Heard County GaArchives Military Records.....FREEMAN, Elizabeth Ann "Eliza" (Davis) February 22 1916 Civilwar - Pension Co A, 2nd Batallion Hilliard's Legion, Alabama Volunteers -- Co F, 59th Alabama Infantry, CSA ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Valerie (Johnson) Freeman http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00009.html#0002248 October 18, 2004, 1:16 am Application For Pension By A Widow Under Act Of 1910 OK for 1917 3657 Pay of _________ 3/19 - 1917 Freeman, E. A. (Mrs.) Heard County ==================== Widow's Pension Under Act 1910 ==================== 11/1 - 1916 County: Heard Name: E. A. Freeman Widow of E. J. Freeman Co. F Regt. 59 Ala ===================== J. W. Lindsey Commissioner of Pensions ===================== 7/6 - 1916 1/9/ - 1917 ===================== (on reverse) Pension office 11-14-1916 Amend and prove when and how her husband was wounded, and in what way his wounds effected him that kept him out of service to the end of the war. J. W. Lindsey, Comm of Pensions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application for Pension by a Widow Under Act of 1910.- Questions For Applicant State of Georgia Heard County Personally before me comes Mrs. E. A. Freeman of said State and County, and after being duly sworn, on oath says that she desires to apply for a pension allowed under the Act of _______ 1910, and submit testimony to make out the same, true answers makes to the following questions to-wit: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? E. A. Freeman Heard County, Ga. 2. How long and since when have you been a continuing resident of the State of Georgia? Since 1874 3. When, where and to whom were you married? 1867 Randolph County, Ala. To E. J. Freeman 4. When, where and in what Company and Regiment did your husband enlist as a soldier in Confederate Army or Georgia Militia? (State the arms and class of Service.) April 1862 Randolph County Ala Co. F 59 Ala Reg. 5. When and where did the Commands of your husband surrender or discharge of the Command? Appomattox Courthouse, Va April 9th 1865 6. Was your husband personally present at the time of the surrender or discharge of this Command? No he was at home wounded 7. If he was not present state clearly where he was? At home wounded 8. Where was his command when he left? (no answer given) a. For what cause did he leave his Command? Wounded b. By whose authority did he leave his Command (not answered) c. For how long was he granted a leave of absence? (not answered) d. (there is NOT a question d.) e. What was his physical condition when he left his Command? Wounded f. What effort did he make to return to his Command? Never was able g. In what way was he prevented from going back to Command? (not answered) h. Was he captured by the enemy at any time? No i. If so, when and where captured and where held as a prisoner, and when and for what cause released? (not answered) j. When and where did your husband die? Nov 5th, 1915 Heard County, Ga. k. Were you residing together when he died? Yes l. If not, how long had you resided apart? (not answered) 9. What property of any description did you own, hold or control for your use and its cash value, Nov. 4, 1908? (State same by items and where situated) one house and lot 150.00 Title in Daughter by deed 10. What property of any kind have you sold or given away since Nov. 4, 1908? What was received for it and what did you do with the proceeds thereof? (Give items and cash value.) none 11. What property of any description of any value have you now? Give list and cash value. 1 house & lot worth 150.00 12. What are your annual earnings or income from any source and their value? Nothing 13. Have you or your husband heretofore been paid a pension by the State? Yes, husband If so, when and for what cause were you or your husband place on the Roll? (not answered) Sworn to and subscribed before me this the} 22nd day of February 1916} /s/ E. A. Freeman T. M. Awbrey Ordinary Of Heard County. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Questions for the Witnesses as to Service of Husband and Marriage State of Georgia, } Heard County. } Personally before me comes W. C. Shira who after being duly sworn true answers to make, to the following questions, answers as follows: 1. What is your name and where do you reside? W.C. Shira Heard County, Ga. 2. How long and since when have you known Mrs. E. A. Freeman applicant? (not answered) 3. How long and since when had she continuously resided in this State? (Give date.) Since 1878 4. When and to whom was she married? 1867 E. J. Freeman How do you know? Reputation 5. How long and since when did you know E. J. Freeman her husband? Since spring of 1861 6. When and where did E. J. Freeman the husband of Applicant die? Nov 5th 1915 Heard County, Ga. 7. Were the applicant and her husband living together as husband and wife at the date of his death? Yes 8. If not, how long did they live apart before his death? (not answered) 9. When, where and in what Company and Regiment did E. J. Freeman enlist? April 1862 Randolph County, Ala. Co H 59 Ala. Reg 10. Were you a member of the same regiment? Yes 11. How long within your personal knowledge did he perform actual military service with his Company and Regiment? Spring of 1865 12. When and where did his Command surrender, and was discharged? Appomattox Courthouse Va April 9th 1865 13. Were you personally present when it surrendered? Yes If not where were you? I was present and how came you there? (n/a) 14. Was the husband of applicant personally present at surrender? NO If now where was he? Was wounded left Command had time him to surrender When, where and for what cause did he leave Command? Wounded and how long was he granted leave? Don't know How do you know all this? Was in same Co & Reg of my own personal knowledge 15. For what cause, if you know of your own knowledge, was he prevented from returning to his Command? Never able 16. What effort did he make to return to his Command and how do you know this? Of your own knowledge or how? None to my knowledge Sworn to and subscribed before me this the} W. C. Shira, his mark 22nd day of June 1916 } T. M. Awbrey, Ordinary Of Heard County. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AFFADAVIT OF TWO FREEHOLDERS STATE OF GEORGIA } Heard County } Personally before me comes F. A. Hill & H. H. Alsabrook who on oath says that they are freeholders of said County and that they know Mrs. E. A. Freeman of said County and know what property she owned on 4th Nov. 1908, and its cash value to be set out by schedule (A) as follows: Personal Property: no property $_______ Notes and accounts due: (blank) $_______ Total: $_______ Schedule (B) We know the property sold or given away since Nov 4th, 1908, its cash value to be as follows: Personal Property: no property $_______ Money, Notes and Accounts: _______ $_______ Schedule (C) We also know what property she has not in her possession, use and control to- wit: Acres of land ___ worth: _______ $_______ Horses and Mules________________ $_______ Cows and Hogs __no property_____ $_______ Other property _________________ $_______ Income and Earnings_____________ $_______ Total Value of all property and effects $________ Sworn to and subscribed before me this the } /s/ F. A. Hill 22 day of June 1916 } /s/ H. A. Alsabrook T. M. Awbrey Ordinary of Heard County. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ORDINARY'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF GEORGIA } Heard County } I, T. M. Awbrey Ordinary of said County do certify that, I know Mrs. E. A. Freeman the applicant for pension. She is the person she represents herself to be and she is a bona fide continuing resident citizen of said County and as on the 4th Nov. 1908. That I also know W. C. Shira the witness who swears to the service of husband, and F. A. Hill & (left blank) who are freeholders. That all of them are now residents of said County and were duly sworn by me before signing the foregoing affidavits and that they all are truthful, trustworthy, and their statements are entitled to full faith and credit. That the Tax Returns E. A. Freeman's husband Returned for Tax is for 1908 $119; for 1909 $134; for 1910 $91; for 1911 $94; for 1912 $69; for 1913 $70; for 1914 $42 for 1915 $100 Sworn under my hand and official seal of office this 29 day of June 1916. T. M. Awbrey Ordinary Heard County ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John W. Lindsey Commissioner of Pensions Atlanta, Georgia 3657 Adjutant-General Washington, D. C. 10/24/16 Dear Sir: - Please furnish me with such record as many be found in the Adjutant Generals' Office of the War Department of Freeman, E. J. Private Co. f 59th Regt. Alabama Vol. Inf. Said to have surrendered, Appomattox, Va., Apr. 9, 1865. He is applicant under the Georgia law for a Confederate soldier's pension, and his record in your Department, whether it is of his company roll or prison record, is wanted as evidence in his claim for a pension. Yours respectfully, J. W. Lindsey Commissioner of Pensions of Georgia (over) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAR DEPARTMENT THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE WASHINGTON, October 27, 1916 Respectfully returned to Commissioner of Pensions State of Georgia, Atlanta With the information that: E. J. Freeman, also borne as Eli Jackson Freeman, pvt., Co. A, 2 Battn Hilliard's Legion Ala. Vols subsequently by consolidation Co. F, 59 Ala. Inf. C.S.A. enlisted April 5, 1862, and appears on roll for Jan. and Feb. 1865, last on file, as absent without leave since Oct. 15, 1864. No prisoner of war record found. Heard Original returned to Ordy fr Adjutant. 11/1/1916 H. P. McCain The Adjutant General ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (typed on a plain piece of paper) State of Georgia Heard County, Before me personally came E. B. Gore a citizen of said County of Heard and personally known to me and who is worthy of belief, who on oath says that he was a citizen of Randolph County Alabama, in the spring of 1965 (s/b 1865), and lived near Mr. E. J. Freeman the husband of the applicant for pension, and saw him frequently, and know of my own persoal (sic) knowledge that he was wounded in the service and came home in a disabled condition and remained at home to the close of the war and was not at any time after he came home able for service I saw the wound and saw him going on his crutches only a short time before the close of the war, E. B. Gore (his mark) Sworn to and subscribed before me this January 2nd 1917. /s/ T. M. Awbrey Ordinary Heard County Ga. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Freeman, A. Eliz (Mrs.) For Heard County = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1926 = = = = = = = = = = = = = Application for Pension Due Deceased Pensioner (UNDER ACT 1919) (To pay expenses of the last illness and funeral) = = = = = = = = = = = = = T. M. Awbrey Ordinary For A. Elizabeth Freeman Date of Death: Sept 15 1927 Amount $100 = = = = = = = = = = = = = Approved and ordered paid of John W. Clark /s/ 30 Nov. 27 John W. Clark Commissioner of Pensions = = = = = = = = = = = = = Paid = = = = = = = = = = = = = Ordinary: Fill out above in full and send this blank to Pension Department for approval. Do not pay out the money until the approved blank is in your hands giving you authority to do so. Send back to the Pension Department with your receipted payrolls to be permanently filed with them. Do not keep this application in your office. = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application for Pension Due to a Deceased Pensioner (To Be Paid to the Ordinary for Expenses of Funeral and Last Illness) (Under Act Approved August 15, 1904) GEORGIA, Heard County Personally before me, the Ordinary of said County, comes M. W. Lipford, of said County, who, after being sworn, on oath says that he knew A. Elizabeth Freeman of said County, and that said Pensioner was on the Pension Roll of said County at the time of death, which occurred in Heard County, in this State, on the 15 day of September 1927, and that a Pension of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars was due pensioner and unpaid at the time of pensioner's death, and that pensioner left no widow or dependent children surviving, and no estate of any value sufficient to pay these funeral expenses, which amounted to the sum of $100.00 per sworn statements fully and completely ITEMIZED hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed } T. M. Awbrey Ordinary } M. W. Lipford Heard County } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CERTIFICATE OF ORDINARY GEORGIA, Heard County I, T. M. Awbrey Ordinary of said County, do certify that I personally know M. W. Lipford, who is a resident citizen of said County, and that said person is of truthful and trustworthy character, entitled to full faith and credit; that I also knew A. Elizabeth Freeman while in life and that this was the same person whose name appears on the Pension Roll of Heard County, and was paid a Pension of Fifty for third quarter ($50.00) Dollars in said County for 1927, and I now believe said pensioner to be dead; and that the instructions at the foot of this voucher have been carefully observed in making up this voucher and the bills which are attached hereto. Given under my hand and official seal, this 19 day of Sept 1927. (Seal or Ordinary) T. M. Awbrey Ordinary Heard County ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E. E. Lewis M. W. Lipford FRANKLIN, GA.,__________________________________, 191_ M_______________A. Elizabeth Freeman, Estate. __________________________________________________ In Account with Lewis & Lipford Furniture and Undertaker Supplies Hardware, Mowers, Rakes Agricultural Implements, Parts, Etc. Sept. 15, To Casket $100.00 Georgia, Heard County Personally appeared M. W. Lipford of the firm of Lewis and Lipford, who, on oath says, the above and foregoing account is rendered for funeral expenses of A. Elizabeth Freeman, who died without owning sufficient property to pay the bill. Subscribed and sworn to } Before me this } Lewis & Lipford Sept. 19th, 1927. } By M. W. Lipford T. M. Awbrey } Received check in full of the above acct this Dec. 6, 1927 Lewis & Lipford By Lewis Additional Comments: Descendants of Chesley Davis 1 Chesley Davis b: 1804-1817 in Georgia d: 1881 Burial: Big Springs Baptist Church Cemetery (unmarked) - Randolph Co., Alabama .. +Elana Sarah Menelus "Liney" Green b: 1815-1820 in Georgia d: 1885 m: Abt 1836 Father: Mother: ...... 2 Elizabeth A. "Eliza" Davis b: 23 Sep 1846 in Georgia/Alabama d: 15 Sep 1927 in Heard Co., Georgia Burial: Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery - Walnut Hill District, Heard Co., Georgia ........... +Eli Jackson Freeman b: 16 Feb 1843 in Heard Co., Georgia d: 5 Nov 1915 in Walnut Hill District (GMD 1517), Heard Co., Georgia m: 1867 in Randolph Co., Alabama Burial: Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery - Walnut Hill District, Heard Co., Georgia Father: Eli Freeman Mother: Hepsebah "Hepsy" (last name not proved!) Gore ............... 3 Rufus Wiley Freeman b: 4 Nov 1867 in Georgia d: 20 Jan 1944 in Troup Co., Georgia Burial: Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery - Walnut Hill District, Heard Co., Georgia ................... +Mattie Lee Alsabrook b: 28 Mar 1876 in Georgia d: 5 Nov 1941 in near Frolona, Heard Co., Georgia m: Abt 1890 Burial: 6 Nov 1941 Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery - Macedonia, Heard Co., Georgia Father: James R. Alsabrook Mother: Elizabeth Hill ............... 3 James Jackson "Jim" Freeman b: 20 Dec 1870 in Alabama d: 27 May 1954 in Colquitt Co., Georgia Burial: Sunny Side Cemetery - Cordele, Crisp Co., Georgia ................... +Mary "Mollie" Elizabeth Pearce b: 28 Feb 1873 in Alabama d: 30 Mar 1967 in Bibb Co., Georgia (Resident of Crisp Co., Georgia) m: Abt 1895 Burial: Sunny Side Cemetery - Cordele, Crisp Co., Georgia Father: Oliver P. Pearce Mother: Sarah Cook ............... 3 Levi Walt Freeman b: 2 Apr 1873 in Alabama d: 7 Oct 1949 in Troup Co., Georgia Burial: Shadowlawn Cemetery - La Grange, Troup Co., Georgia ................... +Eliza "Liza" J. Walls b: 21 Dec 1879 in Georgia d: 22 Mar 1957 in Troup Co., Georgia m: 23 Dec 1894 in Heard Co., Georgia Burial: Shadowlawn Cemetery - La Grange, Troup Co., Georgia Father: James Walls Mother: Lucie ?_________ ............... 3 Noah Madison Freeman b: 3 Jul 1876 in Randolph Co., Alabama d: 23 Aug 1950 in Hillcrest, Troup Co., Georgia Burial: Shadowlawn Cemetery - La Grange, Troup Co., Georgia ................... +Sarah Odessa Elizabeth Arrington b: 4 Jun 1879 in Randolph Co., Alabama d: 2 May 1960 in Baldwin Co., Georgia (Resident of Troup Co., Georgia) m: 27 May 1897 in Heard Co., Georgia Burial: Shadowlawn Cemetery - La Grange, Troup Co., Georgia Father: John J. Arrington Mother: Mary Catherine Prestridge ............... 3 Benjamin "Oscar" Freeman b: 1 Jul 1878 in Alabama or Georgia?? d: 31 Dec 1959 in LaGrange, Troup Co., Georgia Burial: Big Springs Baptist Church Cemetery, Big Springs, Randolph Co., Alabama ................... +Melinda Jane Prestridge b: 4 Apr 1882 d: 29 Apr 1974 in Troup Co., Georgia m: 26 Dec 1897 in Randolph Co., Alabama Burial: Big Springs Baptist Church Cemetery, Big Springs, Randolph Co., Alabama Father: James L. Prestridge Mother: Sarah "Sallie" Malinda Arrington ............... 3 Nancy E. Freeman b: 1881-1883 d: 7 Sep 1957 in Chambers Co., Alabama Burial: Shawmut Cemetery - Shawmut, Chambers Co., Alabama ................... +James A. "Gus" Bryan b: Abt 1881 in Georgia m: 10 Jul 1904 in Heard Co., Georgia Burial: Shawmut Cemetery - Shawmut, Chambers Co., Alabama Father: John T. Bryan Mother: ............... 3 Ida M. Freeman b: Abt 1885 ................... +Sid W. Russell m: 3 Jan 1904 in Heard Co., Georgia Father: Mother: ............... 3 Eliza M. "Nealie" Freeman b: 1886 d: Feb 1939 in Chambers Co., Alabama Burial: Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery - Walnut Hill District, Heard Co., Georgia ................... +~Never Married~ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/heard/military/civilwar/pensions/mt342freeman.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 18.9 Kb