of the State of Georgia. M.P. Pittman, J.B. Carlisle, T.J. East. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 14 day of May 1891. T.J. Thomason, Judge of Probate Court For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, Heard County Personally came before the undersigned Ordinary in and for said County, witnesses W.G. Phillips and J.D. Waters, each known to the attesting officer as truthful witnesses entitled to full faith and credit as such and who being duly sworn says on oath that of their own personal knowledge Mrs. Margarette Spradlin, widow of Josiah Spradlin is a native of the State of Georgia; that she was born in Jasper County Georgia and there lived until she was a grown woman. That she resided continuously in Georgia since 1869. That Georgia is her home and she resided in the State on December 23rd 1890 and that since said date she has not lived in any other state or locality. W.G. Phillips, X, his mark, J.D. Waters, X, his mark Sworn to and subscribed before me February 4th 1893. G.A. Crain, Ordinary For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, Heard County Personally comes Mrs. Margaret A. Spradlin who being sworn says on oath that she is a bona fide resident of said County of Heard, State of Georgia; and that she has resided in said State continuously ever since 1870. That she is the widow of Josiah Spradlin who was a soldier in Company I of the 13 Rgiment of Alabama Vols., that he enlisted in said regiment on or about the month of July 1861 and served in the Army up to September 1862. That while in service in the Army as a soldier in the State of Virginia (?) in September 1862 he was shot by minnie ball passing through both legs at knee joints and he there died of said wound. That deponent was born and raised in the State of Georgia. That she has been allowed a pension for the year ending February 15th 1894 and now applies for the allowance provided by law for the year ending February 15th 1895. Margaret Spradlin, X, her mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15 day of January 1895. G.A. Crain, Ordinary For Widow's Heretofore Allowed Pensions State of Georgia, County of Heard Personally comes Mrs. Margaret A. Spradlin, who being duly sworn says on oath that she is a bona fide resident of said County of Heard in the State of Georgia and that she has resided in said State continuously ever since December 21, 1869. That she is the widow of Josiah Spradlin who was a soldier in Company I of the 13th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers; that he enlisted in said regiment on or about the month of July 1861 and served in the Army up to September 1862. That he lost his life on the 4 day of September 1862 in the State of Maryland at the battle of Shapesburg on the above mentioned date while in service of the Confederate Army as a soldier. He was shot by a minnie ball passing through both legs above knees and he there on battlefield ? to death inside of two hours. Deponent was born and raised in the State of Georgia. Deponent swears that she was the wife of said deceased soldier during his service in the army as a soldier; that she has never married since his death aforesaid; that she became his wife in the year 1850. That Georgia is her home and she has resided in this State and has not lived in any other state or locality since the date above given. That she has been allowed a pension as a resident of Heard County for the year ending February 15th 1895 and now applies for the pension provided by law for the year ending February 15th 1896. Margaret A. Spradlin, X, her mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of Jan'y 1896. G.A. Crain, Ordinary Note: Declaration for Pension also made in January 1897 with same information. ************************ This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 7.1 Kb