Heard County GaArchives News.....Newspaper Notices from News & Banner for April 1939 April 24 1939 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 September 17, 2004, 7:57 pm News and Banner, Heard Co. GA Miscellaneous Newspaper Notices from Heard County, Georgia Newspaper the "News and Banner for April 1939 Newspaper Issue of Friday, April 7, 1939 MILLER HOME BURNS Sunday AT CORINTH Fire of undetermined origin completely destroyed the lovely home of Mrs. John I. Miller Sr., at Corinth Sunday about noon. The blaze was beyond control when discovered. Happening at noon and on Sunday when people were at home, neighbors were able to save a part of the furniture but the loss was heavy. The house was partially covered by insurance but there was no insurance on the furnishings and only a few months ago Mrs. Miller had added extensive electrical equipment. Thirty-three years ago, Mrs. Miller lost her home on this site. Plans are being made to rebuild. ______ Clerk of Superior Court, J.J. Farmer of Coweta, died the past week after an extended illness. _____ Mr. Robert Jones of Whitesburg, sustained a broken leg and was otherwise injured when hit by a car Saturday at the Jones bridge between Newnan and Carrollton. A fire ws destroying the abutment of the Chatahoochee bridge at this time. Parties driving the car what hit Mr. Jones are being held without bond pending the outcome of Mr. Jones' injuries. The bridge is closed necessitating detour of traffic including Carrollton Griffin busses by way of Franklin. _____ Recent weekend rain, which did a good job of covering most of the state, was estimated to be worth at least a million dollars to farmers. And to think some people complain when it rains. ______ LEGAL NOTICE - - Administration Georgia, Heard County To All Whom It May Concern M.W. Lipford, member of the firm of Lewis & Lipford, a creditor of Mrs. Lyda V. Yarbrough, deceased, late of said County, having petitioned that the administration of the estate of said deceased vest in him: This is to notify the creditors, heirs at law and parties interested to show cause at the May Term of the Court of Ordinary of said State and County 1939, why the administration of said estate should not be vested as prayed. Witness my hand and official signature this 3rd day of April 1939. Louise Sledge, Ordinary _____ ELERY Community News Miss Essie Mae Strickland has returned to her school at Berry after spending a few days with homefolks. _______ Miss Clessteen Vaughan is spending a few weeks with her grandfather Sam Dennis near Newnan. _____ Mrs. Aaron Hembree is still under treatment of Dr. A.G. Wortham. ______ Miss Bessie Vaughan of Centralhatchee, spent the past week with her brother Theo Vaughan, who has been seriously ill with flu. _______ L.B. and Mrs. Pope of Roosterville, spent Sunday with J.R. and Mrs. Buchanan. _____ R.M. and Mrs. Turner of Columbus, spent the weekeend with Roof Noles and family. _______ Little Joel Marshall had a birthday dinner last Sunday. ______ Miss Duma Strickland, 16 year old daughter of L.Y and Mrs. Strickland, died Monday night, March 27, at the home of her parents after a short illness with pneumonia. Besides her parents she is survived by five sisters and one brother; paternal grandparents J.G. and Mrs. Strickland; maternal grandparents, J.T. and Mrs. Street and a great grandfather S.E. Bowen. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday morning at Centralhatchee Baptist church by Rev. L.S. Hunter assisted by Barker Quartette. The pall bearers and flower girls were her classmates. ______ Little Kenneth Walls had measles the past week. _____ Webster and Mrs. Smith of Ephesus, spent Saturday night with T.G. and Mrs. Bailey. ______ Leonard and Mrs. Dennis of Newnan spent Saturday night with Claude and Mrs. Vaughan. ____ Rev. and Mrs. Blackburn took dinner with G.W. and Mrs. Barker Saturday. _______ Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. Denney of Macon, W.E. and Mrs. Denney of Franklin, were Sunday afternoon guests of Joe and Mrs. Hopson. _____ Heard countians in large numbers visit the New Carroll Theatre at Carrollton every week. Manager Stewart selects only the very best pictures and serves a variety that is appealing at any time the public visits his attractive playhouse which is one of the prettiest in Georgia. It is a delightful place to witness a good show any afternoon or evening. _____ FUNERAL RITES FOR MRS. ECHOLS, SUNDAY Funeral services were held at Franklin Methodist Church Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Sallie Lane Echols, widow of the late W.R. Echols. She died Friday at Newnan where she had gone for treatment. Mrs. Echols was reared at Franklin and had lived all of her 71 years in Heard County. A large concourse of friends, many from a distance, attended the services at 2:30 conducated by Rev. J.C. Adams, at the church where she had been a member for many years, the alter and casket being surrounded by the season's loveliest flowers, symbolic of the good lady's sweet character. Mrs. Echols is survived by three sons and three daughters; Lane, Walter and John Echols of the homeplace at Glenloch; Mrs. Joe Wyatt, Marietta; Mrs. Glenn Scroggins, Newnan; Mrs. A.R. Williams, Glenloch; one brother, R.J. Lane, Franklin, and numbers of other near relatives. ________ CARD OF THANKS We can not express in words our deep appreciation for the kindness and assistance given during the illness and death of our precious daughter and sister, Duma. May God bless each of you. L.Y. Strickland and Family ______ HOME NEWS, GOSSIP Miss Lizzie Mae Heard of Red Oak, spent the wekend with Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Alsabrook. _____ Mrs. Frank Dennis has returned to her home in Jacksonville, Fla., after spending a while with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Owensby. _______ Mrs. D.A. Few and sons of Apalachee, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. V.O. Smith. _____ Mr. S.A. Futral, residing near town, is improving after a recent stroke, much to the pleasure of many friends. ____ Mrs. L.H. Snyder left Monday to join her husband in Atlanta, with hosts of friends delighted in her recovery from a long and trying illness. ______ Emily Johnson, an esteemed old negress, died Wednesday night. She was 84 years old and held the esteem of both white and colored and had reared a large and intelligent family. ______ Mrs. Reuben Jackson of Atlanta is said to be in serious condition from an attempted operation and not expected to live many hours. She is the mother of Mr. Lee Jackson and sister of Mr. H.L. Taylor. ______ As we go to press, information is that Mr. R.E. L. Jones, seriously injured a few days ago when struck by a car at the burning river bridge between Newnan and Carrollton, died early yesterday morning. He was a brother-in-law of Messrs. Claude and Grady Ridley. _______ Judge J.C. Davis, Stone Mountain Circuit, presided for Judge Wyatt Friday last to receive murder indictment of the Grand Jury against Ike Teal for killing James Mapp. It is understood that court will convene within a few weeks to try the case, no definite time having yet been set. _______ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, April 14, 1939 It was cool throughout Georgia, but still well above freezing and brisk winds prevented frost after intermittent rains Tuesday. In the neighborhoods of Tallapoosa, Buchanan and Villa Rica, tornado winds destroyed several houses, barns, etc. and some 20 people were injured and 4 killed. _____ GLENN Community News Miss Ozella Adams is spending a few days in Columbus. ____ Chip Foster, of Carrollton, was in our midst Monday and brought us the good news that work had begun on the electric line and assured us we would have lights by mid summer. ____ Newt and Mrs. Williams and mother visited Lonneal at Emory in Atlanta Friday and Saturday. ____ James and Mrs. Crockett announce the birth of a son. He has been given the name of John Stewart. _______ YELLOW DIRT Community News Elmer Golden and family and Lewis Dorough of Carrollton, spent the weekend with Floyd Dorough and family. _______ Joe and Mrs. Bonner and son Hugh, spent Thursday night with John Harper and family near Bremen. ______ Mrs. Charlie Haynes has returned home from the Cove where she has been visiting her daughter. ______ Joe and Mrs. Cowart and daughter Opal of Lowell, were the Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Floyd Dorough. Mrs. Dorough returned home with them for a visit. _____ Bud and Mrs. Cash and children of Lowell, spent Saturday night with Joe Bonner and family. ______ TEXAS Community News E.W. and Mrs. Brooks of Atlanta, visited relatives here over the weekend. ____ Miss Eva Mulkey is spending a few weeks with relatives in Hogansville. ____ Lewis and Mrs. Golden spent Monday at White Plains, Ala. ______ Troy Littlefield and family spent Saturday night with E.J. and Mrs. Mulkey, also Mrs. Ola Mulkey of LaGrange, is spending a while here with her son, E.J. Mulkey. ____ Carey Brannon and family of LaGrange, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Mickle. ____ Mrs. C.M. Mickle is spending awhile in LaGrange. _______ Mose Drummond and Grannie Kitchens are some better at this writing. _____ J. J. and Mrs. Arrington and Mrs. Frances Arrington of Franklin, visited L.L. and Mrs. Cook and Grannie Kitchens Sunday; also Joe and Mrs. Baird, of Roanoke, Ala. _______ FRANKLIN Community News Dr. A.J. Lane married Miss Lillian Collins Early Wednesday night, Dr. A.J. Lane, popular Franklin druggist, hied away under no suspicions from his most intimate friends. Later in the evening at the home of the bride's parents in Austell in the presence of immediate relatives and friends, he was joined in wedlock to Miss Lillian Collins, popular Austell teacher. Rev. Carl Adkins pastor Methodist Church, officiated. ______ ELERY Community News Miss Syble Thornton had an Easter egg hunt Sunday afternoon and enjoyed by a large crowd. ___ Harvey and Mrs. Wright spent the weekend with Robert Turner and family. _____ Linton Forbus spent the weekend in LaGrange. ______ Will Cook of Carrollton, spent the weekend with homefolks. _____ Aaron Hembree is slowly improving. _____ Warner Witcher has returned to his school at Rabun Cap, after spending a few days with homefolks. _______ Johnny Welborn spent the weekend with W.W. Welborn and family near Ridgeway. _____ Cliff and Mrs. Duke of Lagrange, spent Sunday with homefolks. ___ FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. REUBEN JACKSON Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Taylor Jackson, 69, widow of the late Reuben W. Jackson, were held at Olive Branch Saturday at 11 a.m. after her death at Wesley Memorial Hospital in Atlanta the day before. Mrs. Jackson was reared in Heard County, daughter of the late W.D. and Mrs. Taylor, and was held in the highest esteem by a large circle of friends, many of whom attended the funeral directed by Lewis & Lipford and conducted by Rev. B.C. Middlebrooks and Rev. J.C. Adams. Surviving children are Lee Jackson, Franklin; Mrs. DeWitt Haskin, Atlanta; several brothers and sisters. Pallbearers who conveyed the flower covered casket to it's last resting place were: W.E. Denney, W.C. Hill, G.A. Adams, J.C. Lee, J.E. Gladney, R.H. Eady. ________ HOME NEWS, GOSSIP Miss Edna Perry spent the weekend in Ashburn. _____ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cagle spent the weekend with relatives in Greenville. ____ Rev. and Mrs. J.K. Brown of Newnan Springs, are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Adams this week. _______ Mrs. Jimmie Harden of Toccoa, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Heard. ______ Miss Johnnie Daniel of Atlanta, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Daniel. _____ Mrs. E.A. Lipford is in Atlanta with her mother Mrs. Josie Hendrick, who continues quite ill. ______ Miss Louise Lipford, of Metter, Miss Inez Lipford and Mr. Sylvester Jones of Gainesville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Lipford the weekend. _____ Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor of LaGrange, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Royston of Roanoke, Ala, Miss Christine Meadows of Vidalia, Mr. James Taylor of Unadilla, Miss Jnoella Taylor and Mr. Joe Perry of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Ridley and Mr. Jim T. Mickle were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. J.L. Taylor and Miss Jeanette Taylor. ______ Lieutenant Charles C. McCutchen came in from Miami, Fla., where he spent the winter, and left Monday for Camp McClellan at Anniston, Ala., to be assigned to a CCC Camp as Commander. _______ Sam Miller, an aged negro reared in Heard County, died the past week at his home in Cedartown, where he had lived for many years. He visited his old home and " white friends" only a few weeks ago and appeared in the best of health. ______ Messrs. C.C. and P.T. McCutchen spent Sunday afternoon at Dallas with Col. P.T. McCutchen Jr. who has been laid up for for more than a week with an aggravated attack of flu. ____ Rev. and Mrs. Pierce Harris of Jacksonville, Fla., were expected to visit Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Daniel this week, but were unable to do so on account of Mr. Harris' illness. They are hoping, however to make the visit the coming weekend. ________ County Agent's office advises that new rulings heretofore requiring farmers to plant 80 percent of their cotton acreage allotment have been withdrawn and both parity and other percentages can be secured without planting any cotton. _______ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, April 21, 1939 CENTRALHATCHEE Community News The farmers have been busy the past several days planting corn. _____ The first Sunday in May is annual Decoration Day here. There won't be an all day meeting this year as for two years past, just the morning session. The Sunday school is planning a short program as usual. Also Mrs. Frances Meriwether, formerly Miss Frances Hutchens of Newnan, is expected to be here with her Quartet. ______ On Wednesday before the first Sunday is time to clean up cemetery. If rained out Wednesday come Thursday. Let's meet early as possible and get through so the workers can get back to work. _____ Little Elizabeth and Junior Vaughan of near Ephesus, spent the past week here. ____ Mrs. Joe Merrill and daughters returned home Tuesday of last week after a two weeks stay in Newnan where Vernon underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis. She is doing fine. ______ Miss Opal Houston spent last week at home. Her parents were both sick. ______ Bessie Vaughan has been in most of last week on account of poisen. ______ D.B. Eley and family of LaGrange, spent last weekend with his mother, Mrs. Dollie Eley, who is still in bed. _____ Jessie Ballard has been suffering with his back. ______ Robert and Mrs. Merrill visited their daughter, Mrs. Emmett Jackson near Handy Sunday. ____ Mrs. Kay Thompson and Mrs. Jesse Ballard were in Carrollton shopping last Saturday. ______ GLENN Community News Leon and Mrs. Gross of Montgomery, Ala., spent the weekend here visiting their parents. _____ B.T. Adams of Rome, spent the weekend in our midst. _____ Ridley and Mrs. McClain, of Akron, Ohio are visiting relatives here. Mr McClain will return Saturrday but Mrs. McClain will spend several weeks with her parents, P.A. and Mrs. Laws. ____ Eunice O'Neal of LaGrange visited her parents several days this week. ____ Jesse Williams and family of Columbus were the guests of Mrs. A.P. Gross Sunday. ____ A baseball club was been organized at Glenn. _____ Miss Ozella Adams has accepted a position with Bibb Mfg. Co. at Columbus. _____ Mrs. Lon Smith continues very feeble. ______ Carl and Mrs. Crouch of Warm Springs, were callers in our ville Sunday. ____ Succumbing to an illness that lasted for a considerable period, Mrs. W.S. Hubbard died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.P. Shackelford on Jackson Street, Newnan. She was 78 years of age. _______ William E. Lee was held in jail in Newnan this week charged with murder in connection with the death of R.E.L. Jones one of Carroll's most widely known citizens who died of injuries received Saturday April 1 when he was struck by an automobile which plunged through a burning bridge over the Chattahoochee River. ____ Although "officially" retired on a pension by his employers, J. Frank McSwain, 90, master pattern maker of a large Newnan manufacturing concern, refuses to quite his job after having worked 62 years for the same firm. Mr. McSwain still comes to his bench every morning. He is a native Heard countian. ______ SIMPSON Community News Mrs. Ridley Cavender, a recent bride, was given a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wilson Hardy. A large crowd attended. The bride received many useful gifts. ______ Noah and Mrs. Folds went down to Union Grove Saturday to visit Rev. Lovic Hunter and wife, several more going down Sunday to attend church services. They reported a nice time and splendid services. _____ Leonard and Mrs. Hardy announce the birth of a son, who has been given the name Charlie Jack. _____ Henry Hardy and family of Newnan, Artis Hardy and family of LaGrange, visited relatives here Sunday. _______ Miss Ina Hardy of Newnan and Miss Eunice Hardy spent Sunday with Miss Arnell Hardy. ________ Homer Wright of Columbus spent the weekend with homefolks. ________ WARESVILLE Community News L.B. and Mrs. Arnett have a little baby boy; Ledford and Mrs. Cook a new baby girl. _______ Mr. Elton Moore is real feeble these days and is not doing so well. ______ Sorry to learn of the operation of Olive Moore and Horace Holderfield. _____ Mrs. Matti Kitchens is improving we are glad to say. _____ Elton Middlebrooks has been sick with flu over a week. ____ Clyde Drummond is sick with flu. ____ Cohen and Mrs. Arnett, Bonner and Mrs. Drummond spent last weekend with Morgan and Mrs. Drummond at Fairfax, Ala. _______ Walt Stephens has been real sick but is better. ____ Carl and Mrs. Crouch, Ernest and Mrs. Sanders have new babies at their house. ______ ELERY Community News We are sorry to hear about Rufus Ridley being sick although he is better. ______ Mrs. Meachem of Lime. , Ala., spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Grady Bailey. _____ HOME NEWS, SUGGESTIONS, GOSSIP Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Goodson spent Tuesday afternoon in Atlanta. _____ Miss Mary Whitaker of Hogansville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Whitaker. ______ Mr. J.M. Mullins of Durand, visited Mr. Stephen McCutchen Monday. ______ Miss Mozelle Owensby of Atlanta spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Owensby. ______ Mrs. Wallace Bonner of Barnesville is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Adams. _______ Mrs. P.T. McCutchen and Mr. Stephen McCutchen leave today to visit relatives in Holly Springs, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn. ______ Mr. H.H. Shackelford has sold out his interests at Heflin, Ala, and returned to the old family home at New River. His many friends are pleased to welcome him back. ______ Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Denney have been spending the time this week in the upper section of the county at the beside of the former's aged mother, Mrs. C.M. Denney who is seriously ill. _____ Sheriff Bledsoe brought the Wood negro from Atlanta this week for further investigation. His identification removed him from connection with Heard County murder 20 years ago and he was returned to the custody of Atlanta authorities. ______ TEXAS Community News There is lots of flu in the community. ___ Almon Drummond is very ill at present. ___ E.J. Mulkey an family spent the weekend with relatives in Hogansville. __ Granny Kitchens is very feeble at this writing. _______ Mrs. George Harris died Wednesday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Golden. It was a very sad affair. The undertakers came from Langdale for the body. _______ The shower at the home of Mrs. Mose Drummond honoring Mrs. Buck Golden was enjoyed by a large crowd. ______ Mrs. E.J. Mulkey spent a few days last week with her brother, Troy LIttlefield, in LaGrange. ____ Will and Mrs. Sears of Woodland, Ala., spent Wednesday with relatives here. _____ Miss Era Mulkey has returned home after a three week visit with relatives in Hogansville. _____ Louise, Marvin and Albert Cooper spent the week end with their parents, Charlies and Mrs. Cooper. ____ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/heard/newspapers/gnw266newspape.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 20.9 Kb