Heard County GaArchives Military Records.....Francis Marion Screws March 1896 Civilwar - Pension Co F 16th Regiment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 August 4, 2003, 7:17 pm State of Georgia, Heard County (March 1896) Personally appeared, F. M. Screws of Heard County, State of Georgia, who being duly sworn says on oath, that he was born on the 1st day of September 1837, that he is a bona fide citizen and resident of Georgia, and has been continuously since the day of his birth, the 1st day of September 1837, that he enlisted in the military service of the Confederate States during the war between the states and served as a Private in Company F of the 16th Regiment of Georgia Volunteers, Morgan's and Wheeler's Brigade; that while engaged in such military service and in the line of duty in the State of Kentucky, on the ___ day of September 1863, he ws disabled or wounded as follows: At Cumberland Gap in the state of Kentucky, his horse fell on him fracturing the 9th and 10th ribs on left side which brought up lung trouble and which causes applicant to cough and have hemorages from lungs at time, causing applicant to be weak and feeble and can't be exposed any during bad weather. The least work or exertion brings up said hemorage; said injury is permanent. He has been in this condition since date of injury whereby applicant is practically incompetent to perform the ordinary manual vocation of live. Applicant is a farmer. Deponent desires to participate in the benefits of the Act approved Oct 24, 1887 and the Acts amendatory thereof, and makes application for the allowance for which he is entitled for the year thereunder, ending Oct 26, 1896. F. M. Screws, X, his mark Sworn to and subscibed before me, this the 12th day of March 1896. G. A. Crain, Ordinary Affadavit for Witness State of Georgia, Coweta County Clerk of the Court; April 1896 Personally appeared before me, the undersigned Ordinary in and for said County, John D. Simms and A.J. Smith, each of whom being duly sworn according to law, severally say, under oath, that they are personally acquainted with F. M. Screws, whose application is herewith presented for a pension, that he served in Company F of the 16th Regiment of Morgan's Brigade and from our personal knowledge he was injured by the service as follows: At Cumberland Gap, Kentucky in September 1863 applicant's horse fell with him falling upon him, from which accident he received severe injuries, which caused him to be off duty for a considerable length of time. I, John D. Simms was Captain Commanding the Company at the time. We personally know the above facts. We were with him in the army and have known him ever since. John D. Simms, A.J. Smith Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 18th day of April 1896. W.A. Mitchell, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary Coweta County, Georgia State of Georgia, County of Coweta Personally appeared before me, the undersigned Ordinary of said County, Dr. Jacob Starr and who being duly sworn according to law says on oath that he is personally well acquainted with F. M. Screws whose application is herewith presented for a pension; that he served in Company F of the 16th Regiment of Georgia Volunteers, Morgan's Brigade, and from my own personal knowledge, he was injured by the service as follows: At Cumberland Gap, in the state of Kentucky, his horse fell on him fracturing the 9th and 10th ribs on left side which brought up lung trouble and which causes applicant to cough and have hemorages from his lungs at times cuasing application to be weak and feeble. He cannot be exposed during bad weather. The least work or exertion brings up said hemorages. That before he entered the service he was not afflicted with said disease and he contracted said disease while in the service of the army as is told, and has suffered with the same continuously since. Said injury is permanent and renders the applicant practically incompetent to perform the ordinary manual vocation of life. Deponent swears that he was with him during his term of service and waited on him in his sickness during the war and has known him since service. He has no interest in the pension for the applicant Signed,. Dr. J. Starr Jan 12, 1897. Soldiers Pension, 1897 F. M. Screws, Heard County, Georgia Disability: Body Injury Amount: $50. ****************************** File submitted by Candace Gravelle August 2003 Additional Comments: Francis Marion Screws civil war pension application indicates that he was born in Georgia on Sept 1, 1837. His tombstone shows the year of birth of 1841 and CSA service: Private, Company F 16th GA Reg Cav CSA (Received civil war pension in Heard County, Georgia) This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 5.1 Kb