Heard County GaArchives News.....Newspaper Notices for January 1941 January 31 1941 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00023.html#0005680 September 20, 2004, 5:47 pm News and Banner, Heard Co GA NEWSPAPER NOTICES FROM "THE NEWS AND BANNER", HEARD COUNTY, GEORGIA FOR JANUARY 1941 NEWSPAPER Issue of January 10, 1941 E.B. BARKER PASSES AT RIPE AGE OF 79 Funeral services were held Friday in Ephesus church for E.B. Barker, 79, native and lifelong resident of the Loftin section of Heard County, who died of a stroke Wednesday while visiting a daughter near Villa Rica. The Rev. W. Yarbrough officiated, and burial was in the churchyard. Surviving are five daughters; Mrs. Ida Jackson, Mrs. Effie Gore, Mrs. Netta Bailey, Mrs. Dora Bailey, Mrs. Doshie Sheets; two sons, Jeff and Chester Barker; 15 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. __ LEGAL NOTICE - - YEAR'S SUPPORT Georgia, Heard County The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months' support to the family of E.E. Cavender, deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the 1st Monday in Feb. 1941, why said application for twelve months' support should not be granted. This Jan 6, 1941. Louise Sledge, Ordinary ___ POPULAR COUPLE CELEBRATE 60th WEDDED YEAR Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Ware, prominent Heard County couple, this week were congratulating them upon having reached their 60th wedding anniversary. The event was celebrated on December 22 at the Ware country home near Franklin, where they have lived since the first year of their marriage. Mr. Ware is 81 and Mrs. Ware 78 years old. Mrs. Ware was the former Miss Sarah Kendrick. She attended old College Temple in Newnan and has several classmates still living. __ LEGAL NOTICE - - Administration Georgia, Heard County To All Whom It May Concern: J.H. Brown, a distributee of the estate of Mrs. Mary Lester, deceased, late of said county, having petitioned that the administration of the estate of said estate vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county or some other fit and proper person; this is to notify the creditors, heirs at law, parties interested, to show cause at the February term of the Court of Ordinary of said state and county, 1941, why the administration of said estate should not vest as prayed. Witness the hand and official signature of the Ordinary, this 8th day of January 1941. ______ GLENN Community News I.Q. Adams left Monday to accept a position in Columbus. __ Walter Allen of Greenwood, Miss., visited relatives and friends here Christmas. __ Miss Mary Nell Gambol who has been in training in New Orleans, has gone to Charleston, S.C. to live with her brother Lynn Gambol who has a position in the navy yard there. __ Miss Katherine Adams and Frederick Hunter were married Sunday night. We wish them much happiness throughout life. __ HOME NEWS, SUGGESTIONS, GOSSIP Threshing Notice - - Will thresh cane seeds, oats and other grains on Saturdays only at Centralhatchee. R.L. Merrill __ Mr. Everett Henchcliff spent the weekend at Chelybeate Springs. __ Mrs. R.R. Smith and Miss Margaret Smith have returned from Chattanooga where they spent the holidays. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of January 17, 1941 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for acts of kindness and condolence in the recent illness and death of our son and brother, Bernard McCullough. J.B. McCullough and Family __ Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Evans, of Greensboro, announce the engagment of their daughter, Mary Virginia, to Mr. William Archer Evans, the wedding to be solemnized at the home on January 23. The popular young couple are not related. Mr. Evans is the only son of Mrs. Sallie Evans of Greensville, and is a nephew of Mrs. B.F. Cagle and Mr. A.D. Archer of Franklin. Many friends here waft advance congratulations. __ Mrs. Grady Dennis recently had as her guests, her mother, Mrs. John Cooper of Roanoke, Ala., also Mrs. Earl Cooper of Roanoke and Mrs. Frank Barker and children of Lake City, Fla. __ MIDDLEBROOK's X-ROADS Community News The community was saddened Jan 8th by the death of Bernard McCullough. He was a deacon of the Bethel Christian church here. He will be greatly missed. __ Mrs. Elton Moore visited her daughter, Mrs. Horace Holdenfield of Stroud, Ala., last week. __ HOME NEWS, SUGGESTIONS, GOSSIP Mrs. Edna Hargrave and granddaughter Marsha Foxen of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. M.S. Hopson of Hogansville, spent the weekend with Mrs. H.D. Daniel. __ Two-horse farm for rent, 2 miles east of Glenloch. 11 acre cotton allotment. Would like to rent to someone on F.S.A. If interested, write or see Mrs. T.J. Millican or W.C. Copeland, Bowdon, GA. __ Mr. and Mrs. Wiley McGinty, Atlanta, announce the birth of a son, who has been given the name of Jere. Mrs. McGinty will be remembered as Miss Elizabeth Smith, formerly of Franklin. __ The many friends of Dr. C.M. Mickle will regret to learn that he is in the hospital in Roanoke, and it is expected that his other foot will have to be amputated. __ NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, January 31, 1940 MT. PLEASANT Community News We are sorry to say that Aunt Nicie Cooley has been right sick but we understand she is better. She is in her 84th year. __ We are sorry to say Mrs. J.T. Nelms is right sick at present. __ Ye scribe is suffering very much with that dreadful thing you call rheumatism. __ HOME NEWS, SUGGESTIONS, GOSSIP Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Partain of Hogansville, announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Jo, to James Searcey Veal of Franklin, the marriage to be solemnized on February 15th. __ Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Pollard arrived this week and reside with Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Jones. Mr. Pollard will operate the Franklin barber shop next to Goodson's. __ Revenue officer, J.J. Arrington this week captured three large distilling outfits, one 60 gal. some 3 miles of Glenn on the old Davis place, another 2 miles SE of Texas on the Dowdy place, while the big catch was down near the line of Troup where a 1500 gal. outfit was found fired up and ready to run but no whiskey. The men fled, but one was captured. __ Henry Stinson, colored, died Friday from hemorrhagic tuberculosis. Henry could do most any kind of work and will be missed by the many people he served. __ Mrs. W.M. Paschal hs been confined to her room by illness the past week. __ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/heard/newspapers/gnw284newspape.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/gafiles/ File size: 6.9 Kb